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1、Unit1 Whats he like? B Read and write教学设计一、 语言知识目标:1.能听懂、会说句型:He can speak English and Chinese. He makes me finish my homework. Hes very helpful at home.2.能够在图片的帮助下读懂吴一凡的日记,完成选择描述机器人特征单词的活动。3.能够完成读后练习-选出描述Robin特征的单词。二、 语言技能目标:1.能够在语境中理解新单词robot, made, speak, finish的意义。2.能够按照正确的意群及语音、语调和语气朗读日记内容。3. 能

2、够“设计”一个机器人并写出描述其特征的3个句子。三、 情感态度与学习策略目标:1.帮助学生养成尊师重教的美德。2.通过丰富多彩的听说读写的练习,培养学生听说读写的技巧。教学过程ProceduresTeachers ActivitiesLearners ActivitiesNotesStep IPre-reading1. Greeting with the students.2. Get the students to listen and sing the song:Whos your teacher?3.The teacher shows some pictures and ask some

3、 qutions like this:Picture 1:T:Whos he?T:Whats he like?T:Is he old?1.Greeting with the teacher.2.The students sing the song:Whos your teacher?together.3.Look at the picturesand answer.the questions”S1:Hes Mr Young.S1:Hes old.S1:Yes,he is./No,he isnt.通过歌曲和快速问答两种方式复习前五课时的内容,既创设了轻松愉快的学习氛围,又为知识的学习打下基础。S

4、tep II. While-readingn1.(播放机器猫歌曲片段)接着上面的问题问T:Whos he?T:Whos his good friend?T:Whats he like?T:Doraemon is also called a robot cat.(教师逐个呈现字母)o-no-so-ro;boy-botThis word is .2. (呈现吴一凡的头像,介绍)(1)T:This is Wu Yifan. He has a robot.Whats his name?Who made it?Please read and finish the answers.Name:RobinFr

5、om:.Grandpa教学预设:学生看到from会想到找关于地点的答案。教师可以提示。(2)T:Is the robot from Wu Yifan?.How do you know?To learn the word:madea-e/ei/,so we can read it like this:make-lake-made教师出示图片,练习made的用法:T:Who made the first phone?3. Read and tick or cross.(1) T:His name is Robin,whats he like?lets guess(2) T:Maybe youre

6、right.LetsmeetRobinnow.Please read and tick.(3) Then check the answers.教师总结:T:Robin is short.Is he strong?So we can say hes short but strong.The teacher gives the students a model.The soup is hot but yummy.4. The teacher shows the sentences and explain them.(1)He is

7、出示多幅图片,练习The robot can_.(2) He is strict.Hemakesme_.出示图片练习.is.,.makes me.5.Play the tape and get the students to listen and repeat.1. The students answer the questions:Ss:Hes Da Xiong.Ss:哆来A梦S1:Hes clever.S2:Hes helpful.S3:Hes funny.Ss:Robot.Ss:Granda.2.(1)The students read and finish the informatio

8、n about the robot.阅读方法提示:快速浏览文本,找出答案。(2)Ss: No,he is from grandpa.学生在文本中找出答案,尝试回答:S1:My grandpa made him.Ss:贝尔。3. Read and tick or cross.(1) The students guess with:Hes clever./Hes.(2)The students read and finish the exercise.阅读方法提示仔细阅读文本,用画出关键词后,根据例子完成练习。要求学生一边阅读一边思考表格。(3) The students say the answ

9、ers.Ss:No,he isnt.4. Look at the passage and learn the new drills.5.Listen and repeat,then practise reading four in a group.通过播放轻松愉快的音乐声中呈现学生熟知的动画人物Doraemon,自然引入Robot的学习,自然创设学习情境。通过设计不同的阅读任务,让学生不断了解文本;通过学法指导,让学生掌握阅读方法和技巧,培养良好的阅读习惯。通过在文本中找重要信息,在句中学习新词汇,利用语意联想、图片等形式学习巩固本课新知,降低学习难度。Step III Postreading

10、1. Retell the story给学生提供关键词,指导学生对Robin进行描述,Lookatmyrobot.HisnameisRobin.Robinisshortbutstrong.Hesveryclever.Heshard-working.Hesstrict,too.2.播放一段关于机器人JiBo的一段视频,感受机器人的helpful等特点。Play the video and get the students to enjoy the robot.3.请学生独立设计一个机器人,四人小组说一说4.Get the students to show their robots.1.Retel

11、l the passage in a group then have a match among the groups.2.Watch the video and know about the other robot.3.Design your robot先画一张草图然后用语言对机器人的外貌特征加以描述,如:Ihavearobot.Hisnameis.Hes.4.小组选代表展示作品。复述文本、设计robot到具体描述,体现知识从输入到输出的过程。Step IVProduction1. Page10.教师先通过连线让学生初步感知be动词的用法。2. 与学生一起总结be动词的用法。1. 连线。2. 尝试总结be动词的用法。3. 完成:Choose and write 的练习。be 动词是本单元的重点,通过感知、练习,达到巩固知识点的目的。Step V Summary总结本课主要内容。同教师一起复述和总结本课主要内容。对本课所学做进一步的复习和巩固。Step VI Homework1.熟练朗读课文。2.设计你理想中的机器人并尝试用所学语言。将本课所学知识延伸到课外。


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