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1、PEP小学六年级英语上册期中试题 时间:40分钟 共:100听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,录音内容读2遍。(10)( ) 1. A. buy B.busy C.bus ( )2.A. B. C. ( )3. A. shop B. stop C. store( )4. A. want B. wait C. wall( )5. A. today B. tomorrow C.tonight( )6. A. I am going to buy a comic book this morning. B. I am going to buy a dictionary this afternoon

2、. C. I am going to buy a map this evening.( )7. A. north B. south C. mouth( ) 8. A. No.7 bus B. No. 17 bus C. No. 70 bus( ) 9. A. comic book B. note-book C. story-book( )10. A. nest B. next C. near二、听录音,判断你所听到的内容与图片是否相符合,相符用来表示,不相符用来表示,录音内容读2遍。(10)1.( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )三、听录音,选择最合适的答案,录音内容

3、读2遍。(10)( )1.A.Its not far. B. I can go by bike. C. Its south of the park.( )2.A.This afternoon. B. On Sundays. C. In May.( )3. A.I go by subway. B. I go by plane. C. I go by bike. ( )4. A.Yes, it is. B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, she is.( )5.A. Im going to buy a comic book. B. Im going to buy a post card

4、. C. Im going to buy a pair of shoes.四、听录音,填上所缺的单词,录音内容读2遍。(10). 1. My mother goes to Beijing .2. Remember the , please.3. How can I get to your home ? You can go for five minutes. Then right .4. Do you have any new ?5. I am going to the next .五、听录音判对错,在括号内打“” , “”,录音内容读2遍。(10)( ) 1. Today is Nation

5、al Day.( ) 2. Tom is going home tomorrow.( ) 3. Tom is going to the park tomorrow morning.( ) 4. Tom is going to buy some books in the bookstore.( ) 5. Tom is going to read books in the evening.笔试部分六、选择正确的答案,并将答案写在题前括号内。( 10)( )1. My home is near . So I can go home by _. A. busB. plane C. ship( )2.

6、The traffic light is red , you must _. A. stop B. wait C. go( )3. -Where are you going this weekend? -Im going to _.A. Shanghai B. by planeC. yesterday( )4. -_are you go to do next Saturday? -Im going to take a trip. A. How B. WhatC. Where( )5.The school is next _the bookstore. A. on B. inC. to七、从栏中

7、选出栏中各句适当的答语。(10)1六年级英语试题共4页 第 页 ( )1.How do you go to school? A. This afternoon.( )2.Where is the library? B.Im going to the bookstore.( )3.How can I get to the library? C.You can take the No.22 bus.( )4.What are you going to do this evening? D.Its near the post office.( )5.When are you going? E. I

8、go to school on foot.八、连词成句。(10)1) on, I, Usually, school, foot, go, to_.2) hospital, the, to, is, it, next _.3) are, going, where, you, next, weekend _?4) to, how, do, go, the, bookstore, you _?5) buy, to, going, am, a, book, comic, I, afternoon, this_.九、阅读短文判正误,正确标T,错误标F。(10) Im Jack. Im very happ

9、y every weekend. I usually go to the library. Sometimes I go to the park .The library is not far .I usually go on foot . I walk about fifteen minutes. Then I turn left, the library is on the right. The park is very far. Its near the post office .I often get there by the No.206 bus, get off at the po

10、st office. Its easy to find it.( ) 1. Jack is very happy everyday.( ) 2.Jack usually goes to the library on foot.( ) 3.The library is on the left.( ) 4. Jack usually goes to the park by bus.( ) 5.The park is near the post office.十、阅读短文并选择正确的答案。(10) My name is Sam. Today is Friday. Tomorrow We have n

11、o classes. My parents arent going to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to the supermarket with my grandma. My father is going to buy some magazines. Im going to do homework and play computer games. Tomorrow evening were going to have a big party. That will be fun.(

12、)1. What day is it tomorrow? A. Friday B. SaturdayC. Sunday( )2. Do his parents go to work on Friday?A. Yes,they do. B. No, they arent. C. OK.( )3.Who is going to the supermarket with his grandma? A. SamB. his grandmaC. his mother( )4.What is his father going to do tomorrow?A. He is going to buy some cards. B. He is going to buy some books.C. He is going to buy some magazines.( )5.What are they going to do tomorrow evening?A.Theyre going to have a dinner.B. Theyre going to have a big party.C. Theyre going to watch TV.


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