剑桥四年级上英语Unit 5 同步练习2

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1、JOIN IN 剑桥英语四年级上册Unit5单元测试卷姓名:_ 分数:_Part听力局部(50分)一、Listenandchoose(听录音,选择你所听到的单词)(0分) 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word().A.draw B. meet C. speak ()2.A.skateboard B. horse C. juice ()3.A.kiteB. orangeC. white()4.A.morning B. night C. phone()5.A.plane B. noseC. light ()6.A. ruler B. eraser C. schoolbag()7.A.star B. r

2、abbitC. tea()8.A.chocolate B. zebra C. window()9.A.chicken B. cakeC. noodles()0.A.snail B. mouth C. game二、 Listenandnumber(听录音,给图片标序号)(8分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、 Listen and choose(听录音,选择你所听到的句子)(0分)(). A. Look at your arms . B. Look at my prize. ()2. A. Im hungry. B. Im angry. ()3. A. The

3、game isnt stupid. B. This game is stupid.()4. A. Your turn, Mike. B. You are the winner, Mike.()5. A. Ive got a new pencil box. B. Ive got a new bow and arrow.四、Listen and judge(听录音,判断图片与所听内容是“”否“”相符)(2分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五、Listen and tick(听录音,勾出孩子各自会做什么)(0分)ActivityNameMariaNickDanMarkPart2笔试局

4、部(50分)一、Look,match and write.看图片写单词。(2分)ride a horse swim play the piano play the football stand on the head fly a kite play the guitar ride a bike二、Choose correct answers(选择正确的答案)(0分)( ).Can you stand on your head? No, _.A. I dont B. I can C. I cant( )2. At school Lily wears a blue _.A. shirt B. sk

5、irt C. shoes( )3. I can _.A. stand on her headB. stand on my head C. stand on his head( )4. Jenny cant _.A. play piano B. play a piano C. play the piano ( )5. Toby can _.A. read B. sing C. dance三、Read, choose and complete.(选词填空)(0分)sister play drive ride her. She cant stand on _ head.2. I can_ a bik

6、e.3. My brother can _a racing car.4. Everybody can _table tennis.5. My _is a superstar. She can sing and dance.四、Read and fill in Yes or No.(阅读短文,在表格写Yes或No)(2分)Peter is wearing a red Tshirt and blue jeans. He cant play the piano and swim.He can ride a horse.Linda is wearing a green Tshirt and yello

7、w jeans.She cantride a horse and she cant stand on her head.She can play the piano.Mike is wearing a blue Tshirt and shorts.He cant play the piano and cant ride a horse. He can swim. Rita is wearing an orange Tshirt and blue jeans.She cant swimand cant play the piano.She can stand on her head活动人名RitaPeterLindaMike五、Look and write sentences.(6分)Frank can _. He can _. He cant _.



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