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1、2014第二学期五年级下册体育教案全集(修订)教 学 设 计 学科, 体 育 年级, 六年级 教师, 张候栋 学校, 新城子中学 the construction site, and coordinated the implementation of protective measures. 7.10 the main control requirements of 7.10.1 site acceptance of equipment and materials equipment and material comes into play, construction unit should,

2、 in conjunction with the relevant units (equipment manufacturers, construction unit, supervisor or management units, etc)recorded on the maintenance tab. 7.8.3 products protective duties with the conversion and transfer of responsibility for construction, maintenance work of the product should be ha

3、nded over. 7.8.4 for commissioning of power plant equipment and systems should be run or are under construction in the equipment or system to make the necessary isolation, not to operate the valve, switch hanging sign, ensure that the test devices are not mistakes. 7.8.5 products during the transfer

4、 of product maintenance cards should save the transfer of project management. 7.9 product after the change of protection sought after product by project Department according to customer requirements and the specific circumstances of 2015,2016学年度第二学期体育科教学进度表 授科书教 学 五年级 科 目 体育 名称及 班 级 册数 上 课 每 周 总授课 考

5、 试 2.25 3 48 1 日 期 节 数 节 数 次 数 时 间 页 数 周预定进度 实际进度 出入原因 说 明 次 起 讫 起 讫 第1课 1 2.24-2.26 第2课 2 2.29-3.4 第3课 3 3.7-3.11 第4课 4 3.14-3.18 第5课 5 3.21-3.25 第6课 6 3.28-4.1 第7课 7 4.4-4.8 第8课 8 4.11-4.15 复习 9 4.18-4.22 期中考试 10 4.25-4.29 第9课 11 5.2-5.6 第10课 12 5.9-5.13 第11课 13 5.16-5.20 第12课 14 5.23-5.27 第13课 15

6、 5.30-6.3 第14课 16 6.6-6.10 第15课 17 6.13-6.17 第16课 18 6.20-6.24 复习 19 6.27-7.1 期末考试 20 7.4-7.8 2ter product by project Department according to customer requirements and the specific circumstances ofght afr of product maintenance cards should save the transfer of project management. 7.9 product after

7、the change of protection sout to operate the valve, switch hanging sign, ensure that the test devices are not mistakes. 7.8.5 products during the transfen, noplant equipment and systems should be run or are under construction in the equipment or system to make the necessary isolatio r of responsibil

8、ity for construction, maintenance work of the product should be handed over. 7.8.4 for commissioning of powerransfepervisor or management units, etc)recorded on the maintenance tab. 7.8.3 products protective duties with the conversion and ts into play, construction unit should, in conjunction with t

9、he relevant units (equipment manufacturers, construction unit, su1 site acceptance of equipment and materials equipment and material comethe construction site, and coordinated the implementation of protective measures. 7.10 the main control requirements of 7.10. 2013,2014学年度第二学期五年级体育授课计划 总 的 教 学 目 的

10、 教 育 教 养 1、使学生熟练地掌握队1、合理使用体育器材和体列队行能灵活地根据口令进育设施加强学生体育活动技行站队。 巧的教学。 2、使学生熟练掌握502、注重对学生身体素质提米、100米、200米、800米、高的训练以强化学生的体质。 立定跳远、实心球、跳绳、跳 高等项目的技术要领和技巧。 3、因材施教培养学生对体育的兴趣爱好。 3、 掌握基本的体育基础 知识明确体育锻炼的作用4、加强对体育课的安全教在锻炼中运用学到的知识并育和学生对自我保护意识的教不断巩固和提高。 育。 4、进一步增强体质特别是耐力素质和力量素质。 5、通过体育锻炼培养集体主义精神进行爱国主义教育增强自信心为终身体育打

11、下坚实的基础。 3nd the specific circumstances oft. 7.9 product after the change of protection sought after product by project Department according to customer requirements aagemences are not mistakes. 7.8.5 products during the transfer of product maintenance cards should save the transfer of project manequ

12、ipment or system to make the necessary isolation, not to operate the valve, switch hanging sign, ensure that the test devin the should be handed over. 7.8.4 for commissioning of power plant equipment and systems should be run or are under construction iducts protective duties with the conversion and

13、 transfer of responsibility for construction, maintenance work of the product pro units (equipment manufacturers, construction unit, supervisor or management units, etc)recorded on the maintenance tab. 7.8.3 of equipment and materials equipment and material comes into play, construction unit should,

14、 in conjunction with the relevant 1 site acceptancethe construction site, and coordinated the implementation of protective measures. 7.10 the main control requirements of 7.10. 第一课时 教学内容:1.向后转走(齐步) 2.迎面接力跑 教学目标:1、学会向后转走(齐步)动作培养学生遵守组织纪律和 集体行动的能力。 2.发展速度和奔跑 能力。 教学过程: 一、准备部分:(8) 1.开课式。 2.队列练习:立正、看齐、稍息。

15、 3.准备活动:慢跑200米广播操(8*2) 二、基本部分:(28) 1.向后转(齐步) (1)动作:听到口令后动令落在右脚上左脚向前半步脚尖稍向右以两脚掌为轴向右后转180度出左脚向新方向行进。转时两臂自然摆动不得外张。 (2)教师讲解示范。 (3)练习方法:学生集体练习。 (4)注意事项:1.教学时应把动作要领讲清楚示范要正确可将动作分解教学。2.口令要准确力求做到规范清楚、宏亮。 2.迎面接力跑 (1)方法:接棒人站在起跑线后右手前伸准备接棒传棒人以右遥将棒竖起传给接棒人接棒人握棒后迅速跑向对面。 4ter product by project Department according

16、to customer requirements and the specific circumstances ofght afr of product maintenance cards should save the transfer of project management. 7.9 product after the change of protection sout to operate the valve, switch hanging sign, ensure that the test devices are not mistakes. 7.8.5 products during the transfen, noplant equipment and sy


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