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1、word1.Many peopleabout the influx of immigrants to our city, but I think its actually a good thing for the economy.Your answerCorrect answergrumblegrumble2.Some issues, such as immigration and trade, haveimplications.Your answerCorrect answertransnationaltransnational3.One of the problems with readi

2、ng e-books is that you cant take notes in the.Your answerCorrect answermarginmargin4.The town council passedthat made it easier for people to open small businesses.Your answerCorrect answerlegislationlegislation5.There are some mysteries that havescientists for centuries.Your answerCorrect answerbaf

3、fledbaffled6.Im in shockhave you seen thestock market numbers this morning?Your answerCorrect answerstaggeringstaggering7.We are all living in an increasinglysociety as more and more people move to different countries.Your answerCorrect answermulticulturalmulticultural8.The puters influence on our d

4、aily lives is immeasurable; it has had the mosteffect on how humans live.Your answerCorrect answermassivemassive9.There will always be people whoof new technology simply because it is different.Your answerCorrect answerdisapprovedisapprove10.After several years of travel, Jake moved to London to fin

5、d a job, a house, and thehe needed in his life.Your answerCorrect answerstabilitystabilitySection B: Choose the best way to plete the sentences.11.Some people have an unhealthy _ with technology and need to have every new gadget available.A. sessionB. obsessionC. recessionD. cessation12.After much _

6、, Heather was finally able to convince her boss to award her employees with a holiday bonus.A. desistenceB. consistenceC. insistenceD. resistance13.Its hard to _ what the future might look like, but science fiction writers have been doing it for over a hundred years.A. visualizeB. conferC. mechanize

7、D. ascertain14.I know almost everyone loves her new book, but Im not even _ interested in reading it.A. massivelyB. supposedlyC. entirelyD. remotely15.Even though Mr Lewis didnt say it out loud, the _ in his speech was that his staff didnt work hard enough.A. personificationB. implicationC. justific

8、ationD. explanation16.Many people plain that the cost of education is prohibitively expensive, but I think the cost of _ is much higher.A. ignoreB. ignorantC. ignoranceD. ignoring17.After he lost the petition, Lawrence felt pletely and utterly _.A. dispiritedB. inquisitiveC. observantD. unchanged18.

9、We need to e up with a _ explanation for why we missed class yesterday.A. plausibleB. sentientC. staggeringD. corporate19.Paul has bee very _ and conceited since he first tasted fame.A. arroganceB. elegantC. eleganceD. arrogant20.Dinosaurs have been _ for approximately 65 million years!A. succinctB.

10、 extinctC. instinctD. blinkedSection C: plete each sentence with a suitable word.21.Im as ignorant of your countrys lawsyou are of mine.Your answerCorrect answerasas22.Its a pretty safe betalmost all college graduates are more technically savvy than their parents.Your answerCorrect answerthatthat23.

11、What do you makethe generation of MP3 players?Your answerCorrect answerofof24.The New York team qualified for the championship rounda narrow margin.Your answerCorrect answerbyby25.all the excitement surrounding the new puter program, not much is different.Your answerCorrect answerForFor26.My mother

12、still hasnt e to gripsthe convenience of .Your answerCorrect answerwithwith27.How can we ask George to helpsuch a way that he will think its his idea?Your answerCorrect answerinin28.When you think about it, it is not surprisingmost people now own a cell phone.Your answerCorrect answerthatthat29.I th

13、ink its time to buy new pants when the knees begin to wear.Your answerCorrect answeroutout30.In the wakethe earthquake, many people displayed an incredible amount of generosity.Your answerCorrect answerofofPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.When my grandfather thinks about how the world is changing, he inevitab



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