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1、 本科毕业设计说明书题 目:30kt/a粗甲醇联醇法合成、精馏工艺设计学生XX:学 院:化工学院系 别:化学工程系专 业:化学工程与工艺班 级:指导教师: 摘 要甲醇是一种重要的有机化工原料,应用广泛,可以用来生产甲醛、合成橡胶、甲胺、氯甲烷、醋酸等一系列有机化工产品。生产甲醇的方法很多,联醇生产充分利用了现有合成氨生产装置,只需增添甲醇合成与精馏两套设备就可生产甲醇。本设计对甲醇性质用途,国外甲醇工业现状,生产方法、原料与厂址选择以与环保做了简单介绍,并且通过全厂工艺流程概述、煤的气化、气体的脱硫、变换、脱碳、合成气压缩、甲醇合成以与甲醇精馏八个方面。详细的阐述了30kt/a粗甲醇从原料到最

2、终产品的工艺路线。本设计过程进行了甲醇合成、精馏工段的工艺计算,工艺计算为物料平衡计算和热量平衡计算,主要容是关于整个工艺过程中的物料质量守恒和物料热量守恒,包括主要设备的进出口的物料质量守恒和物料热量守恒以与一些换热设备的计算,如冷凝器的计算。除此之外还绘制了设备一览表、物料流程图、甲醇合成、精馏工段工艺管道与仪表流程图、甲醇合成、精馏工段设备布置图。关键词:甲醇;联醇;合成;精馏AbstractMethanol is a kind of important organic chemical raw material, it can be used to produce a series o

3、f organic chemical products, like formaldehyde, synthetic rubber, monomethylamine, choromethane and acetic acid so on. In fact, there are many processes for methanol synthesis, while combined methanol production makes full use of the process units of the synthesis ammonia, only 2 sets of equipments

4、for methanol synthesis and rectification are needed to produce methanol.The design of methanol, carbinol industry properties, production methods, materials and site selection and environmental protection to a simple, and through the whole process of coal gasification, and gas desulfurization, transf

5、orm, decarburization, syngas compression, methanol synthesis and methanol distillation eight aspects were introduced in the paper. Annual 30kt coarse methanol from raw materials to the final product were described in detail.The design process of methanol synthesis, distillation process of calculatio

6、n, process units calculation for the material balance calculation and heat equilibrium calculation. The main content of the process of calculation is about in the whole process of mass, including the main material of import and export of equipment material quality conservation and heat equilibrium c

7、alculationand heat transmission equipment of the calculation, like the condenserof the calculation. In addition to the selection of equipment do condensator, the methanol synthesisand distillation units equipment checklists, methanol synthesis distillation units, process piping material flow chart,

8、equipment and instrument and piping layout plans were drawn.Keywords:Methanol; Combined methanol production; Synthesis; Distillation目 录引 言.1第一章 甲醇概况.21.1 甲醇性质与用途.21.2 甲醇生产方法简介.2第二章 原料与厂址的选择.42.1 原料的选择.42.1.1 生产甲醇的原料.42.1.2 原料路线确定依据.42.1.3 原料的来源与运输贮存.42.2 厂址方案.5第三章 工艺路线.63.1 全厂工艺流程概述.63.2 煤的气化.63.3 气

9、体的脱硫.73.3.1 概述.73.3.2 湿式栲胶法脱硫特点.83.4 变换.83.4.1 概述.83.4.2 变换工艺流程.83.5 脱碳.93.5.1 概述.93.5.2 脱碳方法.93.6 合成气压缩.93.7 甲醇合成.103.7.1 甲醇合成工艺原理.103.7.2 甲醇合成技术.113.8 甲醇精馏.113.8.1 概述.113.8.2 甲醇精馏原理.123.8.3 三塔精馏和双塔精馏的比较.123.8.4 双塔精馏工艺流程简述.12第四章 环境保护.144.1 环保治理措施.144.2 预期效果.14第五章 甲醇合成工序工艺计算.155.1 甲醇合成物料衡算.155.1.1 设计条件与数据处理.155.2 热量衡算.255.2.1 甲醇合成塔热量平衡计算.255.2.2 甲醇水冷凝器的热量平衡计算.27第六章 甲醇精馏工序工艺计算.306.1 预塔物料、热量衡算.



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