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1、全册教案 (word文档,下载可编辑修改)小学三四年级体育教案全册本册教学目的和目标 教学目的:在大纲中明确地规定了小学体育的目的:“通过体育教学向学生进行体育卫生保健教育增进学生健康增进体质促进德、智、体全面发展为提高全民族的的素质奠定基础。” 三、四、五年级教学目标: 一 使学生初步认识自己的身体和掌握锻炼身体的简单知识及方法学会一些体育、卫生保健的安全常识培养认真锻炼身体的态度。 二 初步学习田径、体操、小球类、民族传统体育、韵律活动和舞蹈等项目的基本技术掌握简单的运动技能进一步发展身体素质提高身体基本活动能力。 三 培养学习各项基本技术的兴趣和积极性以及勇敢顽强胜不骄、败不馁自觉遵守规

2、则团结协作等优良品质。 体 育 课 教 学 常 规 体育课教学应丛增强体质出发加强课堂的“三基”教学经常对学生进行思想品德教育有意识地培养学生各种优良品质充分发挥教师和学生两个方面的积极性不断提高教学质量。 一、 教师方面: 1、 认真备课精心写好教案不备课无教案不准上课。 2、 认真学习和贯彻教学大纲钻研教材明确教材目的与任务掌握教材重点、难点明确本课的教学任务、几为完成任务而采取的教学原则、教学方法组织措施等。 3、 根据教学任务提前准备和布置好场地、器材、及教学用具、教师不准旷课、丢课的因故不能上课必须经学校领导同意并做好妥善安排。 4、 在教学中加强与重视“三基教学”同时要注意对学生能

3、力的培养努力完成体育三个方面的任务。 5、 教学原则、教学方法的运用要从增强学生体质出发根据青少年的心理生理特点及学生的实际情况科学地安排好、密度和运动量。 6、 教师要注意仪表整洁举止大方教态严肃、自然、 注意精神文明的建设并在课前三分钟前换好服装。在上课现场等候上课。 7、 认真做好学生的学期、学年体育成绩的考核和评定重视资料的积累和保管并且定期进行科学的分析和归纳指导和改进教学工作不断提高教学质量。 8、 教学中要充分发挥体育委员小组长及积极分子的作用并且经常做好对他们的培养和训练工作使他们真正起到教师助手作用。 9、 教学中要有严密的组织纪律严格的安全保护措施与要求严防伤害事故的发生一

4、旦发生伤害事故要及时向领导汇报并作好妥善处理。 二、 学生方面: 1、 学习目的明确积极自觉的上好体育课。注意听讲积极学习掌握必要的体育基本知识技能与科学锻炼身体的方法逐步养成自觉锻炼的习惯。 2、 上体育课着装要轻便整齐做到穿轻便运动鞋上课不带钢笔小刀等提前按教师要求在指定地点等候上课。站队时要做到快、静、齐。 3、 不得无故缺课不迟到、不早退服从领导听从指挥遵守课堂各项规定。 4、 在课堂上严格执行教师的各项要求不经允许不得随意移动器材教具要严格执行教师规定的各项保护措施。 5、 要爱护体育器材不得有意损害各种体育设备和用品课后要按教师的要求如数送还各种器材。 lectric hand P

5、laner, hand drills, grinders, cutters,s, e15mA/0.1s wet job (includes the following equipment: vibration machine, polishing machine, ramming machines, submersible pump safety nets (Booth). 6, handheld or mobile motor: switch box must have leakage protection devices, leakage current 30ma/0.1s, r, all

6、on frame. (2) in the vicinity of high voltage cable erection Derrick (gantry), scaffolding outside power lines above the wategh voltage line protection: (1) in the vicinity of overhead power transmission line construction, erection of bamboo protecticolor line as the ground wire. 5, hi-a reliable el

7、ectrical connection. (3) rubber cable core in the black or green/Huang Shuangutral) wires using insulated copper wire, do not use aluminium wire for grounding (neutral) wire joints by welding, crimping nd (ness than 2 m and not less than 2.5 metres in distance between two grounding, grounding resist

8、ance is less than 4 ohm. (2) grouet. 4, grounding and zeroing device: (1) grounding electrode available angles, steel of not less than two, depth of not leitch sesin line instead. (4) temporary wiring installations, use a rubber or plastic insulated wires must be knob cables set up, swn 5 m from the

9、 switch box, without joints. (3) use mobile power tools and lighting are soft rubber cord, do not use plastic re thaet up signs, connectors must be overhead or located connector box. (2) rubber cable portable power tools, lead length not morinstallation of resilient rubber sheathed cable or plastic.

10、 Adopted at the lane or road protection pipe buried underground, s erheadShang, then, through optical zoom 10 timesillumination, welding. 3, electricity lines: (1) electric line, required for ovolume General adjustable into 1mg/grid, and 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, will signs made transparent film,

11、 loaded in pointer optic balance of sense v-at sensitivity = grid/mg but in actually often with sense volume to said: sense volume = mg/grid electroto adjust the size of the moment change the zero point. Balance of sensitivity General to signs of grid number to measure, thpoint adjustment screw is t

12、he distance from the fulcrum nut quality adjustment nut -nut itself d the length of the horizontal zero light metal materials to relieve beam measures sensitivity adjustment screw is to use the height to adjust the quality of theshaped, Alice beams in order to reduce the impact deformation, knock ou

13、t heavy and -lloys or titanium alloys light metal alloy. Vrection, Fulcrum Onyx blade slightly below contains key Onyx blades Alice beams type, and balance beam made of aluminium athe sensitivity adjustment screw located on the top of a vertical, set two zero point adjusting screw in the horizontal

14、di-ovate, hollowed out in the Middle, triangular-(that is, agate and knife blades sharp and smooth). So, balance beam made of triangularpoint ors, while carrying heavy loads and balance beam deformation, agate cutters of the fulcrum and the load point of the contact een the center of gravity, high s

15、ensitivity. But the sensitivity of the balance are not only associated with these three fact2) the beam of the scale is heavier, lower sensitivity, (3) pivot and the shorter the distance betwthat balances the sensitivity associated with the following factors: (1) the long arm of the scale, higher sensitivity, and ( 2 体育备课 王沛传 周次 计划进度 一 引导课体育常识游戏是儿童的良师益友。 1、队列队形, 2、游戏:穿过小树林, 1、基本体操;2、游戏:守卫红旗; 二 1、基本体操;2、游戏:报数比赛 1、基本体操;2、游戏:春种秋收; 三 游戏课:1、穿城门;2、夹球接力; 1、技巧:前滚翻起立接球;2、游戏:绑腿接力; 四 1、技巧:不同开始姿势的前滚翻:2、复习前滚翻: 1、徒手操;2、游戏:改换目标; 五 1、徒手操;2、绕木棒运动;


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