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1、宝马格(中国)工程机械有限公司BOMAG (China)Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.施 工 监 理 规 划Supervision Plan April 2006上海同济建设监理咨询有限公司Shanghai Tongji Project Management and Consulting Co. Ltd目 录Table of Contents一. 工程概况 Project Outline3二. 监理工程范围 Scope of Supervision3三. 监理工作内容 Supervision Content3四. 监理工作目标 Supervision Targ

2、et3五. 监理工作依据 Basis of Supervision Work4六. 监理组织机构及监理工程师职责 Organization and the responsibilities of the supervisors4七. 监理工作程序及流程 Supervision process and work flow9八. 工程质量控制的监理措施 Supervision measure of quality control21十. 根据本工程特点而制定的监控要点Supervision points made according to the characters of the project

3、:25十一. 根据本工程特点而制定的监测手段和保证措施Supervision means and guarantee measure made according to the features of the project36十二. 需旁站监理的重要部位工序清单 The part need stander-by supervision44十三. 监理工作制度 Supervision Teams working system46十四. 监理资料的提供 Providing of supervision documents53十五. 现场安全和文明管理方案Management of safety

4、and construction civilization54一. 工程概况 Project Outline工程名称:宝马格(中国)工程机械有限公司Project: BOMAG (China)Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.工程建设地点:上海市工业综合开发区(奉贤)Project Location: Shanghai Comprehensive Industrial Zone(Fengxian)监理工程项目范围:一个主厂房(一层,局部二层),一个门卫一个天燃气站及设备安装Scope of Supervision: One main workshop (one s

5、torey, partially two storey) a gate house and a LNG station, installation of utilities.工程工期: 2006年12月31日Completion date: December 31st, 2006工程造价:32,000,000元人民币(General Contractors bid )Construction cost: 32,000,000 RMB监理服务期:监理合同(及协议)生效之日起至工程通过正式验收、且工程文件完成、政府主管部门的登记备案止。Supervision Duration:Start from

6、 effectiveness of Supervision Contract (and the agreement) to the project is accepted by government; the construction documents are completed and registered by the related government department. 二. 监理工程范围 Scope of Supervision负责对总承包合同范围内所有工程建设进行质量和安全监理All the Works included in the Construction Contra

7、ct三. 监理工作内容 Supervision Content质量和安全控制。Quality and Safty control 审核各施工单位的工程竣工资料。Review of all construction contractors as-built documentations 四. 监理工作目标 Supervision Target 1. 工期目标Target of time control: 2006年12 月31日前 by Dec.31 2006 2. 质量等级 Quality grade:合格工程 Accepted work3. 安全目标Safety target:无重大安全责任

8、事故。No serious safety accident. 4. 文明施工目标Construction civilization target:创施工文明工地。Make a civilized site 五. 监理工作依据 Basis of Supervision Work1. 工程合同文件:建设工程委托监理合同和 建设工程施工合同。Project contract documents: A Commission Construction Supervision Contract for Project Construction and Contract for Project Constr

9、uction2. 设计文件:经过批准的设计图纸、技术说明和其它设计文件,施工组织设计(方案)及设计交底和图纸会审的会议纪要等。Design document: approved design drawings, technical specification and other design document, record of explanation meeting of construction method (or management plan) and design, and minutes of drawing explanation meeting etc.3. 国家及上海市强

10、制性规范,质量验收规范和有关标准。The compulsory codes and quality acceptance codes of China and Shanghai and relevant standard. 六. 监理组织机构及监理工程师职责 Organization and the responsibilities of the supervisors1. 监理的组织结构 Organization本项目由总监现场代表负责与业主及项目管理公司的日常联系,并领导现场项目监理机构,监督工程项目的正常实施,确保业主和项目管理公司能在任何时间了解项目的实施情况。如业主和项目管理公司发现

11、监理单位的现场管理人员不称职,有权要求监理单位撤换,替换人员需经业主和项目管理公司审定。TJPM appoints a representative of general supervision engineer to contact with the Bomag and SIP, and organize a site Supervision Team under his leadership; sipervise construction of the project, guarantee Bomag and SIP can know execution of the project at

12、 any time. Bomag and SIP can ask the supervision co. to change the personnel who is found unemployable by Bomag and SIP at any time. The personnel to be changed will be examined by Bomag and SIP.监理是以全职身份负责工程质量控制、协助业主和项目管理公司对工程成本的管理及进度的控制,施工的督导,以确保工程质量合格。Jianli is in charge of the quality control, co

13、st management, progress control and supervision of construction in full time to guarantee the project quality is ok.另外,同济派驻工地的监理工程师将全程督导现场的施工。施工进度、问题和解决方法一个月汇报一次,并以标准格式向业主和项目管理公司提出书面报告。In addition, the Supervision Engineers sent by TJPM will supervise the whole course of construction. The progress,

14、problem and resolution will be reported monthly to Bomag and SIP in standard written report. Representative of C.S.E 总监代表Shanghai Tongji Project Management and Consulting Co. Ltd (TJPM)同济监理公司Chief Supervision Engineer总监 (C.S.E)Document control文档Civil土建& E安装2. 监理工程师职责与权限 Liability and purview of Supe

15、rvision Engineer总监理工程师职责与权限 Liability and purview of C.S.E.l 确定项目监理机构人员的分工和岗位职责; Decide the work and post responsibilities of the supervisorsl 主持编写项目监理规划、审批项目监理实施细则,并负责管理项目监理机构的日常工作;Organize to prepare the supervision plan, approve the detailed supervision rules, and control the daily work of the Supervision Team.l 审查分包商的资质,并提出审查意见;Examine the qualification of the sub-contractor and make comments;l 检查和监督监理人员的工作,根据工程项目的进展情况可进行人员调配,对不称职的人员应调换其工作;Check and supervise the supervis



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