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1、 摘 要本次毕业设计,我所做的是芦村新井设计。在毕业设计之前,我们设计组在陈志彬老师和李新旺老师的带领下到陶二矿进行为期两天的毕业实习,在此期间我们搜集了所有毕业设计所需的资料,同时在生产一线积累了实际生产的经验。在实习过程中我们更加深刻地了解到我们以后的工作,并且学到了重要的设计思想及设计中所涉及的现场工作经验,为毕业设计打下了良好的基础,为以后的工作也积累了宝贵的经验。本次毕业设计是经过共同讨论及经过指导老师多次指导的结晶,经过反复比较后最终确定的,是我们大学四年学习采矿工程专业的一个全面的总结。芦村矿井初步设计包括以下几个部分:1. 矿井内水文、地质、村庄、交通等基本情况概述;2. 矿井

2、井田范围内煤的地质储量、工业储量及可采储量;3. 矿井生产能力及服务年限;4. 矿井井田的总体开拓设计,井筒位置及形式选择、水平划分、延伸方案确定、带区划分、井底车场的确定及线路计算、硐室布置等内容;5. 矿井带区的布置、工作面布置、生产运输机械选型、生产程序安排、带区车场的设计及生产工作面回采工艺的确定。6. 矿井生产系统。包括提升、运输、通风、排水等系统的确定和设备选型及相关硐室的布置。本设计时间为2012-3-12到2012-6-01共12周时间,时间较为仓促,同时由于本人水平有限,缺少现场生产经验,在设计中难免有不足之处,恳请各位老师和同学给予批评指正,本人不胜感激。关键词:开采水平、

3、开拓方式、采煤方法、井底车场。AbstractIn this graduation design, what I do is a first step design of mineral mine in xitushang coal mine.Under the leadership of chenzhibin and li xinwang, our group arrived at the TaoerMineral to carry on a graduation field work in a month before graduate design. We collected the d

4、ata that all graduations need when design in this period, at the same time we obtained a glimmer of backlog the experience of the actual production .In this process, we understood we later of work more deeply, learned the important design thought and the spot work experience involved in the design,

5、and made a good foundation of the design to beat for the graduation. We also obtained backlog precious experience of later work.This graduation is the crystallize of our common discussion and the guide of the teachers. According to our comparisons again and again, we decided this design in the end.

6、This design is an overall summary of our four years university study of mining engineering.The design of mineral well in lucun Mineral includes the following steps:1. The introduce of the basic circumstance of the internal mineral well such as the background of water, geology, village, transportatio

7、n, etc.2. The geology storage quantity of the coal, industry storage quantity of the coal and the storage quantity of the coal allowed to mine in the tidy farmland and scope of the mine.3. The ability of production in the mineral well and the time limits for service.4. Tidy farmland of mineral of to

8、tal expand the design, the well tube position and the form choice, levels divide the line, extend the project assurance and adopt the area demarcation, the settling the parking field in the well bottom and circuit calculation, the silo arranges etc.5. The design of the mining area arrangement in min

9、eral well, the arrangement of the work surface, choosing the produces type of transport machine, the arrangement of the procedure, the parking field in the mining area and the assurance of the back to adopt in the work surfaces of production.6. The producing system of the mineral well. Include the d

10、eciding of promoting, transporting, well ventilating, draining etc., the choosing of the equipments type and the arrangement of the silo related.The time of the designs is 2012-3-12-2012-6-1 and is 12 weeks in total.Time is limited to design. Because the level of oneself is limited, and the experien

11、ce of spot produces is shortage, there are many shortages in my design, please give me some animadversions to correct, I will be extremely grateful.Keyword: the level of mining, expand the way, adopt the coal method, well bottom car field. 目录第一章 矿井概述及井田特征101.1 井田概况101.1.1 位置交通(行政隶属关系)101.1.2地形地貌111.

12、1.3 地表水系111.1.4 气象111.1.5 地震情况121.1.6 矿区内工农业生产情况121.1.7煤炭运销和经济效益121.1.8地面建筑情况131.1.9水源情况131.2 地质构造131.2.1地层131.2.2主要地质构造171.3煤层191.3.2可采煤层特征表201.3.3各可采煤层特征分述如下211.4煤质211.4.1煤的工业分析211.4.2煤的元素分析221.4.3煤的工艺性能231.5瓦斯、煤尘、自燃、地温等情况231.6水文地质241.6.1矿井主要含水层241.6.2 矿井主要隔水层251.6.3断层及破碎带对矿井充水的影响251.6.4矿井水文地质类型26

13、1.6.5矿井涌水量261.7对勘探程度及精查勘探地质报告的评价27第二章 井田境界和储量282.1 井田境界282.2 井田工业储量282.2.1可采煤层282.2.2 井田工业储量282.3井田可采储量28第三章 矿井年产量、服务年限及工作制度323.1井型及服务年限323.2工作制度33第四章 井田开拓344.1概述344.1.1地质构造344.1.2 煤层赋存状况344.1.3 水文地质情况344.1.4 综述354.2 确定井田开拓方式354.2.1 确定井筒形式、位置、数目354.3开采水平的设计394.3.1 水平高度的确定394.3.2 设计水平的巷道布置404.4 带区划分4

14、24.5井底车场434.6 开拓系统方案比较564.6.1 开拓方案的类型564.6.2 开拓方案的技术比较584.6.3 开拓方案经济比较594.6.4 综合比较614.6.5 开拓系统的综述61第五章 采煤方法和带区巷道布置625.1 煤层的地质特征625.1.1 煤层特征及围岩特征625.1.2 地质构造625.1.3 水文地质条件625.1.4 可采煤层的煤质指标特征635.1.5 开采煤层的瓦斯及煤尘情况635.2 采煤方法和回采工艺635.2.1 采煤方法的选择635.2.2 回采工艺635.3 带区巷道和生产系统655.3.1带区概况655.3.2 带区生产能力665.3.3 带

15、区巷道布置675.3.4 带区生产系统675.4 带区车场设计及硐室685.5 带区采掘计划715.5.1带区巷道的掘进方法和作业方式715.5.2 带区巷道的断面和支护形式725.5.3 带区工作面配备735.5.4 工作面推进度、年产量73第六章 矿井运输与提升746.1 概述746.2 带区运输设备的选择746.3 主要巷道运输设备的选择756.3.1 大巷运输方式的选择756.3.2 大巷皮带运输机的选型756.4 主井提升设备选型计算786.4.1 主井提升原始数据786.4.2 提升容器的确定796.4.3 钢丝绳的选择816.4.4 提升机的选择826.4.5 提升电动机的选择826.4.6 提升机相对井筒的位置836.4.7 提升系统的总变位质量846.4.8 动力学计算856.4.9 对防滑性能的分析866.4.10 提升机提升能



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