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1、Unit 7 The Birthday PartyTOPIC 2 Can you sing an English song?Section B 习题I.单项选择()1. I can play the guitar.一 can you do? I can also sing English songs.A. How elseB. What else C. Who else D. Where else()2.Miss Gao sMeimei learns English well.C. AtD. ForB. No, you couldn t.D. Of course you can.A. With

2、B. Of()3.-Can I eat these apples?一 Please help yourself.A. Yes, you could.C. No way.()4.-Can you play ping-pong basketball?-I can play ping-pong.C. butD. withA. andB. or()5. They were good friends before, but they like each other.A. not; any more B. don t; no moreC. don t; any more. not; no moreII .

3、从方框中选择适当的短语,并用其适当形式填空。take photos, last year, dance to disco, just a little, be sure1. Many people lost their lives in traffic accidents.2. I my friends will come to the party tomorrow.3. Can you play basketball?Yes, but.4. Kangkang often goes to Beihai Park and there. They are very beautiful.5. Mar

4、ia in the gym every Friday afternoon. She works hard at it.III .句型转换1. With the help of John, the kitchen fan works again.(改为同义句), the kitchen fan works again.2. He can draw pictures.(对画线部分提问) can he?3. Li Fang could swim when she was six years old.( 改为同义句 )Li Fang could swimsix.4. Could you cook when you were five?(作否定回答) ,.5. Something is wrong with his bike.( 改为同义句 ) There is his bike.答案:I. B A D B CII. 1. last year 2. am sure 3. just a little 4. takes photos 5. dances to discoIII. 1. With John s 2elphat; do3. at the age of 4. No; I couldn t5. something wrong with



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