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1、代词,it的用法和强调句型近几年高考代词的考查点集中在不定代词上:一是考查它们相互间的意义和功能差别;二 是考查它们之间语法特征的差异。因此试题设计注重了情景干扰,注重了特定语言环境中 上下文的联系,而且题干的语义结构越来越复杂。特别加强对语义较丰富、语法较复杂的 不定代词的考查。一、人称代词1, 分清主格、宾格、所有格(形容词性的和名词性的物主代词)(his, mine,its)Lgave the book to him.My book is different from hers. (= her book)2, 人称代词使用时注意的几点:1)This is a photo of his.

2、This is one of his photos.2)Who is knocking at the door?It s me.3)_ You , he and I are good friends.(注意排序)I, he and you will be punished by our teacher.(承认错误 )3, 作主语的人称代词如果孤立使用于无谓语动词的句中,常用宾格。Does any of you know where Tom lives? Me.I d like some juice. What about you?-Me, too.4, 在比较级的句中,than, as之后人称

3、代词的使用I run faster than he.(him)I run faster than he does.5, we, you 和 one常用来泛指人(man men 指人类)One should always love onecountry .二、 指示代词(this that these those suchsame)1, this和that可以用来表示程度,做状语I don t think she is that foolish (a girl).2, 使用 “ same”须用定冠词“ the ” the sameSuch (主语)were his words.(这样的人 /物)

4、3, this (这)可以用来指代现在已经叙述的事情或接着将要叙述的事情;that (那)用来指代之前已经叙述的事情。This is what I thought.She was ill . That is why she didn tme .4,that(不可数名词和可数名词单数)=the one (可数名词)和 those=the ones(复数)有时用来指代前面提到的东西,以避免重复。I prefer the information you give to that heard by myself.(information 不可数名词 )Equipped with modern faci

5、lities , todays libraries differ greatly frottnose of the past.The flowers here aren tso beautiful as those in your gardenThe water in the rivers is usually cleaner than that in the wells 三反身代词by oneselfof oneself(自动、主动) for oneself(为 自己、亲自) enjoy oneselfhelp oneself (to) seat oneself=be seated talk

6、 to oneself be not oneself 不舒服 make oneself at home (别拘束)feel (like / quite)oneself (觉得身体情况正常)四不定代词1, both schools 复数) neither kid (单数)either side (使用范围;两者)2, all none any (使用范围;三者)either (副词,也)neither (副词,也不)He doesntlike English , either。He doesntlike English and neither do I 。all the morning = th

7、e whole morning3, every(三个以上)each (两个以上)Each ticket costs 10 dollars. Each of the boys has a book.We each have a book.Every ticket costs 10 dollars.4, some anyWould you like some more food?Why didn buy some flowersHe was born in some=a certain place in the south of China.Please call me if you have a

8、ny questions.注意:部分否定和全部否定( both、every, all、everything, everyone, everybody ) Such a thing cantbe found everywhere。Both books are not expensive.Not both books are expensive.Neither book is expensive.5. 复合不定代词:somethinganythingeverythingnothingsomeoneanyoneeveryoneno one(nobody)Someone of us wants to

9、join the army.nothing but anything butYou are anything but brave.She is something of a doctor.侈少有点)He is a doctor or something.(或是什么的; 或是 之类的)Something like大致;差不多6. manymucha few - a little/a bitfew-littleFew of us are / is rich.7. each otherone another8. other-the other others-the others another(又一

10、,再一,另一 )One the other (two )some.others I have two sisters . One is a doctor , and the other is a teacher .(2)There are many students on the playground . Some are playing football and others are playing basketball .(3)Lei Feng always help others ,(4)I always help the others in our class .(5)Show me

11、another cup, please !(6)We need another five chairs .= We need five more chairs .another day (改天)the other day9. none =no + 名词(人、物), nothing (物) nobody ( no one)(人) How much money do you have? None.What are you doing? Nothing.Who is in the classroom? No one.10.one(ones)何数)the one(the ones) that(thos

12、e)(可数、不可数)it (可数、不可数) (they/them)(可数复数)I ve lost my pen . I canfind _it . I will buy oneIs this factory the one you visited yesterday ?Mr. Zhang gave me a gift, one (that)I will treasure forever.Few pleasures can equal that(=the pleasure.) of a cool drink on a hot day. The book on the desk is older

13、than that /the one under the desk.It的用法(含强调句型)一,指代时间、距离、金钱,自然现象等Its about 5 minutes walk .二,作人称代词(指代所提到过的事、想法、性别不明的人或动物、也可指代未指明但双方都明白的事等)It doesnt matter.-Who is knocking at the door?-It s me .English is very important and you will realize it some day .三,作形式主语或形式宾语,代替不定式,动名词,或从句。把真正主语/宾语放在后边,保持句子平衡。

14、常见句型:主语+谓语+it+宾补(不定式,动名词,宾语从句)Do you consider it any good trying again ?They want to make it clear to the public that they do an important job .I find it important to learn English .It is important toIt is well known thatIt is no use doingIt is said that有时形式宾语it和真正的宾语之间没有补足语。如:(make it)I hate it whe

15、n people talk with their mouths full . (like)You may depend on it that they will support you . (see to it tha)I would appreciate it if you can help me.I canthelp it if he is always late.As someone puts it, practice makes perfect.When it comes to football, he is more excited.四,强调句型1, 强调谓语用do / does / did只用于一般现在时或一般过去时He does go to school late .2, it引导的强调句型It is / was +被强调的成分(主语,宾语,状语) +that ( who ) +其它成分。It was (not) I who / that met him in the street last week .Wa


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