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1、unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark本章知识要点一、词汇( 1)基础词汇:used to曾经sure无疑,确实right 立即,马上dark黑暗chew嚼 ,咀嚼be afraid of 害怕做spider蜘蛛gum 口香糖be in terested in 对感兴趣insect昆虫comic连环漫画be terrified of对感到恐惧(2)词汇复习short hair 短发straighthai直发thin瘦的curlyhair卷发tall高的heavy重的,沉的long hair 长发short 矮的(be) medium height 中等身高

2、(have/has)a medium build中等胖瘦二、日常用语1.Iwasn t veryoutgo ing.我性格不是非常外向。2. You used to have long hair.你曾经梳着长头发。3.-Did you use to have straight hair?你曾经留长头发吧?-Yes,Idid.是的我曾。4. Didyou use tohave straighthair?你过去是直发吗?Yes, Idid.是的。5.Did you use to playthepiano?你过去弹钢琴吗?No, I didn ,我不弹。6. I used to be short w

3、he n I was you ng.我年轻时个子很矮 7. I used to be afraid of dark.我过去害怕黑暗。 8. I rterrified of the snakes我害怕蛇。9. Did you use to be afraid of being alone?你过去害怕独自一人呆着吗? Yes, I did.是的,我怕。10. I used to eat candy all the time.我曾一度一直在吃糖果。Didyou?是吗?Yes, I did. I used to chew gum a lot.是的。我曾吃口香糖吃的很凶。难点解读SectionA1、Do

4、n you remember me?难道你不记得我了吗?本句是否定形式的疑问句。否定形式的remember that holiday we had in Spain? Yes, I do/ No, I don t.The old man swife died ayear ago. He lives alone now,but he never feels Ionely.-No, Ican t是的,我不会。(3)表示想说服别人时。-Won t you help me?-No,I mafraidIcan 烦、挖苦时。Canyou是的,我恐怕帮不了你。(4)表示批评或者表示厌:shut the do

5、orbeh indyou?你不能随手关门吗?(5)用在感i叹句中(用将调)。Didnt he dowell!难道他做的不好吗?Isnt itcoldhere! t, . r . ”、(难道这里不冷吗?2、I used to be afraid ot being alone. 过去我吊害怕独处。I) alone 是表语形容词 ,意思 是“独自 的单独的。Shelivesalo neinthehouse.她独自住在这座房子里。注意区分 alone和lonely你难道不记得我们在西班牙的度假吗?不,我记得/是的,我不记得。2)想要表示惊讶、不相信或者夸张时。-Can t you (really) r

6、ide a bike?你真的不会骑自行车吗?t.alone的意义是单独、独自的”试看下面这个句子:”而Ionely则指孤独的、寂寞的# / 5这位老人的妻子一年前去世了,他独自生活,但从不感到孤独。(2) be afraid of害怕5后面可接名词、代词和动词-ing形式。Areyou ,afraidofsnakes?你害怕蛇吗 ?Heisafraidof goingout aloneatni ght.他害怕在夜里独自外出。beafraid后面还可接动词不定 式 ,和宾语从句 。Dontbeafraidtoaskforhelpifyouneedit.如果你需要,不要害怕向别人求助。Sectio

7、nB :1、When I was young, I used to have so much time, but these days I get up early and stay inschool all day.在我年纪小的时候,我常常有那么多的时间,但现在我早早起床,并且一整天都呆在学校里so much用来修饰不可数名词,意思是如此多的比较下面两个句子so ma ny 与可数名词连用You eat so much food.You have so ma ny books to read.你有那么多要读的书。语法讲解usedto的用法(1)冃疋句used这个词没有人称的变化,to后面接动

8、词原形。 When 1was;achild,Ididn tusetolikeapples.当我还是孩子的时候我不喜欢苹果疑问形式是didyouuseto ?Wheredidyouusetolivebeforeyoucamehere?当你来这儿之前你住哪儿?(2)含有used to的句子的反意疑冋句不要used n t +主语,而用didn 打主语。He used to smoke, did nt hfe过去常常吸烟,是吗?Yes, he did./ No, hedidn 是的,他吸。/不,他不吸。(3)used to表示过去的习惯动作,而不是现在的。1am used to the weathe

9、r here.我已经习惯于这里的天气了。He is used to hard work.他习惯于艰苦的工作。(4) used to可以和be, have以及其他状态动词连用,描写过去的状态。Iusedtobeawaiter,butnowImataxi -driver.我过去是一-个服务员,但现在我是出租车司机。本单元的许多运用 usedto的句子属于描述过去的状态。Mariousedtobeshort. 马力奥过去总是很 矮 。Amyusedtobeoutgo ing.爱M过去性格夕卜向 。Ti naused tohavelongand straighthair.蒂娜过去有-一头直的长头发。H

10、e used to wear black shoes.他过去常穿黑鞋。Would与used to的共同点:Would与used to都可用来表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作,常常可以换用。如:Whenwe were boys we used to/would go swimmi ng every summer. 小时候,每到夏天我们都要去游泳。He used to/would spend every penny he earned onbooks.过去,他通常把挣来的钱全花在买书上。Would与 used to的区别: Used to表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作或状态现在已经结束 would 则表

11、示有可能再发生。女口: People used to believe that the earth was flat . 过去,人们总以为地球是扁平的。(现在已不再这样认为)He would go to the park as soo nashewasfree.过去,他一有空就去公园。(现在有可能再去)单元练习# / 51.WhenIwasachild,IA. likingB. likeC.likedD.likes2.ItthathehasA.seemsB.looksC.3.HeisafraidA.seeBseei ng4.IusedtohaveshorthairA.curlyB.long5.

12、Idontlikegoi ngA.funnyB.quiet6. Mysisterlikes music.My fatherA.museumB.amuseme nt7.studyinA. Did you used toB. Didyou use to选择usedtostrawberry.bee nillforalongtime.looksasifD.seemsasifofstra ngers.C.sawD.see nbutnowIhavehair.C.straightD.yellowout.I mveryC.quiteD.activeusedto takeherto theparkC.con certsD.hospitalNo.4MiddleSchool?C. Do



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