新目标九年级英语全册115单元重点词组 全套

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1、新目标九年级英语全册1-15单元重点词组Unit 11. 通过做某事 by doing 2. 做完某事 finish doing3. 在。的帮助下 with the help of/ with ones help 4. 把。和。比较 comparewith/to5. 犯错 make mistakes (in) 6. 以后,随后 later on7. 没关系 it doesnt mattert 8. 害怕做某事 be afraid to do/ be afraid of doing9. 嘲笑 laugh at 10. 做笔记 take notes11. 在。有麻烦(困难)have trouble

2、/problems (in )doing12. 查找 look up 13. 组成,编造 make up14. 处理,应付 (how)deal with /(what) do with 15. 将。视为,当成 regardas16. 对。生气 be angry with/ be mad at 17. 逝去,过去 go by18. 尽力做某事 try ones best to do sth 19. 中断,突然中止 break offUnit 21. 过去经常做某事used to do 2.习惯于做某事be/get used to doing3. 被用于做某事be used to do 4. 害怕

3、。be terrified of doing5. 入睡go to sleep/fall asleep 6. 和。闲聊chat with sb7. 最后;终于in the end 8. 在。末尾,尽头at the end of9. 到。末为止by the end of (过去完成时) 10. 做决定;下决心make a decision to do/decide to do11. 让。吃惊的是to ones surprise 12. 即使,尽管even though/even if13. 不再not longer/not more 14. 对。感到自豪;骄傲take pride in/be pr

4、oud of15. 注意,留心pay attention to sth/doing sth 16. 放弃give up doing17. 在过去几年里in the last few years 18. 似乎;好像it seems that19. 改变主意change ones mindUnit 31. 代替;而不是 instead of doing 2.熬夜做某事 stay up doing3.全神贯注;专心于 concentrate on 4.目前;现在 at present5.自愿做某事 volunteer to do 6.养老院 old peoples home7.允许做某事 shoul

5、d be allowed to do 8.允许某人做某事 allow sb to do9.从学习 learn from sb 10.在上学日夜晚 on school nights11.挡道的;妨碍人的 be/get in the way 12.对严格 be strict with sb/be strict in sth13.担心;关心 care about 14.成功做某事 succeed in doing15.失败做某事 fail to do 16.练习做某事 practice doing17.花费做某事 spendon sth/doing sth 18.至少 at least19. 让(他

6、人)做某事 get/ have sth done 20. 实现梦想 achieve ones dream21. 某人也是 So+does/do/did/be/情态动词+ sb 22. 某人也不是 neither+does/do/did/be/情态动词+ sb 23. 某人的确如此 So+ sb + does/do/did/be/情态动词24. 有机会做某事 have a chance to do/of doingUnit 41.百万 millions of 2.烦恼;忧虑 worry about be worried about3.如果将会怎么样 what if 4.一点也不 notin th

7、e slightest/not at all5.足够的 plenty of 6.与相处 get on/along with7.宁愿做某事 would rather do than do/ prefer to do rather than do /prefer doing to doing8.使失望或沮丧 let sb down 9.提出;想出 come up with/ think up10.出版;发表 come out 11.覆盖coverwith/be covered with12.提供某物给某人 offer sth to sb 13.给某人提供某物 offer sb sth14.拒绝做某

8、事 refuse to do 15.做演讲 give a speech16.与做朋友 be/make friends with 17. 捐钱给慈善机构 give money to charity18. 向。询问建议 askfor advice 19. 同意做某事 agree to do Unit 51.属于 belong to sb/be sbs 2.发带 hair band3.形成;组成 make up 4.担心 be worried about5.赶上/错过巴士 catch/miss the bus 6.制造噪音 make(a) noise7.逃跑 escapefrom/run away

9、from 8.一个诚实的男孩 an honest boy9.假装做某事 pretend to do 10.用完;用光 use up/run out of11.企图做某事 attempt to do 12.关掉/打开/调大/调小 turn off/ turn on/turn up/turn down13. 一定是某人的 must be sbs 14. 一定不是某人的 cant be sbs15. 可能属于某人 could/ might/ may belong to sb 16. 古典音乐 classical music17. 对。来说太小了 much too small for sb 18. 跑

10、步锻炼 run for exercise / run to exercise19. 一定有人在做某事 There must be sb doing sth. 20. 从。逃跑 escape from21. 登上(车船飞机) get on 22. 从。上下来 get off23. 小心;当心 be careful of sth be careful to do take care to do sthUnit 61.跟着音乐跳舞 dance to music 2. 跟着唱sing along with3.不喜欢做某事 dislike doing/to do 4.提醒 remind of5.务必;一

11、定不要be sure not to do 6展览;陈列 on display/show7.错过;遗漏 miss (doing)sth 8.显示 suggest doing9.说实话 to be honest /to tell the truth 10.很合某人的意 suit sb fine11.期待做某事 expect sb to do/to do 12.尝起来很好 taste good13.对有害 be bad for 14.对有好处 be good for15.与保持距离 stay/keep away from 16.意见一致 be in agreementUnit 71.从容 take

12、it easy 2.考虑做某事consider/think about doing3.为什么不做某事why not do/why dont you do 4.通常;大体上 in general5.为翻译 translate for 6.把翻译成 translate into7.为某人提供某物provide sth for sb 8.提供某物给某人 provide sb with sth9.航海穿越 sail across 10.离开两星期 be away for 2 weeks11.数以千计的thousands of 12.尽快的as soon as possible13.继续做某事 continue doing/go on doing(with) 14.乐意做某事be willing to do15.相当多 quite a few 16.梦想做某事dream of doi



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