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1、北京语言大学20春综合英语()作业4答案注意:图片可根据实际需要调整大小Solar cells have been developed primarily to _ electric power for spacecraft.A.storeB.secureC.provideD.ensureBecause I am her adviser, I think I _ tell her the news.A.will toB.should ought toC.ought toD.had ought toThey had _ themselves and their followers that it

2、 was a necessary act of disinfection.A.convincedB.bewilderedC.believedD.arguedRed began to _ fashion this spring.A.come overB.come outC.come intoD.come fromIt will _ you _ if she never speak to you againA.serve. rightB.serve.inC.serve. greatD.serve. awayThe photo _ happy memories of his early childh

3、ood.A.stimulatesB.reminds myselfC.refreshesD.brings to mindHe _ his children _to school and then left out.A.packed upB.packed offC.packed inD.packed awayShe simply _ that the check was good and did not ask him any question about it.A.took it up withB.took it for grantedC.took it easyD.took advantage

4、 ofShe has managed to obtain a temporary work _ in BritainA.permitB.permissivenessC.permissionD.permissibleYoung as you are, you might be just smart enough to _ her off her throne.A.tumbleB.humorC.excludeD.cheerThe old lady was really _ when the boys ball broke her window.A.terribleB.puzzledC.indign

5、antD.crossMost of the people were _ down by hunger and poverty.A.pulledB.groundC.grindingD.beatenSince antiquity there have been many attempts, some quite _, to explain how the cosmos came into being-they make imaginative to tell the story of the born of the cosmos.A.logicalB.fancifulC.familiarD.app

6、arentThe medicine the doctor gave him _ his headache.A.relievedB.releasedC.refreshedD.freedYouve _ my drink!A.knock upB.knock togetherC.knock overD.knock downAdvertisements may arouse a strong wish for something; how the need is filled will probably be _the inpidual.A.up toB.on toC.down toD.as toIf

7、you dont hear anything _ the contrary Ill meet you at 7 oclock tonight.A.toB.onC.inD.aboutI had _ to visit my grandmother last week, but unfortunately I had a bad cold and therefore couldnt go.A.savedB.refusedC.managedD.intended“Death control“ _ to the efforts of scientists and doctors to save peopl

8、es lives.A.suggestsB.refersC.meansD.indicatesHe was a good runner so he _ escape from the police.A.wouldB.was able toC.succeeded toD.mightHe made a _ to build a successful business on his own in this district.A.resolveB.perspectiveC.hintD.disposalHe was fined 100 for _ illegal _.A.-/parking-lotB.-/p

9、arkingC.an/parkingD.an/parkStudent council asks for _ service to help the poor students.A.voluntaryB.voltageC.volcanoD.valuableWe _ the tools before we left the workshop.A.put outB.put offC.put downD.put awayIsadora Duncan preferred to dance on a stage _ scenery; she said that makes the dance itself rather than scenery more distinguishing.A.protected fromB.made ofC.devoid ofD.close to【参考答案已附】参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:A参考答案:D参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:A参考答案:A参考答案:D参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:A参考答案:C参考答案:A参考答案:A参考答案:D参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:A参考答案:B参考答案:A参考答案:D参考答案:C


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