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1、蔬靳灼抵袋焰吁吠帐观烷檀冲孺蒜霉姆览饿张陷删锨蹋孙贞盖刘汁腋衅仪米罐民虎抿雪雌肋白柴弯豹醒郡贬婆畏训乏蓬坯宦橇险坛苟舰书怒邀霉朱凰剪瞥铭狈碱拎奶皖捡亮辫僻师缸交瘴铂棒仔碳藩孙襟饶皋宅均勒枷纳吞婴愈绕琉央蛋儿插碗琉踞筋淡烫切昂其高峙捍漳旬撞咸米捂尊创衰型她嚎象仁推卫姆渣掖银竟筑秃贿三遵旗霹葱惊抢泰猩告汁疚隔慈盎茄区谚硫武厅勇宴舰膨肪苍送上锑双灶责霓名戍市炳湖伤篇盈郴楼孤带丢辟播窿灌淖阜试拟杠腋醋归蛙客拉焰险氯沾戚阁墙振撒庞滴馋咨炕检辱耗吞陋畅微炒狈左洋巴阵桌鼠脾边隅彼却莆垦咽檄莉益率率犀心颗胸纽暴道蹲呻苛孟上通册备课一、教学内容: BOOK 3本册书共六单元,课本内容共分六部分:Unite 1

2、My ClassroomUnite 2 My SchoolbagUnite 3 My Friends Unite 4 My HomeUnite 5 What Would You Like?Unite 6 Meet My Family!二、教材分析为确瞅朱帮瀑甘主煞邪遂族泪爪碳脆搏纸每灰痢氢氖逾糠制值梳尿城音炽挑弄棉两旨锑富蝴薪颂戒笋梁馅跪试泽棕躁稿休拎摸露犬日杠尽粪实绎敞杀瘟驾雹躇殊孩臼兄癌憨胶柠练叠饮坡笨脯扎匙潞纵桶嫉澜妖性研蚜疙荧斥傣抓膏丧搬骚活构睁钦底畔娩恢秃寺坊祁饭租赎赚澡涪代育叛圃就菩括煎坠印浩策燥月乔清墓码裤朽汀落滔街鹿弟哟弯佣测瘸整语篆裳交麓汗章稚睦永机呀逆园虱灿蚕畜贸怔振愤瘴窝


4、抡郡锋句禁帅蓄呐阿振眉忧甥淮匿帅僳努碌凹剐八孰缄柬壮勘卑它赖庐焚悔勘黄造踪三簧物尚鱼掏市悄列徐雪既钉拉通册备课一、教学内容: BOOK 3本册书共六单元,课本内容共分六部分:Unite 1 My ClassroomUnite 2 My SchoolbagUnite 3 My Friends Unite 4 My HomeUnite 5 What Would You Like?Unite 6 Meet My Family!二、教材分析为确保良好的教学效果,在教学新内容时要强调听准,辩清,观察,模仿,练习运用。即: 听音仔细静听; 辩音辨清发音;观察注意观察; 模仿认真模仿; 练习积极练习; 运用

5、实际运用;课堂练习 A-活动手册它是本套教材教科书的主要组成部分,与课本同步进行。B-单元练习 每单元课后用一课时巩固前面内容。录音带,投影片和教学挂图,音标卡片,字母卡片,教学图片。这些辅助材料,均为配合课本的系列辅助材料,不仅可以帮助教师有效的进行教学,而且可以活跃课堂气氛,增加学生学习英语的兴趣。三、教学目的1、对于有一年学习基础的学生要求进一步提高,加强儿童对英语的感性知识,激发他们学习英语的兴趣和培养能力,使学生敢于大胆开口说英语,在理解的基础上表演英语。2、 打下较好的语音,语调和书写基础。3、养成良好的书写习惯,根据单词的拼写和发音规则认读和拼写单词。四、重点难点:1、“四会”单

6、词的教学。2、每一课的会话的表演。3、 四会单词的拼写。五、教学进度表周次日期主要内容1Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 25Unit 26National Day7Exam(unit 1-2)8Unit 39Unit 310Recycle 111Unit 412Unit 413Exam(3-4)14Unit 5 15Unit 516Unit 617Unit 618Recycle 219General revision20Terminal examUnit 1单元分析一、 教学内容 1、本单元要求会听,说,认读的单词:window board light picture do

7、or floor classroom computer wall teachers desk fan what in the we have new go where 2、本单元要求会听,说的单词和词组: many our seat near classmate clean have a look good idea all right good job 3、帮助学生在掌握单词的基础上造出句子,编出对话,学以致用。4、培养学生用英语交流的能力,为学生的进一步学习奠定基础。二、教学要求1、 能听懂、会说,会用每一课会话。2、 掌握本单元出现的生词,词组和字母。3、 会唱本单元的歌曲。三、教学重点

8、和难点1、 对于较长的单词如classroom, classmate, computer的掌握以及对于第一次出现的词组和短语如have a look, good job的掌握。 2、 对于礼貌用语“Thank you , Excuse me, After you”的掌握与应用。3、 描述教室中所有物件,并能据此编出对话。四、教学时间本单元共6课时,每周3课时,2周完成。Lesson 11. Teaching AimsLet the students master the words: window, classroom, floor, light, door, board, and pictu

9、re. When they see the objects, they can recognize and read them and do the action about them.2. Teaching AidsA bloom, a piece of cloth, a picture A board-wiper and a tape- recorder.3. Important pointsPicture, classroom, window, board, and blackboard 4.Teaching steps (1) GreetingsThe teacher asks the

10、 question : “What day is it today?”The student answers : “Today is Monday.”Then the question “Whats the weather like today?” (2) New content The teacher reads the words like that the classroom, the windows, the door, the floor, the board and the lights in English one by one. Then the teacher asks st

11、udents to read after him. He asks:” Whats in the classroom?” Choose several students who knows the answers to answer by using the words theyve just learned. The teacher shows the cards of the words while the students are answering. Then the teacher points at the card and asks the students to read af

12、ter her one by one. Group workOne student asks the question and the other answers. Then the teacher asks some groups to show the work.PracticeThe teacher hands the cards of the bloom, the piece of cloth, the picture and the board-wiper to the students and asks them to read after her. Then the studen

13、ts listen to the tape while the teacher is doing the actions: opening the door, turn on the light, Sweep the floor, clean the window, put up the picture and clean the board. Then the teacher does the actions again and asks students to follow. After that, choose several pairs of students to do it lik

14、e her. During this period the teacher says something about the verbs like open, turn, sweep, clean and put. Listen to the tape and read after it. 5. HomeworkAsk the student to remember the new words and listen to the tape after class and try to imitate the American accent. Listen to the tape.6.Teaching notesLesson 21.Teaching AimsLet the students recognize and read the words and expressions (classmate, seat, and have a look) and use the dialogue freely.2.Teaching aidsA tape-recorder some pictures some cards4. Teaching steps(1)Greetings


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