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1、Unit 1 Dream homes(第7课时)Integrated skills教学案先来了解Neil的家吧!他家有花园( )吗?有客厅( )吗?有餐厅( )吗?有厨房( )吗?卫生间( )里有镜子( )吗?他的卧室( )是什么样子?他在哪里写作业( )?.快来看看Neil发送给Simon的录象带,你能识别出来吗?2. Amy家又是什么样子呢?和Neil家不一样 ( )吗?她有她自己的房间( ),还是和她表妹合住一个房间( )?我们来帮她完成一篇写 给Neil的e-mail吧!3. Simon在给Daniel打电话( ),他是如何请找Neil接电话( )的?恐怕( ) Daniel仍然( )

2、在学校吧?谁会捎个信( )? Simon叫Neil干什么?你能找出答案 _ ,并以他们的对话为例,学着给你的同学打电话吗?课前自主学习二. 你会使用打电话的交际用语吗?看看你是否能根据首字母提示完成下列句子.1. May I s_ to Mr. Green, please.2. Whos that c_, please?3. Im a_ hes not at home.4. Can I take a m_?5. My t_ number is 85462117.6. Ill a_ him to c_ you back.一. 你知道这些名称吗?1._ the room for sleeping

3、in2._ the room we have our meals in3._ the room we cook our meals in4._ the room we have a bath in5._the place for growing flowers6._ the room we meet our friends in 体验与实践1)预习情况交流 回答下列问题:1. Who lives in a house with a garden, Neil or Amy?2. Who has his/her own bedroom?3. Is Amys home very big?4. Are

4、 there many rooms in Amys home?5. Who is Daniel6. Where is Daniel when Simon calls him?7. Where is Simon calling Daniel?8.Whose telephone number is 55572118?2). 重点热点点击1.你的家和我的(家)不同 Your home is _ _ mine.2. Your garden is behind the kitchen. The kitchen is _ your garden.3. This bedroom is mine. I hav

5、e my _ bedroom.4. I live in this room. My sister lives in this room, too. I _ a room with my sister.5. call me = r_ me = p_ me = t_ me = r_ me = c_ up = m_ a t_ c_ to me6. I think maybe (也许) hes at school. Im _ hes at school.7.You can tell me and then I will tell him.I will _ a _ for you.8. 老师叫我听他讲.

6、 The teacher _ me _ _ to him.9. 我明天9:00给你回电话. I will _ you _ at 9:00 tomorrow.10. 医生叫他躺在床上. The doctor _ him _ _ bed.3).目标达成检测一.翻译下列短语 1.与不同 2.给捎个信 3.从北京打电话给我 4.打电话给在美国的Neil 5.叫我们听他讲 6.叫他在沙发上 7.恐怕,害怕 8.给他们回电话二.用所给词的适当形式填空 1. There is a TV in the _ (sit) room. 2. Simon is _ (lie) in bed in his bedroo

7、m. 3. Your aunt is _ (call) you from Jinan. 4. This is a room _ (call) bathroom. 5. There is a beautiful garden with many _ 6. Our classroom is different from _ (they). 7. Ill ask her _ (clean) the classroom after school. 8. The old man _ (want) _ (have) a house like that.三.根据首字母或中文提示完成句子 1. My moth

8、er is busy cooking in the k_. 2. Ill c_ back later. 3. We keep our plates and glasses in the c_. 4. My sister chose the m_ in our bathroom. Because she likes looking at herself in it. 5. Let me take a m_ for you. 6. - Can I borrow your rubber? - Im a_ not. Im using it now.课外拓展探究一. 考考你1. 你知道与afraid相关的短语吗?请完成下列句子:1).我们害怕狗. We _ _ _ dogs.2).他害怕看见老师. Hes _ _ see the teacher. Hes _ _ seeing the teacher.3).你今天能完成这件事吗?恐怕不行. Can you finish it today? Im _ _. Im _ I _ finish it today.


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