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1、ZHEJIANG INTERNATIONAL MARITIME COLLEGE毕业论文题 目: 农村经济发展与研究 学生姓名: 学 号: 31409133 学 院: 港口管理学院 专业班级: 09商务英语1班 指导教师: 职称: 讲师 完稿日期: 2011年4月13日 摘要 东阳是传统的农业经济县(区),经过改革开放20多年的建设和发展,农业和农村经济正步入一个崭新的发展阶段。市场经济的发展和农业生产水平的提高,使大宗农副产品出现了相对过剩和“卖难”的现象,低迷的农产品价格和低效益的农业生产,大大地挫伤了广大农民的生产积极性,同时也制约了农村经济的快速发展和农民收入水平的提高。还有则村人口总体


3、积极拓宽农民增收渠道,镇不断探索产业结构调整、助农增收的新方式、新举措、新思路,先后引导农民搞基地建设、科技示范、反季节蔬菜、特色水果、劳务开发等,也取得一定成效。农村实用人才缺乏,科技示范户和专业大户培育少,农民科技意识淡薄,接受新技术、新品种的能力弱。为此,我带着怎样加快农村经济发展和农民增收的目的,结合我所学的有关专业知识,通过走访农户、召开乡、村、社干部座谈会和社员大会等方式方法,“解剖麻雀”地对农村经济发展现状和存在困难进行了全面了解和深入剖析,试图通过对我区农村经济情况的调查和了解,以寻求加快我区农村经济发展和促进农民增收的有效途径。关键词 改革开放 调查和了解 有效途径Abstr

4、act Dongyang is a traditional agricultural economy county ( District), after the reform and opening up 20years of construction and development, agriculture and rural economy is entering a new stage of development. The development of market economy and agricultural production level rise, make a large

5、 amount of agricultural and sideline products appeared relatively superfluous and it is difficult to sell phenomenon, depressed prices of agricultural products and low efficiency of agricultural production greatly, contused the manufacturing enthusiasm of broad farmer, also restricted the rapid deve

6、lopment of rural economics and farmer income level improve. There is the village of population quality is low, development consciousness not strong. By the geographical conditions, cultural level, the rich, small into full, and so on, depend on, should inert mentality still exists, the lack of innov

7、ation ability and dare enter, take the spirit, innovation consciousness is not strong. Accept the technology ability is poor, agricultural scientific and technological content of products is very low, basically maintains the traditional farming and management mode. Rural social career progress is sl

8、ow, the coordinated development of urban and rural difficult. The level of rural education has not been able to satisfy the peasant s demand for high-quality educational resources, outstanding performance is in the country lacks the quality education resources and excellent teachers, teacher resourc

9、es allocation is serious unbalance. Rural health construction delay. Rural public health system construction lag, rural disease control and prevention, maternal and child health, health services, public health emergency response system is still imperfect. Rural social security system needs further i

10、mprovement. There is a lack of energy and power in rural areas, farmers are not many channels. To actively expand the channels for increasing the income of farmers, the town continued to explore the adjustment of industrial structure, aid farming add receive new way, new move, new thinking, has to g

11、uide a farmer to start base construction, science and technology demonstration, turn over seasonal vegetable, fruit characteristics, service development, also obtained certain result. Rural practical talent lack, science and technology demonstration households and professional large family breed is

12、little, farmer science and technology awareness, acceptance of new technologies, new varieties of weak ability. Therefore, I took how to accelerate the development of the rural economy and increase the income of the farmers the purpose, combined with the related professional knowledge, through the v

13、isit farmer, countryside, village, company cadre, held seminars and meetings and other methods, anatomize sparrow to rural economic development situation and the existing difficulties in carrying out a comprehensive understanding and thorough analysis, tries to pass pair of my area rural economics s

14、ituation investigation and understanding, to seek to accelerate my area rural economics development and stimulative farmer adds the effective route that control. Key Word Reform and opening up to investigate and understand the effective 目 录摘要2关键词2绪论41.农村经济发展的现状,困难与思考41.1 农村经济发展现状41.2农村经济发展遇到的困难41.3

15、对今后农村经济发展的思考42.对于农村经济发展的具体措施52.1必须实行项目化操作52.2 必须实行产业化经营62.3必须实行市场化营销62.4必须实行社会化服务62.5 必须明确经济发展的指导思想和目标72.6必须加强基本制度化建设72.7 必须坚持走现代特色农业化道路7结论8【参考文献】10绪论如何加快农业和农村经济的发展,事关全面建设小康社会的大局,事关社会大局和谐稳定。要加快农业和农村经济发展,就必须跳出“就农村论农村”、“就农业抓农业”的传统思维模式,用抓工业的思路、观念和机制发展农业,走城乡统筹、以工促农、工农互动的发展路子,推进经济社会协调可持续发展。1. 农村经济发展的现状,困难与思考 1.1农村经济发展现状东阳区幅员面积1739平方公里,总人口80.9万人,其中:农业人口38万人,辖13个乡,一个街道办事处,239个村,1844个社。全区耕地面积63万亩(航测面积),其中:农业用地54万亩,蔬菜用地6万亩,其它多种经营用地3万亩;林业用地80。4万亩,其中 :果园地7万亩,。2001年农业总产值19万元,粮食总产量40。9万吨


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