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1、地质类active /ktv/ adj 【VOLCANO】an active volcano is likely to explode at any timeThe volcano became active last year with a series of eruptions.volcano /vlkenu US vlkenou/ n C plural volcanoes or volcanos a mountain with a large hole at the top, through which lava (= very hot liquid rock) is sometimes

2、 forced outPompeii was destroyed when the volcano erupted in 79AD.active volcano (= one that may explode at any time) dormant volcano (= one that is not active at the moment) extinct volcano (= one that is no longer active at all)aluminum /lumnm/ n U a light metallic element which is silver in color

3、 and used especially for making cooking equipment and aircraft parts an aluminum saucepan Cover the fish with aluminum foil and cook over a low heat for 4 to 5 minutes. We take all our aluminum cans for recycling.bonanza /bnnz, bu- US b-, bou-/ n C a lucky or successful situation where people can ma

4、ke a lot of money2002 will be a bonanza year for the computer industry.an amazing cash bonanzaan exceptionally large and rich mineral deposit (as of an ore, precious metal, or petroleum)borehole /bhul US brhoul/ n C a deep hole made using special equipment, especially in order to get water or oil ou

5、t of the groundcataclysm /ktklzm/ n C literary a violent or sudden event or change, such as a serious flood or earthquakecataclysmic /ktklzmk/ adj usually before nouncontinental crustcrater /kret US -r/ n C a round hole in the ground made by something that has fallen on it or by an explosioncraters

6、on the moons surfacethe round open top of a volcanodiamond /damnd/ n U and C a clear, very hard valuable stone, used in jewellery and in industrya diamond engagement ringC a shape with four straight but sloping sides of equal length, with one point facing directly up and the other directly downCut t

7、he cookie dough into diamonds.emerald /emrld/ n C a valuable bright green stone that is often used in jewelleryU a bright green coloremerald adjerupt /rpt/ v I if fighting, violence, noise etc erupts, it starts suddenly = break outViolence erupted after police shot a student during the demonstration

8、.A political row erupted over the MPs comments.if a volcano erupts, it explodes and sends smoke, fire, and rock into the skyif a place or situation erupts, there is a sudden increase in activity or emotionerupt intoThey were angry to the point of erupting into riot.Their conversations often erupted

9、into minor squabbles.erupt into laughter/shouting etc to suddenly start laughing, shouting etcHe erupted into loud, desperate sobs.if spots erupt on your body, they suddenly appear on your skineruption /rpn/ n U and C a volcanic eruptionthe eruption of violencegem /dem/ n C also gem stone a beautifu

10、l stone that has been cut into a special shape = jewelprecious gemssomething that is very special or beautifulEvery single ad in the campaign has been a gem.The Fortune is a tiny gem of a theatre.gem oflittle gems of advicea very helpful or special personBen, youre a real gem!jewel /dul/ n C a valua

11、ble stone, such as a diamond = gemjewels plural jewellery or other objects made with valuable stones and used for decorationShe loved dressing up and wearing priceless jewels.a very small stone used in the machinery of a watchsomething or someone that is very valuable, attractive, or importantHe int

12、roduced her to Budapest, a jewel of a city.the jewel in the crown the best or most valuable part of somethingPuddings are the jewel in the crown of British cookery. crown jewelcrown jewel n C the crown jewels the crown, sword, jewels etc worn by a king or queen for official ceremoniesthe best or mos

13、t valuable thing that a person or place hasInnsbrucks crown jewel is the old town centre.geology /dildi US -l-/ n U the study of the rocks, soil etc that make up the Earth, and of the way they have changed since the Earth was formedgeologist n C geological /dildkl US -l-/ adjgeological periodsgeolog

14、ically /-kli/ advgeologic surveygeomagnetism nthe magnetism of the earththe study of the earths magnetismglacial /glel/ adj relating to ice and glaciers, or formed by glaciersa glacial valleyglacial depositsa glacial look or expression is extremely unfriendly = icyextremely slowChange was coming, bu

15、t at a glacial pace.extremely cold = icya glacial windglacially advicy /asi/ adj extremely cold = frostyan icy windThe bath water was icy cold.covered in icean icy mountain roadan icy remark, look etc shows that you feel annoyed with or unfriendly towards someonean icy stare icilyiciness n Uicily /asli/ adv if you say something icily, or look at someone icily, you do it in an angry or very un


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