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1、1. Whats your name?My n ame is DuQi hui.2. Does your n ame have any special meaning?Oh,my n ame was give by my gran dfather,he was a chi nese teacher in a middle school,a long time ago he told me:Qi means very beautiful,Hui contains the meaning of intelligence.Perhaps, the two wordsQi Hui express my

2、 familys expectati ons and wishes on me.3. Where were you come from?I come from Bazh on g,locati ng in the n ortheaster n Sichua nProvin ce,it is at the jun cti on of Sichua n Province and Sha nxiProvin ce.4. What kind of Ian dscape surro unds your hometow n?There are lot of sight spots in Bazh on g

3、,i nclud ing the huma n Ian dscape and n atural la ndscape.Such as the Nuoshui River Scenic Area,Space Mountain Nati onal Forest Park and LiuBo-jia ns commemorative museum and so on .Every year, many tourists travel to Bazh ong to see the beauty.The people in Bazh ong are very warm-hearted and frie

4、ndly, we welcome the travellers from all over the world.A nd the boo ming tourism in dustry has brought econo mic ben efits to Bazh ong.There are lot of sight spots in Chen gdu,i ncludi ng the huma n Ian dscape and n atural la ndscape.Such as the Du Fus Thatched Cottage,the Wan gjia ng Floor and the

5、 Dujia ngya n ,and so on .Every year, many tourists travel to Chen gdu to see the beauty .The people in Chengdu are very warm-hearted and friendly, we welcome the travellers from all over the world.5. What is the climate like in your hometow n?In Bazho ng,it has 4 dist in guished seas on s,colorrful

6、 spri ng,lovely summer,romantic autumn and white winter.As most peoplelike the spring of my hometow n,as the spri ng bring hopes for the whole year,a nd the temperature neither high nor low.And when the spring comes , the mountains get green ,being very beautiful , it will give people a good mood.6.

7、 What is peoples favorite food in yourregi on?Oh,perhaps,you have heared a famous say ing ,it goesEati ng in China, the taste is in Sichua n,Che ngdus good food can be divided into three categories:the Sichua n flavor, the sn ack and chaffy dish.They are all very famous, and uniq ue.7. What do youdo

8、 duri ngthe Spring Festival?En, duri ng the SpringFestival,I have a lot of thi ngs to do,U nder no rmalcircumsta nces,l will watch some en terta inmentTV programs, visit my relativesand eat a lot of delicious food.Besides this, occasi on allyI read some goddno vels.8. Can you describe one of the mai

9、n festivals celebrated ?Well, I want to talk something about the Spring Festival .The Spring Festival is one of chinese traditional festivals, it is a period of time which conncets the end of the year and the beg inning of the com ming year. Before the Spring Festival,people will buy a lot of things

10、 ,in cludi ng meat, grain and some other necessities.During the Spring Festival ,all family members will be together,shari ng the happ in ess of family. Besides this,people will pay a vist to their relatives in order to streng the feeling.Usually the children enjoy the festival, because that is whe

11、n their pare nts buy new clothes and good things for them. However, with the modern economic developping,there is less and less flavor of the festival. But I still enjoy the Spring Festival,En,because during the festivalwould go home, acommpa ny my pare nts,a nd do some housework for them.Ok,that is

12、 all,tha nk you.9. Tell mesometh ingabout the customs of yourhometow n.The n I would like to talk about the marriage customs of my homela nd.I come from Bazho ng, where are amountains areas,the traffic is inconveninent and the in formatio n is blocked,so the economy is relatively backward .So marria

13、ge is usually formed through in troduct ion of some matchmakers.Free love is still relatively rare. Un der no rmal circumsta nces, if the two sides of the introduction both are content with each other,they will select a lucky date for weddi ng.Because it is con sider that a lucky date can bring happ

14、 in ess to them .On the wedd ing day,he groom will give the brides pare nts a lot of money,as the parenting return,the bride will carry a number of marriage porti on s,as their supplies n ecessities after marriage.Beside this ,the villager will get together to bless them.10. How long have you lived

15、in Chen gdu?Well,I have lived in Chen gdu for n ear four years.11. What place inChe ngdudo you like best? Why ?The Du Fu Thatched Cottage is my favorite, because the huma ni stic atmosphere is very strong , it shows us an epic of an ancient poet,allow ing visitors to learn of Du Fus life situations.

16、So,if you go there, you can leann a lot of kno wledge about Dufu.12. Which is the best place youvebee nto Chi na?I come from rural areas, and poor family, so I have not bee n to any places before,maybe Chen gdu is the best place I have bee n to,I like this city of beauty and leisure.And after graduation, I will try me best to stay in Chengdu.13. What is the biggest problem you will face?The biggest pro



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