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1、2022自考专业(国贸)试题库及全真模拟试题含答案1. In the following payment terms, ( ) is the safest term to the seller. A.Payment against documents, at 30 days after sightB.Payment by T/T, at 30 days after arrival of goodsC.Payment against documents, at 30 days from the date of B/LD.Payment by acceptance L/C, at 30 days

2、after sight正确答案: D 2. 国外来证规定,交货数量为10000公吨散装货,未表明可否溢短装,不准分批装运,根据UCP500规定,卖方发货的()。 A.数量和总金额均可增减10%B.数量和总金额均可增减5%C.数量可增减5%,总金额不得超过信用证总金额正确答案: C 3. 我外贸公司按FOB条件从国外进口一批散装化肥,采用程租船运输,如买方不愿负担装船费用,应在合同中规定使用()。A.FOBLinerTermsB.FOBUnderTackleC.FOBTrimmed正确答案: C 4. 代位追偿和重复保险分摊的最根本依据是()A.可保利益原则B.最大诚信原则C.近因原则D.补偿原

3、则正确答案: D 5. He lost his way in the forest, but he managed to get through it_. A. completelyB.eventuallyC.quicklyD.automatically正确答案: B 6. 以下保险中,承保各种专业人员如医生、律师、会计师、工程师等因工作上的疏忽或过失造成契约对方或他人的人身伤害或财产损失的经济赔偿责任的保险是()A.雇主责任保险B.健康保险C.公众责任保险D.职业责任保险正确答案: D 7. 国际商品市场结构最主要的特征是()A.充分竞争B.垄断C.垄断竞争D.价格竞争正确答案: B 8.

4、One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain _ good knowledge of basic word formation. A./B.theC.aD.one正确答案: C 9. 英国法原则上将货物的数量视为合同的条件,若卖方交货的数量与合同规定不符时,买主就有权解除合同并请求损害赔偿。() 正确答案:正确10. _ an order for 100 pieces or more, we allow a special discount of 5% for payment by L/C. A.AtB. InC.OnD. Fr

5、om正确答案: C 11. 取得外经贸经济效益的客观基础是_ A.价格、汇率机制B.比较优势C.进出口商品结构D.绝对优势正确答案: B 12. 国际商品协定是某些食品或原料生产国(出口国)与消费国(进口国)之间为稳定价格和保证贸易发展而缔结的()A.民间多边贸易协定B.国际组织间多边贸易协定C.政府间多边贸易协定D.盈利性机构间多边贸易协定正确答案: C 13. 我国从日本进口货物,如按FOB条件成交,需由我方派船到日本口岸接运货物;如按CIF条件成交,则由日方租船舶将货物运往中国港口。可见,我方按FOB进口承担的货物运输风险,比按CIF进口承担的风险大。 正确答案:错误14. 设随机变量Z

6、nB(n,p),n=1,2,其中0=()A. B. C. D. 正确答案: B 15. I don t want to buy the sweater because I don t like the color. _, it is too expensive. A.ExceptB.Except forC.HoweverD.Besides正确答案: D 16. 我国现行海关税则中所采用的商品分类目录是()。A.联合国标准商品分类目录B.我国自定的商品分类目录C.布鲁塞尔税则商品目录D.国际商品编码协调制度正确答案: D 17. 对香港地区的铁路运输中,向银行结汇的重要凭证是() A.国内铁路运

7、单B.承运货物收据C.供港货物委托书D.起运电报正确答案: B 18. 在约定的品质机动幅度或品质公差范围内的品质差异,除非另有规定,一般不另行规定增减价格。 正确答案:正确19. If you can make us a firm offer at a _ price, we will place an order with your corporation. A.competitiveB.comparativeC.subjectiveD.objective正确答案: A 20. 若A、B相似,则下列说法错误的是() A.A与B等价B.A与B合同C.|A|=|B|D.A与B有相同特征值正确答

8、案: B 21. “改革”与“开放”的交汇点是_ A.汇率机制改革B.价格机制改革C.对外贸易体制改革D.经济体制改革正确答案: C 22. _our catalogues for your reference. A.EnclosingB. Please find encloseC.Enclosed please findD.Enclosure正确答案: C 23. Children should _waste water. A.tell not toB. be told donC.be told to donD. be told not to正确答案: D 24. “As requested

9、, we make an offer for the following products as follows, subject to our final confirmation.”怎么翻译正确答案: 按照要求,我们就下述商品发盘如下,以我方最后确认为准。 25. 甲企业2006年5月1日从丙公司购入价款60000元,增值税10200元的原材料一批,甲企业开出并承兑同等金额的带息商业承兑汇票一张。该汇票期限3个月,年利率6%。汇票到期后的价值为()A.60000元B.70200元C.71100元D.71253元正确答案: D 26. Under CFR contract, the good

10、s are damaged during marine transport and the buyer suffers losses estimated at USD 1 000 due to natural calamity, USD 800 due to fortuitous accidents, and USD 2 000 due to extraneous risks.If the buyer has insured the goods for USD 1 000 000 against WPA before shiment, then the insurer should pay (

11、 ) compensation to the buyer. A.USD 3800B.USD 1800C.USD 3000D.USD 2800正确答案: B 27. Under documentary collection, the draft must be ( ) A.sight draftB.time draftC.banker s draftD.banker s draft正确答案: D 28. To comply with your request, we are quoting you _. A.as followingB.as followC. as followsD.follow正确答案: C 29. 设 A 为 3 阶方阵,特征值分别为 -2, 1 ,1,则| 5A-1 |=_. 正确答案: -125 30. 计算行列式=()A.-180B.-120C.120D.180正确答案: A


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