On the Tragic Fate of the Main Characters in the Wuthering Heights1

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1、On the Tragic Fate of the Main Characters in the Wuthering HeightsContentsAbstract (in Chinese) IAbstract (in English) II I. Introduction1II. Literature review1III. The personal reasons23.1. Catherine2 3.1.1. Her double personality and her false choice23.1.2. Catherine cares too much about the judge

2、 of the community 53.1.3. She holds a wrong attitude towards marriage63.2. Heathcliff63.2.1. He is defeated by prejudice and loses his confidence and self-esteem63.2.2. Heathcliff does not give enough trust to Catherine73.2.3. His Male Chauvinism73.2.4. Reasons of his own characters8IV. The social r

3、easons10V. Conclusion11References13摘 要呼啸山庄之所以为一部悲剧是有多种原因的。这篇文章从两个方面来解释这一悲剧成因:个人原因和社会原因。在个人原因这一方面,凯瑟琳和西斯克利夫都要承担责任。凯瑟琳拥有双重人格,一方面她深爱着西斯克利夫,另一方面,她没有勇气打破传统的束缚。另外,她还有自身的性格缺陷,比如:自私和虚荣。正是因为她的这一双重人格,使她最终选择了林顿,这一集财富名誉于一身的绅士。但是她却不能够忘记西斯克利夫。因此,凯瑟琳陷于矛盾之中。至于西斯克利夫, 他粗暴,疯狂和扭曲的性格是他选择复仇,造成这一爱情悲剧的最大内在原因,虽然这一切都源于周围人对他的

4、偏见。而最重要的是,凯瑟琳和西斯克利夫生活在一个父权社会之中, 这一社会背景是他们之间爱情的最大阻碍。关键词:悲剧成因;个人原因;社会原因;父权 AbstractTragedy occurs in Wuthering Height because of different reasons. This essay analyzes the reasons from two aspects: personal reasons and social reasons. With regard to personal reasons, both Catherine and Heathcliff shou

5、ld shoulder the responsibility. Catherine holds a double personality, that is, she loves Heathcliff on one hand, but can not break the conventions on the other hand. Besides these, she also has some weaknesses in character, such as selfishness, vanity. Just because of her double character, she choos

6、es Linton, the one with fame and wealth. But she can not forget about Heathcliff, so she becomes trapped in this contradiction. In terms of Heathcliff, he is violent, crazy and distorted in disposition, though all these should be blamed on the prejudice from others. Most importantly, they live in a

7、society favoring chauvinism, which becomes the main barrier to his love with Catherine.Key words: tragic reasons; personal reasons; social reasons;ChauvinismII. IntroductionWuthering Heights is Emily Brontes only novel. It was published in 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell, and a posthumous second

8、 edition was edited by her sister Charlotte. The name of the novel comes from the Yorkshire manor on the moors on which the story centers. (As an adjective, Wuthering is a Yorkshire word referring to turbulent weather.) When Emily wrote the novel, England was a society of male chauvinism. Under this

9、 social background, women were of no social status, and their fate was decided by their father, husband and son. Their attitude towards marriage was deeply affected by the money worship of the Victorian age. Under this age, the Industrial Revolution entered its prosperous period, and the economy of

10、England was on the rise. However, it revealed the shortcoming of itself- the internal contradiction of the capitalism. People in that age suffered tremendously.The work tells the tale of the passionate, yet thwarted love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and how this unresolved passion even

11、tually destroys both themselves and many around them. Catherine chooses Linton because of his money, and this turns Heathcliff into a creature of revenge. After Catherine dies, Heathcliff begins his plan of revenge one by one, but at last, he finds all he has done means nothing to him, and he feels

12、empty and sad, so he died of loneliness at last.II. Literature review:Wuthering Heights, which has long been one of the most popular and highly regarded novels in English literature, seems to hold little promise when it was published in 1847, selling very poorly and receiving only a few mixed review

13、s. People find this book full of inappropriate depiction of passionate, ungoverned love and cruelty, and even Emily Brontes own sister Charlotte remained ambivalent toward the intensity of her sisters novel. And the love depicted in the novel is regarded as meaningless and cruel. Some people only bl

14、ame Heathcliff, because he is so merciless and crazy when making revenge and this revenge goes beyond the readers understanding. But some attribute the tragic fate to Catherine, thinking she disobeys to the convention, which brings about the tragedy. However, in my opinion, we can not blame Heathcliff or Catherine only. We should not only consider the personality of both Catherine and Heathcliff, but also pay attention to the social background of that time. The Personal Reasons:3.1 Catherine:3.1.1 Her double personality and her false choiceCatherine is so ignorant about the true meani


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