新课标PEP小学英语五年级下册《Unit4 B Read and write》精品教案

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《新课标PEP小学英语五年级下册《Unit4 B Read and write》精品教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新课标PEP小学英语五年级下册《Unit4 B Read and write》精品教案(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新课标PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit4 B Read and write精品教案一、教学三维目标:1、知识目标:听说读写句型 :Grandpa is writing a letter. Brother is doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. Hes writing an e-mail in the study.2、能力目标:用“Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.”等句子介绍家人正在做什么。3、情感目标:让学生学会感恩,养成自觉帮助父母的好习惯。二、教学重点与难点:1. 重点是掌握

2、句型:Mom is in the ” 的书写;2. 用本课所学内容完成接听电话的任务是重点也是难点;3. “Hows everybody doing? Just fine.”是教学难点也是新语言。三、教具准备:头饰、课件、练习题四、教学过程1. Preparation 准备活动1)Free talk: T: Now class begins! Good afternoon, boys and girls. How are you today? Ss: Fine, thank you.(T要求一名学生做动作read a book)T: What are you doing?S1: Im read

3、ing a book.( T手指该生问另一名学生) T: Whats he/she doing? S2: He/She is reading a book.( T出示图卡提问其他学生) T: Whats he/she doing? Where is he/she?(引导学生看图回答)He/She is in the .(设计意图:这是为新课做铺垫的环节,靠温故去知新,引入本课新句型感知)过渡(T皱眉):Well. Whats Grandma doing? Now, lets listen.2) B Lets chant, P49. T: Boys and girls, stand up, pl

4、ease(手势配合).Clap your hands, follow me, lets do.(课件播放)Grandma is cooking, cooking noodles;Sister is listening, listening to music;Mom is writing, writing an e-mailDad is reading, reading the newspaper.T: Wonderful! Sit down, please.(设计意图:这是为新课做铺垫的环节,必须靠温故去知新,同时要简洁,Chant这种明快的形式,一方面能创设英语氛围,另一方面会抓住孩子的“活

5、泼好奇,善模仿,好交际”的特征,既激发学生的兴趣,又做好新课的铺垫。这时候如果孩子们动不起来,我就会用我的动态体态、手势、动作去引导,应当说这是我调动学生积极性的法宝。)目标 借助于老师体态语言的牵引,挖掘孩子的潜能,快速激起同学们的学习之情。2. Prereading阅读前活动1)T:(拿出Sarah头饰)Whos she? Ss: Sarah. T:(把头饰戴到某女生头上)Now, you are Sarah. Hello, Sarah. How are you? S: Fine, thank you. Hows your mother?How are you?Hows doing? Fi

6、ne. Thank you.How are you doing?Just fine.How iseverybodyT: How is your mother? S: Fine, thank you. (课件出示引导学生回答)继续提问其他学生,引导学生回答How are you doing? How is your father/mother/ doing? ( father/mother/everyone, everybody)然后引出句型:Hows everybody doing? 并引导学生回答Fine, thank you. T: Yes. Fine. We can answer: Ju

7、st fine. (课件出示或板书)2)领读2遍之后,让学生practice in pairs.然后抽查几组同学。(设计意图:借助于学生较熟知的How are you?句型入手,导入并引出家庭话题Hows everybody doing? 化解难点,排除阅读障碍。同时我还紧跟上了操练,使得对Hows everybody doing? Just fine.难度系数降到最低。)目标 扫除阅读材料中的难点,把拦路石搬掉。3. In reading 阅读中活动1) General reading略读T在黑板上画一个人物并告诉学生:This is my uncle-Larry.(S say after

8、Larry, Larry, Uncle Larry) T戴上Larry头饰:Hello, Im Larry. Im coming. Im speaking to Mike. Do you know what are we talking about? Now open your books, read this passage in silence (默读), and answer “Yes or No” (课件一个个的出现问题) Grandpa is writing an e-mail.( ) Brother is doing homework. ( ) Mom is cooking din

9、ner. ( )Dad is is reading a book. ( )T:及时个体评价后Whos all right? Hands up! 整体评价鼓励(设计意图:第一遍略读,设置并用课件呈现出了四个“Yes or No ” 的问题,让学生带着这些简单的问题进行快速阅读,通过阅读了解文章的大概内容,给学生自信。)目标 给学生以阅读的自信心,为下一步的细读做好铺垫。2)Detailed reading细读T: Just now you learned well. Now lets go on. Read the dialogue again, and answer my questions

10、(课件出示问题) Whats Grandpa doing? Whats Brother doing? Whats Mom doing? Whats Mike doing? Whats Dad doing?巡视指导For the sentences you need, you can draw lines.T:及时个体评价后Whos all right? Hands up! 整体评价鼓励(设计意图:通过让学生细读,设置并用课件呈现出问题,让学生理解课文主要内容和细节信息,给学生一些比较深度思维的问题检测理解程度,培养学生获取信息的能力。)目标 加深对阅读材料的理解,生成提取、筛选信息的能力。T:

11、Boys and girls, Do you have any questions?解决句型Im coming, whos that?(设计意图:通过让学生自主提出问题,解决难点句型,培养学生有效地寻求帮助的能力。)T: Boys and girls, you are all right. Now say after me“Super, super, Im super!” (设计意图:下午学生有点困,为提起学生学习兴趣,通过活动培养学生信心。)目标 培养学生的有效解决问题,寻求帮助的能力。3) Read and write 读写 T: Please read the dialogue loud

12、ly. And finish the sentences, you can write it on your English book. (课件出示阅读提示)(每组选一个同学上黑板做,看谁做的最好,同时指导学生的书写。)If you find the answers, draw lines. And then, discuss in groups.巡视指导然后check them up.(Exchange and correct)T:及时个体评价后Whos all right? Hands up! 整体评价鼓励(设计意图:第三遍阅读,落实到写。通过完成书上的完成句子检测学生的书写以及对内容的进

13、一步理解和掌握情况,阅读时要求学生对难点信息勾画,培养学生的合作学习的意识。并利用简笔画图片,在黑板上贴上人物,找同学上来填空,下面的同学利用课本也填。同时,让学生进行合作互助,对同组同学进行检查指导)目标 培养写的能力,养成正确的书写习惯,包括大小写和标点符号。4) Listen to the tape. 听(听读2 遍)出示跟读要求 (课件播放课文影音)(设计意图:经过三遍阅读,学生对课文比较熟悉,在这里听读是为了培养学生的语感,以及模仿语音,语调的能力。)目标 培养学生的模仿的能力,增强英语的韵律美和熟练感。5) Read aloud朗读Practice in three, Read a

14、loud please.(通过大声朗读增强学生的语感,培养朗读能力,在这里采用小组合作的方式来进行。)Check:Read together.目标 培养学生的合作互助的能力,使小组成员能达到优势互补,相互促进的作用。4. Post reading 阅读后活动1)分角色朗读表演Role-play reading, then act.让小组同学分角色朗读语篇,然后表演对话。 (设计意图:分角色朗读既能让学生在大声读中感知语言也能进一步理解语篇,同时也是对学生认读的再检测。表演对话也是为后面的语言拓展打基础。)目标 培养学生的英语语感。2)任务设置及处理T: Lets play a game“打电话

15、的游戏” ( 课件呈现相关内容)老师和学生先做示范,进行打电话,并给学生充足的时间去准备,看哪组同学在40 秒内打电话的次数最多。A: Hi. This is A. Can I speak to C, please? B: Sure. He is _. Hold on, please.C: Hi. Can I speak to D, please?Words Box:doing homework cooking dinner cleaning the roomlistening to music writing an e-mail reading a bookdrawing pictures doing the dishes washing


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