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1、江苏省海安县海陵中学2020届九年级英语下学期第二次模拟考试试题(无答案)( 考试时间:120分钟 满分120分)第卷(选择题 共60分)一、单项选择(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项途黑。1. _ pity! I missed _ one-hour speech by President Xi Jinping yesterday. A. What a; the B. How;anC. What; anD. How; the2. Could I_ your CD player, please? Sorry.

2、_ is broken.A. borrow; Mine B. lend; MyC. borrow; My D. lend; Mine3. Your coffee smells_! Its from Canada. Would you like _?A. well; it B. nice; some C. nicely; this D. badly; little4. The Chinese actress Fan Bingbing wore a traditional dress which attracted the worlds _ at Cannes Film Festival. A.

3、inventionB. celebrationC. attentionD. function5. Some people like iphone 5 _ much that they want it to be on Chinas market as soon as possible. A. veryB. quiteC. tooD. so6. Whats your plan for the coming summer holiday? Ill devote as much time as I can _ some voluntary work. A. to doB. doingC. doD.

4、to doing7. I can hardly believe my eyes! Are you really Mary? Yes. Its a long time _ we last met. A. sinceB. beforeC. untilD. after8. Mobile phones and electronic calculators _ be brought in the test rooms at exam times. A. couldntB. neednt C. dont have to D. mustnt9. Whether Neil Armstrong was warn

5、ed to _ by the aliens is still a myth. A. wash away B. keep awayC. send awayD. put away10. Though he works as _ as before, he is paid much _. A. hardly; littleB. hard; littleC. hardly; lessD. hard; less11. Theres no doubt that poisonous capsules(胶囊) will appear again unless the producers _ strictly.

6、 A. have punishedB. punishC. are punishedD. are punishing12. Why is there so much noise in the classroom? The students are discussing _ a camping trip to South Hill next weekend. A. how they will take B. when will they takeC. where they would take D. what would they take13. When did the new Wenfeng

7、Shopping Mall open? It _ for nearly half a year. A. has openedB. has been openC. was openedD. had been open14. Dont believe everything on the Internet, _? _. The teacher has told us to pay more attention to online safety. A. dont you; I willB. do you; I wontC. wont you; I will D. will you; I wont15.

8、 The music is too loud. Could you turn it down, please? _ A. Sure. Thank you for telling me. B. Sorry, I didnt notice it. C. Well, Im glad to hear that.D. OK, go ahead. 二、完形填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。About a year ago, a couple with 3 children moved int

9、o the apartment next door to me. I never heard any noise from the children, but the parents were always 16 them, in a frightening way. We met often in the hallway when we were coming or going. I always spoke, but the only 17 I ever got was a hello from the 4-year-old girl. I usually go out for break

10、fast and one day when I returned they were just coming from their apartment and the little girl was holding the door open for others. I stayed in the car doing unnecessary things as I wasnt in a 18 . The parents were telling her to get into the car immediately. I looked up and saw the little girl wa

11、s still holding the door open, waiting for 19 . As a disabled man, I cant hurry at 20 , but I hurried as much as I could and thanked her. She was smiling like a lovely angel. I was so 21 by her small act of kindness. That afternoon I was shopping and I saw a white bear. I thought of the 22 and said

12、to myself. “I believe she would like that” so I bought it. The next day there was a knock on the door and it was the little girl and her parents. She was so 23 of her bear and thanked me as if I had never been thanked before. The mother and father 24 thanked me. Now when we meet in the hall we all s

13、peak, and in a friendly manner I might add. As time passes, I dont hear that shouting as often. 25 , hardly at all. Last night we had about four inches of 26 . I looked out at my car and wondered 27 I was going to keep my doctors appointment(约会). When I opened the outside door, there was my car with

14、 all the snow cleaned. I cant express how I felt at that moment. The man next door was the only person I knew in the whole building, 28 when I saw him the next day, I asked him if he was the good man that cleaned my snow. He said 29 . He wanted to but his wife said she wanted to do it. Isnt it amazing that a 4-year-old girl can change so many things for the better? My guardian angel(守护天使) says that good things usually come from 30 . 16. A. worrying aboutB. shou


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