2021-2022年六年级英语下册 Lesson 11 I love animals教案 陕旅版

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1、2021-2022年六年级英语下册 Lesson 11 I love animals教案 陕旅版本课主要谈论的是关于动物的话题。低年级时,同学们已经学了一些常见的、简单的动物名称。例如:dog, duck, cat等等。这一课我们将要学习更多动物名称。例如:snake, zebra, giraffe, kangaroo等等。还要能用句型 I can see 来描述你所看到的动物以及句型I like best 描述你最喜欢的动物。教学目标和教学重点难点分析:1. 理解会说会写会用动物名词snake, zebra, giraffe, lion, elephant, hippo, monkey, k

2、angaroo, deer, fox, wolf, tiger, panda.2. 能用英语表达自己见过什么样的动物,自己最喜欢的动物,并且能用英语描述某种动物的特点。I saw I can seeMy favourite animal isIts very 3. 提高学生的观察力和注意力,培养他们爱护动物,保护动物的美德。课前准备:教师和学生都准备各种动物的图片。教师用幻灯片准备很多动物的图片。教学过程:1.热身(Warming up)教师和学生一起唱一首歌来做课前的热身活动。然后教师引导学生一起来复习以前学过的动物名词。教师叫一个学生到黑板前面,在耳边轻轻说一个动物名字,让这个学生通过模仿

3、这种动物的声音和动作,其他同学来猜,猜到的同学将会给他们组得一分。做完这个活动,教师和学生快速复习这些动物的名称。复习完动物名称,教师可以和学生之间进行随机对话,询问互相都喜欢什么动物,对下面的学习内容做好铺垫。2.新课展示(New Presentation)1)动物名称的学习教师讲解:我们刚此已经把以前学过的动物名称都复习了,在本节课中我们要学习更多动物的名称。 So lets look at a picture. (用CAI出示本课中 learn to say的图片)T: What can you see in this picture? 在图片里你能看到什么动物?Ss: I can se

4、e some animals. Snake (snakes)- 蛇 | s | Zebra(zebras)-斑马 | z | Elephant( elephants)-大象 | ts | Giraffe( giraffes)-长颈鹿 | s | Lion(lions)-狮子 | z | Hippo(hippos)-河马 | z | Fox(foxes)-狐狸 | s | Wolf( wolves)-狼 | z | Tiger(tigers)-老虎 | z | Kangaroo(kangaroos)-袋鼠 | z | Monkey(monkeys)-猴子 | z | Deer(deer)-鹿 P

5、anda(pandas)-熊猫 | z | T:这里我们要注意这些名词的单数和复数变化。一般的都是在此的末尾加-s, panda-pandas以x,ch,sh结尾的单词加 es, fox-foxes还有部分单词是单复数同型,deer-deer还有部分单词单数变复数时单词完全变形, mouse-mice (老鼠)讲授完单词以后,教师重点引导学生练习这些单词变复数后s的读音。2)用英语描述自己看到了什么动物,喜欢什么动物和最喜欢什么动物。T: 在我们描述图片时,我们一般要用到句型 What can you see in .? I can see For example, What can you

6、see in this picture? I can see many animals.教师用幻灯片出示各种不同的动物图片,给学生10秒钟的时间去记忆,然后让学生说出他们都看到了什么动物。 T: What can you see in the picture? S1: I can see a panda. S2: I can see a giraffe. S3: I can see a goat. S4: I can see an elephant. S5: I can see a snake. S6: I can see a hippo. T: So in the picture, what

7、 animal do you like best? I like pandas best. 所以当我们想要询问别人最喜欢什么时,我们可以说 What do you like best? I like best.教师和学生之间进行随机的变化,操练句型。我们还可以说 What is you favorite animal? Panda is my favorite animal.学习完本课知识点之后,教师引导学生编对话来进行复习。A:I had go to the zoo last Sunday.B: What did you see?A: I saw many lovely animals.B:

8、 What are they?A: They are giraffes, monkeys, deer, pandas, kangaroos and zebras.B: What animal do you like best?A: I like pandas best because they are so fat and move slowly.B: Pandas are really lovely animals.3. 小结本节课我们主要学习了各种动物的名称,并且学习了询问别人看到了什么动物,喜欢什么动物,以及用英语来对这些问题做出回答。4. 巩固练习教师让学生两个人一组,互相来复习所学过

9、的动物名词。教师可以建议学生用简单的句子来描述自己的喜欢的动物,然后让对方猜出来。 A: What animal do you like? B: Its white and lovely. It has red eyes and long ears. It likes eating cabbiages and carrorts. What is it? A: You like rabbits. A: What animal do you like? B: Its very tall and strong. It has four long legs and it can run very fa

10、st.People likes riding it.A: You like horses.5. 听录音,学习课文A:What did the girl see in Beijing Zoo?B: She saw kangaroos. She likes kangaroos best.A: What did the second boy see in the zoo?B: He saw tigers, monkeys, deer and wolves.A: What does he like best?B: He likes pandas best.6. Do the exercises. Le

11、ts practise ()本道题要求我们用到地理知识把动物和国家联系起来。When I was in Australia, I saw kangaroos.When I was in Africa, I saw giraffes.When I was in China, I saw pandas.When I was in America, I saw lions. Lets practise () 做这道题时,我们要先看后面描述动物特点的句子,然后判断那是什么动物。 Kangaroos are interesting. They have bags on their bodies. Pan

12、das are fat and lovely. They have slowly. Giraffes are tall. They have long necks. Elephants are very big. They can do a lot of work for people.附送:2021-2022年六年级英语下册 Lesson 12 Take care of the trees教案 陕旅版 本课谈论的主要话题是大自然的草木,从而涉及到了一个更高的话题:environment protection ( 环境保护)。 人们要爱护这美丽的大自然。 We must take care o

13、f them. 学生能听懂,会说,会写与植物有关的名词和动词短语。能够用英语描述自己所看到的自然景色, You can find many tall trees in it. The grass is green and the flowers are sweet. 教学目标:1. 听懂,会说会写和植物有关的一些名词和动词短语。a lily, grass, dig a hole, plant trees pick flowers, cut a tree.2. 学习运用情态动词,can, cant, must, should. You can find many We cant pick flo

14、wers ( cut the tree). We must (should) take care of the them.3. 能用英语来表达自己所看到的美丽景色,描述美丽的花, 可爱的草, 高大的树 并能用英语描述种树木, 栽花的过程。4. 培养学生热爱大自然,爱护花草树木的良好行为习惯。教学重点难点分析: 1. 学习用英语来描述种花种树的步骤。 2. 学习情态动词的用法。can , cant, must, should. 课前准备: 教师准备录音机,磁带,动物园和公园的图片以及有百合花玫瑰花,草,树的图片。教学过程:1.热身(Warming up)教师和学生一起来复习上节课所学过的动物名称,并且用学过的句型 What animals do you like best? 说出自己最喜欢的动物。教师出示动物园的图片,要求学生与学生进行对话。S1:Whats this?S2: Its a zoo.S1: What can you see in the zoo?S2: I can see many animals.S1: What animals can you see?S2: I can see a tiger, a panda, an elephant and a


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