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1、毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论课程社会实践调查研究报告报告题目 关于当代大学生生态文明观念的调查研究 以杭州师范大学为例作者姓名 班级学号 2012210777 学科专业 历史学 所在学院 人文学院 任课教师 提交日期 2013年12月 评定成绩 杭州师范大学社会科学基础部编制5中文摘要关于当代大学生生态文明观念的调查研究-以杭州师范大学为例摘要中国共产党的十八大报告指出:“把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程,努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展。”这是十八大报告中的一个突出亮点,是我国“国家价值观”的一次重塑和提升。而党的十八届三

2、中全会公报也提及“紧紧围绕建设美丽中国深化生态文明体制改革,加快建立生态文明制度,健全国土空间开发、资源节约利用、生态环境保护的体制机制”。当前我国生态环境形势较为严峻,各种生态环境问题层出不穷,虽然建设社会主义生态文明已日渐成为全社会的共识,但是,由于受理念、科技、政策等方面因素的影响,生态文明建设还有很长的一段路要走。大学生是未来社会的栋梁,他们的生态文明观念如何会在很大程度上影响生态文明建设能否顺利进行。借此调查报告良机,我进行了一次大学生生态意识调查,希望通过调查了解大学生的生态文明观念状况进而提出相应的对策思考。关键词: 生态文明、观念、大学生、原因。 The evolution o

3、f the awareness of ecological civilization of the communist party of China-taking HangZhou Normal University as an exampleAbstract The report of the 18th National Congress of the CPC clearly pointed out: put the ecological civilization construction in a prominent position, in economic construction,

4、political construction, cultural construction, social construction in all aspects and whole process, strive to build a beautiful China, realize the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. This is a prominent spot in the report and it is a restore and upgrade the national values. And it is the

5、 issued that we need to be tightly around the beautiful China to deepen reform of system of ecological civilization construction, to speed up the building of ecological civilization system,to establish a system of compensation for the use of natural resources and the subsequent impact on the ecosyst

6、em in the Communique of the Third Plenum of 18th CPC Central Committee.The current ecological environment in China is relatively serious, all kinds of ecological environment problems emerge in endlessly, although the construction of socialism ecological civilization has increasingly become the conse

7、nsus of the party the whole society, however, due to the aspects such as philosophy, science and technology, and policy factors, ecological civilization has a long way to go. College students are the backbone of the future society, whose concept of ecological civilization to a great extent will affe

8、ct the ecological civilization construction can proceed smoothly. To report this opportunity, I conducted a survey of college students ecological consciousness, hoping that through investigation to understand the status of the college students concept of ecological civilization and then put forward

9、the corresponding countermeasure thinking.Key Words: the ecological civilization concept college students reasons.目 录 中文摘要.英文摘要.第一章 现象发现.1第二章 问题提出.2第三章 问题分析 一、结合历史的分析.3 二、结合现实的分析.3第四章 进行调查.5第五章 处理调查结果一、有关数据的初步分析.6二、有关数据的深入分析.10第六章 总结问题 一、调查后分析原因.14 二、提出建议.15结束语.18 附录 1调查提纲. 192调查问卷样卷. .203 心得体会. 224 参考文献. 23第一章 现象发现生态文明的本质特征是自然-人-社会复合体的和谐协调1。生态文明建设理念是蕴含丰富文化、道德、意识和价值等内容的观念体系,它具有明显的基础性、前提性、引导性和约束性等特征,是建设生态文明实践的思想指导2。随着全社会对生态自然规律的不断再认识,始终保持对生态环境问题严


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