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1、考研考博-考博英语-首都经济贸易大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题Physics is( )to the science which was called natural philosophy in history.问题1选项A.alikeB.equivalentC.likelyD.uniform【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。alike“相同的,相似的”;equivalent“相等的,相同的”;likely “可能的,预料的,有希望的”;uniform “一致的,统一的”。句意:物理学也相当于一门科学,在历史上这门科学被称为自然哲学。根据Physics和science 之间的逻辑关系可知B项

2、符合题意,因此选B。2. 翻译题Translate the following into English (15%)在团队内部建立友谊团队的领导者耍懂得如何利用友谊的力量来加强团队合作。在正式的团体会议中,营造一种轻松、友好的气氛非常重要。要努力创造一种氛围使每个成员的发言都得到充分的尊重,让每个人可以畅所欲言。想做到这一点,就要使队员们尽量以朋友,而非同事的方式,来处理相互关系;鼓励每个成员在工作、会议之外进行交谈,多作接触,在轻松的气氛中自由地交换意见和看法。多安排社交活动,创造大家在工作之余聚会碰头的机会,在取得成功时举办庆祝活动等,都有利于团队成员之间建立真正的朋友关系,有利于团结团队

3、,使之成为一个整体。【答案】Build Friendship in a TeamTeam leader should know how to enhance teamwork by using the power of friendship. In a formal group meeting, efforts should be made to build a pleasant and friendly atmosphere in which each members speech is fully respected and everyone can speak freely. In or

4、der to do this, the team member should be regarded as friends not colleagues, and moreover, each of them should be encouraged to communicate and contact after work and meeting and exchange views in a comfortable atmosphere. Organizing social events, creating opportunities for people to meet outside

5、of office, and holding celebrations to celebrate success help to build true friendship and unite the team as a whole.3. 单选题No one can function if they are( )of adequate sleep.问题1选项A.deprivedB.rippedC.strippedD.contrived【答案】A【解析】动词辨析题。A选项deprive“使丧失,剥夺”,常和介词of搭配;B选项rip“撕裂”;C选项strip “剥去”;D选项contrive“谋

6、划,设法做到”。句意:如果剥夺了充足的睡眠,没有人能正常工作。deprive和strip都有剥夺的意思,但是strip较普遍,多指剥削金钱,土地等物质上的东西。而deprive除了前面的意思,还可以特指权利,势力等东西。所以选项A更符合语境。4. 单选题Museum is a slippery word.It first meant (in Greek) anything consecrated to the Muses: a hill, a shrine, a garden, a festival or even a textbook.Both Platos Academy and Aris

7、totles Lyceum had a mouseion, a muses shrine.Although the Greeks already collected detached works of art, many temples notably that of Hera at Olympia (before which the Olympic flame is still lit) had collections of objects, some of which were works of art by well-known masters, while paintings and

8、sculptures in the Alexandrian Museum were incidental to its main purpose.The Romans also collected and exhibited art from disbanded temples, as well as mineral specimens, exotic plants, animals; and they plundered sculptures and paintings (mostly Greek) for exhibition, Meanwhile, the Greek word had

9、slipped into Latin by transliteration (though not to signify picture galleries, which were called pinacothecae) and museum still more or less meant “Muses shrine”The inspirational collections of precious and semi-precious objects were kept in larger churches and monasteries which focused on the gold

10、-enshrined, bejeweled relics of saints and martyrs.Princes, and later merchants, had similar collections, which became the deposits of natural curiosities: large lumps of amber or coral, irregular pearls, unicorn horns, ostrich eggs, fossil bones and so on.They also included coins and gems often ant

11、ique engraved ones as well as, increasingly, paintings and sculptures.As they multiplied and expanded, to supplement them, the skill of the fakers grew increasingly refined.At the same time, visitors could admire the very grandest paintings and sculptures in the churches, palaces and castles; they w

12、ere not collected either, but site-specific, and were considered an integral part both of the fabric of the buildings and of the way of life which went on inside them and most of the buildings were public ones.However, during the revival of antiquity in the fifteenth century, fragments of antique sc

13、ulpture were given higher status than the work of any contemporary, so that displays of antiquities would inspire artists to imitation, or even better, to emulation, and so could be considered Muses shrines in the former sense.The Medici garden near San Marco in Florence, the Belvedere and the Capit

14、ol in Rome were the most famous of such early inspirational collections.Soon they multiplied, and gradually, exemplary modem works were also added to such galleries.In the seventeenth century, scientific and prestige collecting became so widespread that three or four collectors independently publish

15、ed directories to museums all over the known world.But it was the age of revolutions and industry which produced the next sharp shift in the way the institution was perceived: the fury against royal and church monuments prompted antiquarians to shelter them in asylum galleries, of which the Musee de

16、s Monuments Francais was the most famous.Then, in the first half of the nineteenth century, museum funding took off, allied to the rise of new wealth: London acquired the National Gallery and the British Museum, the Louvre was organized, the Museum-Insel was begun in Berlin, and the Munich galleries were built.In Vienna, the huge Kunsthistorische


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