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1、血色素血红蛋白Hemoglobin目录血色素-血红蛋白 Hemoglobin1Hemoglobin1血红蛋白2来源2功能2normal Hemoglobin count3正常值3What does it mean if your Hemoglobin is low?3What does it mean if your Hemoglobin is high?4What causes low or high hemoglobin levels?4HemoglobinHEMOGLOBIN MOLECULERad blood cells contain leeral kundr&dh-rFia-ldb

2、lnwhidi IrgnijpQri g-jtygenOxygon bird tv hEv on th hnriQglgbin m口I邮匚u I殍Hemoglobin is a protein molecule found in red blood cells (erythrocytes) that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Without hemoglobin, your red blood cells cannot deliver the oxygen that your cells need to pro

3、duce energy. Hemoglobin is vital for human life.Hemoglobin is a tetramer with four polypeptide chains-two alpha (a) and two beta (卩)chains. Each of the polypeptide chains has a heme prosthetic group and an iron atom.The heme group contains a red pigment called porphyrin. Iron attaches itself to porp

4、hyrin. When iron binds to oxygen, the porphyrin transfor ms blood into a vibrant red color. When its not bound to oxygen, it makes blood appear purplish-blue.Each iron atom binds to one oxygen molecule. And since hemoglobin has four iron atoms, each one carries four oxygen molecules as it moves thro

5、ugh your body.In adu Its, the predomina nt hemoglobin is a202. It is also commonlyobiii A1d hemogl(HbA).血红蛋白血色素是习惯称呼,统称为血红蛋白,是评价病人是否贫血的一个重要指标。贫血是指 各种原因造成的血液丢失和减少,使得血红蛋白低于参考值。血色素又称血红蛋白,红细胞里一种含铁质的蛋白质,是人体血液中的血红蛋白的主 要成分,是判断病人是否贫血的一个重要指标。如果发现血红蛋白低于正常标准,就是贫 血。贫血会危害人体中造血器官的功能,还会导致其他病变。所以血色素成为观察人体健康 的一个重要方面

6、。来源日常生活中保持血色素的充分,需要注意膳食营养结构,应注意加强含铁食物、蛋白质、 维生素、各种氨基酸和叶酸的补充,充分保证造血物质的每日摄人量。比如动物肝脏和血、 牛奶、蛋黄、豆制品、绿色蔬菜、海带、紫菜、黑木耳等,这些食物有利于补充血液健康所 需要的营养素,并保持营养均衡。功能血色素是红细胞运送氧与二氧化碳的重要“工具。血液流过肺脏时,红细胞中的血红蛋 白与氧结合,变成氧合血红蛋白;血液流到人体各处组织时,氧合血红蛋白分解,放出氧 供组织细胞使用。然后,血红蛋白又携带着二氧化碳回到肺脏,将二氧化碳排出。由于血红 蛋白里含有铁质铁遇到氧后颜色会变红,因此,血红蛋白与氧结合,血液会变得鲜红。

7、动脉 血液里含氧量多血液颜色鲜红;静脉血液里含氧量少,血液颜色暗红。normal Hemoglobin countAccording to the Cleveland Clinic, normal hemoglobin counts for adults are: 14 to 17 gm/dL (grams per deciliter) of blood for men 12 to 15 gm/dL for women正常值正常成人的血红蛋白含量,每1 00 毫升血液中,男性为1216克,女性为1115克。血 红蛋白含量减少,会患贫血症What does it mean if your Hem

8、oglobin is low?A low hemoglobin count means that the oxygen-carrying capacity of your hemoglobin is reduced. Consult with your doctor if you suspect that your hemoglobin is low.According to the Mayo Clinic, low hemoglobin levels can indicate that an individual has certain medical conditions, includi

9、ng: Aplastic anemia; Cancer; Chronic kidney disease; Cirrhosis Hodgkins lymphoma (Hodgkins disease) Hypothyroidism; Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Iron deficiency anemia; Lead poisoning; Leukemia Multiple myeloma; Myelodysplastic syndrome Non-Hodgkins lymphoma; Rheumatoid arthritis Vitamin deficie

10、ncy anemiaResearchers have also discovered that lower hemoglobin levels are associated with larger infarction at the time an acute ischemic stroke happens in a patientWhat does it mean if your Hemoglobin is high?A high hemoglobin count is associated with high hemoglobin levels, which means that your

11、 hemoglobin has an increased oxygen-carrying capacity than normal.A high hemoglobin level may indicate: Lung disease; Heart disease; Polycythemia vera; Kidney tumors Dehydration; Hypoxia; Carbon monoxide exposure; High altitudeWhat causes low or high hemoglobin levels?Low or high hemoglobin causes a

12、re medical conditions that change the way your red blood cells behave or how many red blood cells you have at a certain time.Sometimes, deficiencies in iron can cause your hemoglobin levels to decline. When your bodys iron concentrations are getting low, you may progress from mild iron deficiency to iron-deficiency erythropoiesis to iron deficiency anemia (IDA).5 IDA is typically characterized by low hemoglobin levels.Hemoglobin concentrations lower than 11 g/dL in children under 10 years of age, or lower than 12 g/dL in individuals aged 10 years or older, are indicative of IDA



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