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1、Unit2 This is my sister.Period 1 Second A (1a-1c)Teaching aims:1. 能够简单介绍人物关系。2. 能够指认人物关系。3. 能够运用指示代词this,that,these,those介绍人物4. 初步了解名词的复数形式。Language points: 1.words: father,mother,parent,grandfather,grandmother,grandparent,sister,brother,friend2. sentences: This /That is my father.These/Those are my

2、 brothers.Whos he/she?Difficulties: this/those that/thoseTeaching steps:Step1. Greeting.Step2. Revision. Whats your name? Whats your first name? Whats you last name? Whats your telephone number?Step3. lead-in. T: Whats this in English? Ss: Its a pen. T: Yes. This is a pen. And what are these? Ss: Th

3、ey are pens. (Help the students answer.) T: Yes, these are pens.(write the sentence on the blackboard.) Show other pictures, make conversations in the same way. Write the sentences which begin with these ,those on the blackboard.Step4. New lessons.1. Learn the usage of this, that, these, those 指示代词:

4、表示“这个”、“那个”、“这些”、“那些”等指示概念的代词叫指示代词 指示代词用法例句this (these)一般用来指时间或空间上较近的事物Is this your pencil?These are my pencils.that (those)常用来指时间或空间上较远的事物Is that his book?Those are my books.2 .Show a picture of a TV play. And ask: T: Do you know the boy? Who is he? Ss: He is Xiao Yu. T: Do you want to know his fam

5、ily? Now, let me introduce them to you. (show pictures one by one to teach the new words and write them on the blackboard)Who(谁) is he? He is Xia Yu. This/That is his sister/brother/ mother/father/parent/grandmother./ grandfather/grandparent/friend.These /Those are his parents/grandparents/friends/b

6、rothers.Step5.Practice1.Read the new words together.2.Read the sentences after the teacher.3.Ask the students to show their own family photo to introduce them to us.4.Turn to p7,introduce the picture to the students. Then match the words with the people in the picture. Finish 1a.Step6. Listening wor

7、k. Listen and circle the words you hear in 1a.Step7. Writing work First write and then take turns to talk about Daves family like this:A: This is. . B: These are C: That is. . D: Those are Step8.Summary1. words: family mother father parents grandfather grandmother grandparents sister brother friend2

8、. sentences: 1).Whos she/he? 2).This/That is my 3).These/Those are my(情感教育:分解family)Step9. Exercises. 1.用适当的单词完成下列句子 1). My parents are my _and _.2).This is Jenny. My mother is her daughter(女儿).She is my _.3).Im Jims son(儿子). Jim is my _ .4).My fathers father is my _.5).Mary is my mothers daughter. She is my _. 2.用所给词的正确形式填空 1).That _(be) my mother.2)._(this) are my parents.3). I _(be) Gina.4).You _(be) my sister.5).This _( be not) my sister. This is my friend.Step10. Homework.


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