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1、PEP6 Recycle 1 Seasons 的教学设计 虹桥镇第二小学倪聪聪教学内容: PEP 6 Recycle 1 Page 39 教学目标:A基础目标:1. 能听、说、认读句型 I love to _. Its nice to _. I _ wear _ in _. The weather is usually_. 2. 能听、说、认读单词: autumn, pick, ski, grow等词。 3. 能理解并听、说句型Its hard to _. 4. 在图片的帮助下,能读懂短文,并完成两个问。B 基本学习策略调控策略:1. 把握学习的主要内容; 2. 和同学交流中学习。交际策略:在

2、课内学习活动中用英语与他人交流;C. 情感态度在学习过程中, 懂得四季没有好坏,每个季节都有人喜欢,并找到喜欢的事情去做。D. 文化意识 通过学习,知道不同地方的季节天气是不一样的。 教学设计一、 Warm-up1. free talk T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you , too. T: Who can tell me what date is it today?S1: Apr. 1st .T: And whats the weather like today?S1: Its.T

3、: Its a nice day. Im very glad to be here. Do you like games? First, lets play the game. Jigsaw puzzle.2. play game: Jigsaw puzzle.CAI 出现三块正方形的色块,点击进入一块色块Brain storm: weatherT: First, the orange part.教师在PPT上点击橘色色块弹出 weatherT: say some words about weather.S1:.T: Lets have a look. PPT上依次出现有关weather这一话

4、题的单词,帮助学生复习有关weather这一话题的单词。CAI 剩两块色块T: Yeah, we did it. Then the blue part.教师在PPT上点击蓝色色块弹出clothesT: say some words about clothes.S2:T: Look. PPT上依次出现有关clothes这一话题的单词,帮助学生复习有关clothes 这一话题的单词。CAI最后一块色块T: The last part. Are you ready? 教师点击这一色块出现Brain storm: things to do.T: Can you say some words about

5、 things to do?T: What do you do on the weekend?S:T: What can you do in springsummerfall winter?教师用问题引导学生理解 things to do 这一短语。S3:T: Look at the blackboard together. PPT依次出现动词短语,帮助学生复习跟本节课有关的动词短语。【设计意图】以游戏的框架, brain storm 的形式,激活了学生的原有知识储备,有效快速地复习了本节课将会用到的衣物,天气,活动等单词词组,为新句型的出示做好乐铺垫。二、 Presentationpract

6、ice1. CAI KimiT: Yeah, we did it. Who is he?Ss: KimiT: Do you like him?T: I like him very much. T: Do you want to know more about him?T: How old is he? Where is he come from?T: Look! Here some keywords for you.2.复习几个代表节日,和生日日期的表达。CAI出现六个信息 Taiwan, 6, Sept. 15th , T-shirt, spring , applesT: Where is

7、Kimi from?S1: T: How old is Kimi?S2: T: When is Kimis birthday?S3: .T: When is your birthday?S4: T: When is our National Day?T: Lets know some festivals with Kimi.T: National Day is in fall.3. 复习频率副词T. Kimis birthday is Sept. 15th. Lets go on knowing more about Kimi. T-shirt. T: Kimi wears T-shirt t

8、oday.CAI坐标图的形式出现频率副词 never, always, sometimes, usually, often 和衣服的单词sweater, shirt, T-shirt, pants , dressT: Kimi sometimes wears T-shirt in spring.教师同时点击 sometimes ,sometimes 一词,移到坐标的相应位置。T: What about sweater, pants, shirt? PPT出示句型Kimi _ wears_ in spring.引导学生选择频率副词去说。What do you wear in spring?S:W

9、hat do you wear in summer?PPT出示 I _ wear _ in _.【设计意图】以学生喜爱的明星做为切入点, 有效地复习了日期的表达和频率副词。 让学生在这一环节乐于快口,主动参与。4. 复习四季T: Kimi sometimes wear T-shirt in spring.And he likes spring best. CAI 出示四季T: There are four seasons in a year. Spring, summer, fall, winter. And we can call fall autumn. 板书autumn. 请学生小组起来

10、读。a. T: Whats the weather like in spring?S1:T: Yes, it often rains in spring. PPT 出示句型It often rains.T: Read this sentence.T: The weather is usually rainy in spring. PPT出示这个句子。T: Read it. T: What can you do in spring?S: I canT: Its nice. (叫几个同学起来回答。) T: I can plant trees in spring. Its nice to plant

11、 trees in spring. T: Lets plant trees together. T: Water the tree. And the tree grows and grows. 板书 grow. T: Its nice to watch the trees grow. And what else? S:b. T: Its nice to watch the flowers grow in spring. Because it often rains. T: Whats the weather like in summer?S1:T: The weather is usually

12、 hot in summer. PPT出示这个句子。T: What can you do in summer?S: I canT: Its nice. (叫几个同学起来回答。) T: Its nice to swim in summer. PPT出示这个句子 T: Read it. c. T: Whats the weather like in autumn?S1:T: The weather is usually _ in autumn. PPT出示这个句子。S1: The weather is usually _ in autumn.T: What can you do in autumn

13、?S: I can Its nice to _ in _. PPT出示这个句子d. T: Whats the weather like in winter?S1:T: The weather is usually _ in winter. PPT出示这个句子。S1: The weather is usually _ in winter.T: What can you do in winter?S: I can Its nice to _ in _. PPT出示这个句子【设计意图】精选了四幅图代表四季,让学生眼前为之一亮。并以这四幅图为切入点,复习了季节的天气和该季节的活动。同时带出新句型 It

14、s nice to _. 整个环节,从前面的整个句型的出示到后面的挖空,难度从简到难,体现渐进式地原则。5. 出示句型 I love to _.CAI Kimi: Its nice to skate in winter. I love to skate in winter too. And I also love to pick strawberries. T: Pick strawberries. And pick what else?引导学生说pick applespears等S:板书pick.T: I love to go hiking in winter. What about you?S:Tick and say.6. 出示文章a. S1: I love to _ in_.Its nice to _ in _.T: yeah, its nice to plant flowers in spring. And it is hard to plant flowers in



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