unit 24 课时作业1

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1、一.英文释义连连看1depositato give up ones job,position,etc.2voluntary bto put money into a bank3resign chaving a baby4bare dacting,done or given willingly5pregnant ewithout clothing二.根据英文释义写出单词1_ nmoney system in use in a country2_ nthing or person that is carried;heavy load3_ adj. not filled or occupied;em

2、pty4_ v. to gradually get or gather together an increasing number5_ adj. more than enough三.单词检测1n.优点,长处_;结构,构架_;盛宴,宴会_;盈余,剩余_;相撞_;杂草,野草_;喷泉_2v.选举,推选_;播(种)_;摇摆,摆动_;腐烂_;跳过_ _;划水;涉水_3adj.宽大的,仁慈的_四.短语检测1形成,存在_2故意惹恼某人_3挣钱_4被陷/困在里_5积累财富_6移交_7严肃认真地对待_8除之外_9炫耀,夸耀_10撞上某人_11清理,治理_12关心,爱护_13对熟悉_五.语境填词1At that

3、time a greedy king _ (统治) the country.2Youd better _ (存储) the money in the local bank.3The room on the first floor is _ (空置的)4This kind of plant can _ (收缩) when you touch it.5She got off the bus,_ (负担) with two heavy suitcases.6Your name has been _ (删除) from the list.7Too much sugar will r_ your tee

4、th.8My daughter s_ happily along beside me.9He was injured in c_ with another player.10Its no v_ to desert old people.11His grandmother was m_ to the disabled. 六.阅读理解ALike politicians who adopt accents to appeal to local audiences,the producers of potato chips vary the wording on their bags to conve

5、y their products authenticity in different ways to different buyers.Actually,whether you eat an ordinary chip or the priciest chip,consumers of all social classes value the product that they think is the most authentic. To analyse class identity in food marketing,Josh Freedman,who graduated from Sta

6、nford,began a project by marching into grocery stores and photographing the language on potato chip bags,which attracted the stares of employers.His analysis shows that fans of economical brands can be reached with words indicating the chips are from “the same recipe that your grandmother used to ma

7、ke”“Authenticity for consumers of inexpensive chips is rooted in tradition and home,”said Freedman. The wording on inexpensive chips might show off wellknown locations,or play upon the traditions of the company and its unique founder. For expensive potato chips,on the other hand,authenticity is real

8、ized through foreign or handmade processes and ingredients(原料成分) that are described as natural. The ingredients list may include “sea salt”Freedman also found that advertisers attempting to draw consumers to expensive chips use rare words,more text and more complex grammar,along with more mentions o

9、f health. Its consistent with the tendency for people with higher incomes to be welleducated and healthconscious. And expensive chips mention not only what they are,but also what they are not. The bags might call the chips unique or the finest and they areunlike other chipsnot fried,not fat.Now Free

10、dman can no longer look at restaurant menus without thinking about their careful wording. “It made me more aware of how we use language,”he said. “But the project hasnt changed my snacking habits. I still dont eat that many potato chips.”1Josh Freedman took photos in grocery stores to_.Asearch for i

11、nexpensive potato chipsBattract the stares of employersClearn how to design food brandsDmake a study of food product package2Which may appear on the inexpensive chip bags according to the text?AAn old family recipe for you.BWant a new product?Go for it!CAll natural,no fry and no fat at all.DHandmade

12、 and sea salt contained,like it?3What interested Josh Freedman most?AWord used on food bags.BThe colors of food bags.CProducers education level.DDesigners of food bags.4It can be inferred from the text that Josh Freedman_.Ais a professional food producerBlikes buying cheap potato chipsCis interested

13、 in marketing psychologyDseldom eats outside in restaurants5What is the text mainly about?AThe study of social classes.BClass identities on food products.CAdvertisements in food marketing.DDifferent ways to increase products.BFor me,my great moment came when I actually decided to accept an opportuni

14、ty to teach English in Shanghai. There were times when I almost gave up because of fear. but in the end I came here.Last summer,a CanadianChinese woman who teaches in Shanghai just happened to come to the place where I was working in the Seattle area. We talked and I said I had always wanted to teach abroad. She said,“Come to our school.” “Okay,” I replied,but I wasnt sure if I meant it.We met later for coff


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