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1、22春社区服务离线作业二及答案参考1. Ecommerce is presenting a lot of new jobs at level.A) entryB) entranceC) entrenchmentE-commerce is presenting a lot of new jobs at level.A) entryB) entranceC) entrenchmentD)entrust参考答案:A2. He conducted these instructional sessions with ( )and humor.A、animationB、animalC、advanceDHe

2、 conducted these instructional sessions with ( )and humor.A、animationB、animalC、advanceD、anxious参考答案:A3. Supporters of the new shopping development are trying to _ localpeople in favorSupporters of the new shopping development are trying to _ localpeople in favor of it.A) crowdB) rallyC) callD) huddl

3、e参考答案:B4. The plants make unwelcoming smells to ( )(击退) their enemies.A、implyB、spellC、compelD、repThe plants make unwelcoming smells to ( )(击退) their enemies.A、implyB、spellC、compelD、repel参考答案:D5. If he _giving up smoking, he can make it.A) sets the mind onB) sets his mind onC) hIf he _giving up smoki

4、ng, he can make it.A) sets the mind onB) sets his mind onC) has a mindD) gives his mind to参考答案:B6. As a Prime Minister, he lacked the strategic _of, say, someone likeChurchillAs a Prime Minister, he lacked the strategic _of, say, someone likeChurchill .A) specialtyB) motivationC) competenceD) vision

5、参考答案:D7. I don t really know who she _ with.A. hangs outB. hangs overC. hangs upD. hangsI don t really know who she _ with.A. hangs outB. hangs overC. hangs upD. hangs on参考答案:A8. Most people agree that _ tastes great, but thatit is not the healthiest thing yMost people agree that _ tastes great, but

6、 thatit is not the healthiest thing you can eat.A) desertB) decentC) desentD) dessert参考答案:D9. Im going to buy him a violin for his birthdaty. (翻译)Im going to buy him a violin for his birthdaty. (翻译)参考答案:我打算买一把小提琴给他过生日.10. The bomb will _ the moment it is touched.A) go onB) go outC) go offD) go overT

7、he bomb will _ the moment it is touched.A) go onB) go outC) go offD) go over参考答案:C11. 理想电流源内阻为0 ()此题为判断题(对,错)。参考答案:错误12. 请简要叙述一下“三大模式”当中关于“个人行为”假设(动机)的异同参考答案:地区发展模式认为人是理性的,个人倾向于团结、合作、愿意沟通交往,参与民主,并在集体活动中只要满足一定条件,个人愿意为集体作出贡献。(倾向民主);社会计划模式认为人是理性的,但是个人的行为是为了追求其认为的利益最大化,并且,人的理性自私的动机会带来社会的混乱和人际的冲突斗争,所以必须加

8、以管理和规矩,才能带来秩序和合力。(倾向精英决策);社会行动模式认为人无所谓理性和感性,在行动中人即有可能理性也可能感性,认为冲突并不容易通过协调或正规渠道得到缓和,冲突只有用对峙和争取的方法才能解决。(倾向于冲突和对抗)13. We have to put _ our emotions and take it from a professional standpoint.A) upB)We have to put _ our emotions and take it from a professional standpoint.A) upB) withC) asideD) off参考答案:C

9、14. The region has enormous _ for economic development but a lotof investment is nThe region has enormous _ for economic development but a lotof investment is needed to achieve this.A. capacityB. potentialC. possessionD. impact参考答案:B15. 在三大模式关于个人的假设中,社会计划模式认为:( )A、个人是倾向于团结互助的B、个人是倾向于封闭保守的C、个人是倾向于理性交

10、换的D、个人是倾向于群体选择的参考答案:C16. If a system, relationship, or discussion _ down, it fails because there is aproIf a system, relationship, or discussion _ down, it fails because there is aproblem or disagreement.A) goesB) breaksC) takesD) stays参考答案:B17. Im tired. Ill take a taxi to go there.(翻译)Im tired. Il

11、l take a taxi to go there.(翻译)参考答案:我累了,我要坐出租车去那儿.(翻译)18. 将枪支(含仿真枪)、弹药或者易燃、易爆、有毒等危险品擅自带入学院,造成严重公共安全隐患的。或在将枪支(含仿真枪)、弹药或者易燃、易爆、有毒等危险品擅自带入学院,造成严重公共安全隐患的。或在重点防火部位或场所擅自使用明、 暗火,造成严重公共安全隐患的,至少给予A.严重警告处分B.记过处分C.留校查看处分D.开除学籍处分正确答案:B19. 社区工作与社会工作价值观的一致性表现为:( )A、都认为人有平等的机会参与社会的模式化B、都强调促进社会的公平和正义C、都认为每个人有责任对自己、他

12、人和社会负责D、都认为人有归属的需求参考答案:ABCD20. Unworthy buildings should be demolished to make _ formodern construction.A) spaceUnworthy buildings should be demolished to make _ formodern construction.A) spaceB) roomC) marginD) leeway参考答案:B21. We are looking for someone who will be able to _ the staff towork hard.A

13、) motivWe are looking for someone who will be able to _ the staff towork hard.A) motivateB) evaluateC) investigateD) fascinate参考答案:A22. Kitchen utensils should be _ as well as functional.A) expensiveB) extensiveC) attKitchen utensils should be _ as well as functional.A) expensiveB) extensiveC) attra

14、ctiveD) massive参考答案:C23. It _ that this method didn t work very well.A) turned aroundB) turned outC)turneIt _ that this method didn t work very well.A) turned aroundB) turned outC)turned onD) turned up参考答案:B24. The towns main _ are its beautiful mosque and ancientmarketplace.A) featurThe towns main _ are its beautiful mosque and ancientmarketplace.A) featuresB) standpointC) lifestyleD) venues参考答案:A25. At their _ to the house the little boy ran away and hid.A. plungeB. appo



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