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1、 一 小测验.课标单词1. _ adj. 热心的, 热情的enthusiasm n. 热心;热情2. _ adj. 令人惊异的 _ v. 使吃惊 _ adj. 感到吃惊的 amazement n. 惊愕, 惊异3. _ n. 信息 inform vt. 通知, 告知4. _ n. 指示, 用法说明 instruct v. 教导, 命令, 指示5. _ adj. 令人厌烦的 _ adj. (对某人/事物)厌倦的, 烦闷的 _ vt. 使厌烦6. _ adj. 尴尬的, 难堪的 _ v. 使困窘, 使局促不安 _ adj. 令人为难的 embarrassment n. 窘迫;为难7. _ n. 行

2、为, 举止behave v. 举动, 举止8. _ n. 描述;形容;描写 describe vt. 描写, 记述9. _ vt. 使(人)印象深刻;使铭记 _ n. 印象, 感想 impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的10. _ n纠正, 改正correct adj.正确的 _ v改正, 纠正, 批改11. _ v. 鼓励, 激励 _ adj. 鼓舞人心的 _ adj. 受到鼓舞的, 更有信心的 encouragement n. 鼓励, 奖励12enjoyment n. 享受, 乐趣 _ v. 享受, 喜欢 _ adj. 令人愉快的, 有乐趣的13fluency n. 流利, 流畅

3、_ adj. 流利的, 流畅的14. _ adj. 失望的 _ adj. 使人失望的, 令人失望的 disappoint vt. 使失望 _ n. 失望15. _ n. 助手, 助理 assist v帮助.常用短语1_与相似2_某人对(做)某事的态度3 _离远, 远非4_一点不像, 与完全不同5_玩得很开心6_起初, 一开始7_换句话说8_期待;盼望9_对印象深刻10_在开始的时候11_在结束的时候12_被(划)分成13_参加二 知识点总结1behaviour n. 举止;行为方式(1) behave v举止, 表现(2) behave oneself 规规矩矩, 表现好, 有礼貌【活学活用】

4、(1)Their _ towards me shows that they do not like me. 从他们对我的行为可以看出他们不喜欢我。(2)He _towards his parents. 他对待父母的态度很差。 (3)Will you please _while I am away?我不在的时候请你守点儿规矩好吗?2 instructionnpl. 用法说明, 操作指南, 吩咐;C命令, 指示(1) instruct v. 教;命令;指导instructor n. 辅导员;教练(2) follow instructions 按照说明/指示carry out ones instru

5、ctions执行某人的命令【温馨提示】 当表示具体的“用法说明、操作指南”意义时, 要用复数形式instructions。【易混辨析】instructions 和directions两词都可表示“操作指南, 用法说明”, 但是directions还可以指“行路指南”(instructions on how to get from one place to another)。【活学活用】(1)Be sure you read the _ before using any piece of equipment. 在使用任何一项设备前请务必看说明书。(2) Lets stop and ask for

6、 _ to her house!咱们停下来问问去她家怎么走吧!3amazingadj. 令人惊讶的;好得惊人的; 了不起的(1)amaze vt. 使吃惊, 使惊奇amazed adj. 感到吃惊/惊奇的amazement n. 惊奇, 诧异(2)_ ones amazement令某人惊讶的是 【温馨提示】 amazing与amazed是容易混淆的两个形容词, 前者表示“令人惊奇的”(making sb. feel surprised), 一般形容物;而后者表示“(人)感到惊奇的”(feeling surprised), 多用于人。当amazed修饰expression, look, face

7、, eyes等词时, 指拥有这种表情、眼神等的人很惊讶, 而不是他的表情、眼神等令人惊讶。【相关拓展】下表中的词汇也具有上述相同的特点。 动词vt.v.-ing形容词v.-ed形容词名词exciteexcitingexcitedexcitementinterestinterestinginterestedinterestsurprisesurprisingsurprisedsurpriseastonishastonishingastonishedastonishmentshockshockingshockedshockdisappointdisappointingdisappointeddis


9、asepleasingpleasedpleasure【活学活用】(1)It _ her that he could be so calm at such a time. (amaze)(2)We were all _ at his _ experiences in South Africa. (amaze)(3)He pointed out my mistakes in front of my friends, which made me _. (embarrass)(4)I was upset to see his _ look. (disappoint)4cover vt. 掩盖, 覆盖;

10、(to include or deal with)包含, 涉及;占(多少面积);(to travel a certain distance)走完(一段路);(of money) to be enough for够付(费用);(of a journalist) to report on报道(事件) n. 盖子, 覆盖物;封面;掩盖, 掩饰(1)coverwith sth.用覆盖/遮盖某物be covered with 被覆盖(2)cover the cost of 够支付的费用cover up 遮盖, 盖住;掩饰, 隐瞒 根据语境判断下列句子中cover的含义(1)By sunset we had covered thirty miles. _(2)The BBC will cover all the major games of the tournament(锦标赛). _(3)Her overconfident attitude was a cover for her nervousness. _(4)The survey covers all aspects of the business. _5impress v. (to make someone feel admiration and respect)给人留下印象;使了解


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