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1、I thi nk that moon-cakes are delicious【课题】Un it2 I think that moon cakes are delicious!Secti onA 3(Grammar focus -4c )教师个性补案【学习目标】1宾语从句2.感叹句【学习重点难点】【学习重点】1.other、another、others 等等的用法。2语法:if 和whether引导宾语从句的用法3.熟读Grammar Focus的重要句子。【学习难点】宾语从句和感叹句【学法指导】熟读语法框-完成4a-巩固语法知识-阅读4b-讲解语言点 -作业【教学过程】Step 1 Revis

2、io n宾语从句和感叹句Step 2 Grammar focus.Pay atte nti on to these objective clauses.1. I know that the Water Festival is really fun.2. I wonder if they ll have the races again next year.3. I wonder whether June is a good time to visit Hong Kong.4. I believe that April is the hottest month in Thailand.二.Pay

3、atte nti on t.o these exclamatory stateme nts.1. What fun the Water Festival is!2. How fan tastic the drag on boat teams were!3. How p retty the dragon boats were!4. How delicious the food is in Hong Kong! Step 3 Grammar(一)宾语从句用作宾语的从句叫做宾语从句。掌握宾语从句的引导词、时态 及语序是学习宾语从句的关键。仔细观察下面的例句,然后补全结 论部分所缺的内容。【例句】1.

4、 She said (that) she would leave a note on the desk.2. He wants to know if/ whether you are a doctor.3. Do you know whe n he bought this pen cil-box?4. Teresa told her son that leaves turn yellow in autumn. 【结论】A. 当宾语从句具有陈述意义时,用引导。它在句子中只起引导作用,在口语中常可省略。当宾语从句具有疑问意义时,可用或whether引导。匕们在句子中的意思是(如果 / 是否)。或者

5、用连接代词(what, who, which等)或连接副词(when, where, how, why等)引导。B. 宾语从句的时态一般受主句时态的影响。当主句是或一般将来时,宾语从句可以根据具体情况用适当的时态;当主句 是一般过去时,从句要用相应的。但当从句表示的是名言、【教学过程】客观真理或自然现象等时, 一般(不受/受)主句时态的限制,均用一般现在时。C.宾语从句要用(陈述 /疑问)语序。Answers: that, if,是否;一般现在时,过去时态,不受;陈述Exercises:I .把下列句子改为宾语从句的复合句。1. He said,“I have been toAmerica”.

6、 He saidtoAmerica.2. Is there a hotel n ear here? Do you know?Do you knowa hotel n ear here?3. What sport do you like best?Could you please tell me?Could you please tell me?4. “The earth moves around the sun”,our English teacher told us.Our En glish teacher told us that the earththe sun.Answers: 1.

7、that he had been; 2: if /whether there is; 3. what sport you like best; 4. moves aroundn .根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 我想知道你昨晚是怎么回家的。1 want to know2. 王红告诉我昨天早上六点她正在做饭。Wang Ho ng told me3. 我想知道我能否从你那里得到一些建议。1 won der.4. 我们地理老师说地球围绕太阳转。Our geography teacher said.Answers: 1. how you got homelast night; 2. that she wa

8、s cooking at 6:00 yesterday morning; 3. if/ whether I can get some advice from you; 4. that the earth goes around the sun(二)感叹句用来表达喜、怒、哀、乐等强烈感情的句子叫感叹句。感叹句 一般用what或how引导,句末用感叹号。what修饰名词,how修饰形容词或副词。1. what引导的感叹句:1) What + a/ an + adj.+ 可数单数 什主谓语)!e.g. What a brave boy (Tom is).! What an excelle nt id

9、ea(it is)!2) Wh at + adj.+ 可数名词复数 什主谓语)!e.g. What beautiful pictures (they are)!3) What + adj. +不可数名词 什主谓语)!e.g. What delicious food (it is)!2. how引导的感叹句:How + adj. / adv.+ 主语 + 谓语!e.g. How happy the childre n were! How carefully he is readi ng!注意:一般情况下,以what和how开头的感叹句可以相互转换,转换后意义不变。e.g. What a tall

10、 bui Iding it is! = Howtall the building is! Exercises:I .根据句意选出恰当的一项填空。1. (What/ Whata) delicious chicke n we are havi ng!2. (What/ How)warm it is in the classroom!3. (What/ Whata) nice shirt you bought!4. (What / How) fast the voung man is walk ing!An swers: What, How, What a, Hown.将下列句子改为感叹句。1. T

11、he girl is very clever.the girl is!2. It is a won derful experie nee.won derfulexperie nee it is!3. The wind is blowing strongly.the wind isblowi ng!4. The n ews is excit ing.n ews it is!5. The sweaters are very nice.sweaters theyare!Step 4 Practice4a Write sentences using the words give n.think/ La

12、ntern Festival/ beautiful1.1 think that the Lantern Festival is beautiful.2. don t know/ whether/ he/ come home/ for the festival3. believe/ Water Festival/ most/ fun4. won der/ if/ moon cakes/ delicious5. how/ excit ing/ races6. what/ in teresti ng/ cityAnswers: 2.I don t know whether he will come

13、home for thefestival.3. I believe the Water Festival is the most fun.4. I won der if moon cakes are delicious.5. How excit ing the races are!6. What an in teresti ng city!Step 5 Readi ng4b Read the passage below and underline the objective clauses. If possible, write your own sentences about Mother

14、s Day and Father s Day using objective clause.An swers:1. Do you know that there are two special days for parents in America?2. I heard that it is beco ming more and more popular to celebrate Mother s Day and Father s Day in China.3. I won der if childre n over there also give similar gifts to their

15、 pare n ,ts.4. I believe that there are many ways to show our love.Step 6 Speak ing4c Which festival do you like best? Ask your group and reportto the class.e.g. In our group, David s favorite festival isHe thinksthat .Step 7 PairworkMake a con versati on.A: There are many festivals in Chi na. Which festival do youlike best?B: I think I like Mid-Autumn Festival best.A: Why do you like it best?B: I think I can enjoy delicious moon cakes.Step


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