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1、最新关于机场的英语口语对话 【篇一】关于机场的英语口语对话 史密斯: Sorry to interrupt you. but arent you Mr. Wu from China? 愧疚.打扰一下.请问您是中国来的吴先生吗? 吴先生: Oh.yes.I am. 哦.对.我是. 史密斯: How do you do.Mr. Wu ? Im John Smith from DJ Company. And Im here to meet you. 您好.吴先生.我是DJ公司的约翰史密斯.我来这儿接你们. 吴先生: How do you do.Mr. Smith ? Thank you very m

2、uch for meeting us here. 你好.史密斯先生.特别感谢你来接我们. 史密斯: You are welcome. You must be exhausted after a long journey. 不用谢.各位远道而来.肯定很累了. 吴先生: Oh, no. It was a pleasant trip and everything went smoothly, so we dont feel tired at all. 不.路上很顺当.又很快乐.一点儿也不觉得累. 史密斯: Ill be your guide during your stay in China. 你们

3、在中国逗留期间.我将始终伴随大家. 吴先生: Wonderful! 那太好了! 史密斯: Will you please take your baggage and follow me? The taxis waiting outside. 请大家拎着行李随我来.出租车在外面等着呢. 吴先生: Fine, lets hurry. 好的.我们抓紧走. 【篇二】关于机场的英语口语对话 A:How are you, Mr.Brown? How nice to see you again. How is everything going? A:你好,布朗先生,很兴奋能再次见到你。过得怎么样? B:Ve

4、ry well. What about you? B:很好,你怎么样? A:Not bad,tanks. Our company has sent me to pick you up here. A:还可以,感谢。我们公司派我来这儿接你。 B:That is so nice of you. B:你们真是太好了。 A:How was your flight? A:旅途怎么样? B:Well, generally speaking it was fine. But it is really a long distance from New York to Shanghai. Oh, Mr. Lia

5、ng, let me introduce my assistant, Mr. Blake. B:总体来说还好,就是从纽约到上海真的是一次长途旅行啊。哦,粱先生,让我介绍我的助手布莱克先生给你认识。 A:How do you do, Mr.Blake? I am Liang Dong. A:您好,布莱克先生。我是梁东。 C:How do you do, Mr.Liang? C:您好,梁先生。 A:ls it your first visit to China? A:这是您第一次来中国吧? C:Yes, I have been dreaming of coming to China for yea

6、rs. I am so glad that it has come true finally. C:是的,我多年来始终幻想能来中国。我很兴奋,现在最终实现了。 A:l hope you will have a nice stay in China. A:盼望您能在中国过得快乐。 C:Thank you, I am sure I will. C:感谢,我信任会的。 A:You must be very tired after such a long flight. Let me take you to your hotel in my car. A:你们长途飞行后肯定很累了,让我载你们去酒店吧。

7、 B:Great, thank you. B:太好了,感谢。 A:My pleasure. A:很荣幸效劳。 【篇三】关于机场的英语口语对话 A:To which gate do I need to go to catch connecting flight 101 to New York City? 我要在哪个登机门转乘101班机前往纽约? B:Go to gate 18. The plane is now boarding. You must hurry. 到18号门。这趟班机已经在登机了。你要赶快。 A:Show me the fastest way to get there. 告诉我快

8、到那里的方法。 B:Instead of walking, you can take this shuttle to get you there faster. 别走路,你搭机场的班车,就可以比较快地到达那里。 A:Do you think the plane will leave without me? 你想飞机会不会不等我就起飞呢? B:No, Ill call the attendants at the gate. I will tell them youre on your way. 不会,我会打电话给登机门的服务人员。我会告诉他们你已经在途中了。 A:Thank you so much. I would really appreciate that. 多谢。我真的很感谢你的帮助。 B:You are welcome. Have a safe trip. 不用客气,祝你旅途平安。



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