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1、心理实验设计心理实验过程模型Controllable variables (factors)的)%)(Xn)Input(s)PROCESS/SYSTEMOutput (s)(Y)0)(Z2)(ZUn controllable variables (factors)实验过程模型。The experime nt is a situati on in which a researcher objectively observes phe nome na which are made to occur in a strictly con trolled situati on where one or

2、more variables are varied and the others are kept con sta nt.This means that we observe a pers ons resp onse to a set of con diti ons that the experime nter prese nts.The observati ons are made in an en vir onment in which all con diti ons other tha n the ones the researcher prese nts are kept con s

3、ta nt or con trolled.The conditions which the researcher presents are systematically varied to see if a pers ons resp on ses cha nge with the variati on in these con diti ons.主试者(Experime nter):The person supervising an experiment is called an experimenter.被试者(participa nt, and subject):The pers on

4、that is being tested is called a participa nt or subject.Both terms are correct, but the word participant is nowadays preferred, as it implies the fact that the participant participates volun tary.道德:EthicsAll research should be carried out in accorda nee with ethical guideli nes. In esse nee, ethic

5、al guideli nes describe the con diti ons un der which huma n experime nts should take place. All research in stituti ons have ethical guideli nes. They protect participa nts, researchers, and in stituti ons.实验室:隔音室。Psychological laboratories are typically nothing more tha n a quiet room with a compu

6、ter, a screen, and often a specialist keyboard fit for extremely precise reaction time measureme nt.保持安静:For most research, it is esse ntial that participa nts (also called subjects) can concen trate. The room must be quiet at all times. If this cannot be guara nteed, the experime nter might con sid

7、er using earplugs.耳塞:It is recommended that the participant is supervised for the duration of the study. This way, the experimenter can guarantee that the participant carries out the experiment, and that if the participant has a problem, he or she can ask for clarification.响应器:On the picture below,

8、you see a typical psychological laboratory with a computer monitor, regular keyboard, LED display, and custom response device.刺激:(Stimulus)A stimulus is someth ing an exper in ter wants you to see, hear, smell, taste, etc.For example, an experime nter might want to study how well you can taste diffe

9、re nt kinds of sweet ness, and the experime nter might give you some water with sweete ner. I n that case, the stimulus is the water with sweete ner. A visual stimulus is someth ing that is show n to you visually, such as an image, shape, or word on the computer scree n. An auditory stimulus can be

10、the sound from a computer speaker.实验任务(Task)A task is the way you are asked to resp ond to stimuli.在实验中,要求被试者对刺激作出某种反应。例如看到刺激出现,就击键。这种对刺激 反应的方式,称为实验任务。For example, you might have a color discrim in ati on task in which you n eed to press the butt on b whe n you see a blue recta ngle and the butt on

11、g whe n you see a gree n recta ngle.The word task and paradigm ofte n mean similar thin gs, and it depe nds on the con text what they mean exactly.在实验中,实验任务和实验范式往往是相同的。心理技能Mental skillsA skill is something that you can do.具有某种能力你能做的。For example, you might have the skill to ride a bicycle, but maybe

12、you do not have the skill to fly a pla ne. All skills require certa in men tai skills. For example, in order to be able to become a pilot, you n eed to be good in map read ing and in mathematics.范式(Paradigm)A paradigm is a way of study ing a skill.在实验心理学中,范式是研究心理机能的研究方式。一个范式中,可以有多个任务。(任 务转换范式)。大多数范式

13、包含一个任务。A paradigm can contain multiple tasks (e.g., task-switch ing paradigm), although most paradigms have just one task (e.g., visual search paradigm).试次(Trial):The word trial has differe nt meanings in differe nt fields. For example, in Medic ine, a trial of a new medicati on can refer to a study

14、 that can take mon ths. In experime ntai psychology, a trial is the carry ing out of one task os a paradigm. Typically, a trial lasts betwee n 500 ms and 5 sec on ds.反应时(Resp onse Time):The time betwee n a stimulus and a resp onse is the resp onse time. The words resp onse time and reacti on time ar

15、e both used. Typically, researchers mean the same, although some researchers dist in guish betwee n the two.It is importa nt to un dersta nd the differe nt betwee n simple and choice resp onse time tasks. In choice resp onse time tasks, you n eed to make a choice betwee n multiple resp onse types. F

16、or example, you might be prese nted with the word left or the word right, and you n eed to decide whether you n eed to press the left or the right shift butt on. In simple resp onse time tasks, there is on ly one resp on se.Resp onse times in simple resp onse time tasks are shorter (start ing from aro und 150 ms) tha n in choice resp onse time tasks (star


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