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1、三年级上册英语句型转换专项过关题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 按要求改写下列句子每线一词。1.They aregreen frogs.(根据句子意思提问)_they? 2.Its a big tiger.(改为复数句)_big_. 3.My hens are thin.(改为否定句,但意思不变)My_. 4.There isonechick.(根据句子意思提问)_are there?2. 改写句子。1. That isa library.(句子提问)2. We can readin the library. (句子提问)3. Can I help you? (换一种表达)4. I wantfivep

2、eaches. (句子提问)5. I wanta plum. (句子提问)3. 句型转换。1Wego to school by bikein summer. (根据句子意思提问)2She doesnt like apples .(变为肯定句)3I like football .(主语改为he)4The dog likes meat .(变为否定句)The dogmeat .5They go to school on Saturdays .(变为否定句)Theyto school on Saturdays .4. 按要求改写句子。1I like oranges. (改为否定句)2Are thes

3、e tomatoes? (作肯定回答)3They arecarrots. (就句子提问)4Was she on the first floor? (作肯定和否定回答)5The dog was on the third floor. (用cat和second替换)6Were you in Room Three yesterday? (把yesterday换成now)7We are very tall now. (用short, then转换)8The snake was very long then. (用short, now转换)5. 按要求改写下列句子,每线一词。1.Itsa green f

4、rog.(根据句子意思提问)_it? 2.This is an apple.(改为一般疑问句)_apple? 3.The insects are white.(改为否定句,但意思不变)The insects_. 4.My chair isyellow.(根据句子意思提问)_your chair?6. 按要求改写句子。1I dont like basketball.(改为肯定句)2Amy doesnt like noodles.(改为肯定句)3I like table tennis.(改为否定句)4My favourite season iswinter.(就句子提问)5Have you got

5、 a new sweater?(作否定回答)6Were you on the first floor?(肯定回答与否定回答)7. 按要求写句子。(1)Itsatable.(根据句子意思提问)(2)Iwouldlikesomerice.(根据句子意思提问)(3)Wouldyoulikesomedumplings?(肯定回答)(4)Areyouhungry?(肯定回答)(5)Iwanttoeatahamburger.(根据句子意思提问)8. 句型转换。1The flowers arepink.(对句子提问)2He is a pupil.(改成复数)3The apples areten yuan.(

6、对句子提问)4My mother has a red bicycle.(改为一般疑问句)9. 缩写并同义句转换。例句:We are happy.Were not sad.1. They are hot.2. We are big. 3. I am tall. 4. It is small. 5. She is cold. 10. 句型转换。1Has your mother got a nice dress?(作否定回答)2Sam has got a new kite.(改为一般疑问句)3She hasnt got a nice toy.(改为肯定句)4This doll is nice.(改成

7、复数)11. 句型转换。1. This is my foot. (变复数)2. I have a big head. (变一般疑问句)3. My nose is small. (变否定句)4. I have long arms. (变否定句)5. Do you have a big mouth? (作否定回答)12. 按照要求改写句子。1Your bag isover there.(对句子提问)_is_bag?2Itshalf past six.(对句子提问)_time_?3I havemilk and eggfor breakfast.(对句子提问)_do you have for_?4He

8、smy brother.(对句子提问)_he?13. 句型转换。1.我的书和钢笔在哪里?_mybookandpen?2.Mykeyisonthedesk.(变为一般疑问句).3.椅子下面有一个足球。_afootball_thedesk.4.Thisismybook.(变为复数形式).5.The watch ison the dresser(就根据句子意思提问)14. 按要求完成句子。1. I dont know how I can solve the problem.(改为简单句)2. I dont know_the problem.3. I live from my school about

9、8 kilometers.(对句子提问)_you_from your school?15. 根据要求改写句子。1.Ava has a white and blue kite.(一般疑问句)2.I have an old ball.(用She代替I)3.My swing isyellow and red.(句子提问)4.This orange isthree yuan. (句子提问)5.Is this tall girl your sister?(改为肯定句)_your sister.16. 句型转换。1Dont listen to the parrot (改为肯定句)2This isa rob

10、ot. (根据句子意思提问)this?3Listen to the teacher. (改为否定句)4Would you like a pie? (做否定回答)5This ismy English book.(根据句子意思提问)17. 按要求改写句子。1The jacket on the rightis Monicas.(对句子提问)_is Monicas?2Theres onlyone childin the classroom.(对句子提问)_there in the classroom?3There aremanyapplesinthebox.(对句子提问)4There isalittl

11、emilkintheglass.(对句子提问)5There arelots ofbooks in our library.(对句子提问)18. 按要求写句子。1I like bread.(改为否定句)Ibread.2Itssix oclock.(对句子提问)is it?3I like honey.(改成一般疑问句)like honey?4Is that your coat?(作否定回答), it.5Imnine.(对句子提问)are you?19. 按要求改写句子。1Can you see a kite?(作肯定回答)2I cant see a tree.(改成肯定句)3I can see a

12、 bird.(改成否定句)20. 按要求改写句子。1This is my English book.(改为一般疑问句)_this_English Book?2Open the window.(改为否定句)_the window.3It isa pen.(对句子提问)_it?21. 按要求改写句子。1.Closethewindow,please.(否定句)_thewindow,please.2.Dontrunaway,Helen.(肯定句)_away,Helen.3.Wouldyoulikeasweet?(否定回答)4.Standup,please.(反义句)_,please.5.ThatismyEnglishbook.(一般疑问句)_that_Englishbook?22. 句型转换。1My sister goes shopping on Sundays .(变为一般疑问句)mumshopping on Sundays ?2The elephants are fat .(改为一般疑问句)3I like football . I like basketball .(用and连接成一句)4I like



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