江苏省海安县大公初级中学八年级英语上册《8A Unit 6 Natural disasters》Period 4 Grammar(1)学案(无答案) 牛津版

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江苏省海安县大公初级中学八年级英语上册《8A Unit 6 Natural disasters》Period 4 Grammar(1)学案(无答案) 牛津版_第1页
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江苏省海安县大公初级中学八年级英语上册《8A Unit 6 Natural disasters》Period 4 Grammar(1)学案(无答案) 牛津版_第2页
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江苏省海安县大公初级中学八年级英语上册《8A Unit 6 Natural disasters》Period 4 Grammar(1)学案(无答案) 牛津版_第3页
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《江苏省海安县大公初级中学八年级英语上册《8A Unit 6 Natural disasters》Period 4 Grammar(1)学案(无答案) 牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省海安县大公初级中学八年级英语上册《8A Unit 6 Natural disasters》Period 4 Grammar(1)学案(无答案) 牛津版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、8A Unit 6 Natural disastersPeriod 4 Grammar(1)【学习目标】语言知识:1. 掌握主语+was/ were doing. 的结构及用法2. 主语+was/were not doing. 的结构及用法3. Was/Were+主语+doing? Yes was/were. No, was/were not.的结构及用法。语言技能:能用所学语法正确表述人们过去某一时刻及某段时间内正在进行的动作或状态。情感态度:学会与他人合作,共同攻克难关,培养了团结协作精神,【学习重难点】过去进行时句子的结构。课前延伸一请用正确的时态填空。1.It _ (be) fine

2、today.2. I _ (go) to school on foot yesterday.3. We _ (have) our English class now.4. I _ (visit) my uncle this weekend.5. - What _ you _ ( do ) when I knocked at the door ?- I _ (wash) the clothes.二汉译英:1今早7:00我在吃早饭.2昨晚8:00-10:00他在看电视.3昨天这个时候我和我姐在公园里放风筝。4那时他们在操场上打篮球。5昨天一下午我们在图书馆里看杂志。自主学习记录卡1.自学本课内容后

3、,你有哪些疑难之处?2.你有哪些问题要提交小组讨论?参考答案:课内探究一、翻译下列短语:1. 网上搜索 2.讨论课题 3. 计划去唐山旅行 4. 找些信息 5. 因为坏天气 6. 损坏 7. 可怕的风暴 8. 步行去车站 二、补全对话:Daniel: I tried to call you last night but your phone line was busy. What _ you _(do) ?Amy: When _ you _ (phone) me?Daniel: It was about seven. Amy: Oh, I _ (talk) to Millie on the p

4、hone . I _(tell)her about my trip to Shenzhen. She _(plan) to go there with her family during the holiday. Why _ you _(call) me ?Daniel: I _(do) my Math homework and I_ (not understand) one question. But never mind, I _ (ask) Simon already.课后提升一、 单项选择( )1.My brother _ while he _ his bicycle and hurt

5、 himself. A. fell, was riding B. fell, were riding C. had fallen, rode D. had fallen, was riding ( )2. The students _ when the teacher _the classroom. A. stopped to talk, was entering B. stopped to talk, entered C. stopped talking, entered D. stopped talking, was entering( )3. Last time I _ Jane _ c

6、otton in the fields. A. had seen, was picking B. saw, picked C. had seen, picked D. saw, picking ( )4.I first met Lisa three years ago. She _ at a radio shop at the time. A. has worked B. was working C. had been working D. had worked ( )5.-Where were you just now? -I _in the library. A. read B. are

7、reading C. havent read D. were doing( )6. The reporter said that the UFO _ east to west when he saw it. A. was traveling B. traveledC. had been traveling D. was to travel ( )7. I _ my breakfast when the postman came. A. had B. had been having C. have had D. was having ( )8.When I arrived at his offi

8、ce, he _ on the phone. A. was speaking B. spoke C. had been speaking D. had spoken 二、 动词填空。1John_(work) all day yesterday.2He _(walk) home when the rain began.3What _you _(do) at ten oclock yesterday?I_(study) in class4When Harry _(have) breakfast Lily _(telephone) him 5When I _ (go) to school this morning I _ (see) a car running into a bus6. This time yesterday Jack _ (mend) his bike.7. I _ (write) a letter at ten last night.8. It was six. The Greens _ (have) supper.9. When you _ (knock) at the door yesterday, I _ (do) some washing.10. While my mother _ (watch) TV, I _(make) a kite. 1



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