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1、Module 1Unit 1 I want a hot dog ,please.教学目的:知识目的:1.能听懂、会说词汇:hamburger, cola ,dollar, cent, enjoy2.能纯熟掌握价格的读法。能力目的 :可以纯熟运用“How much is it?”“Enjoy your meal.”“I want”等语言构造在快餐店点餐。情感目的 :协助学生树立明确的学习目的,端正学习态度。教学重点:词汇:hamburger,cola,dollar ,cent,enjoy在生活中运用句式:1.What do you want ? I want 2. How much is it?

2、 Its教学难点:掌握价格的读法。教学类型:新授课学时安排:2个学时第一学时教学过程:Step1 Greeting(2mins)1. Greet with Ss.2. Talk about holidays.T:Goodafternoon,boys and girls. Ss:T:How are you?How was your holiday? Ss:Step2 lead-in(3mins) 1. Guess.T:I bring some presents for you. Can you guess what it is?(把某些食物放到一种小盒子里)S:sweets.T:Do you w

3、ant some sweets? S:2. Say more about food.T:Can you say more about food? Ss:T:If you need some food, how do you say?(引出I want,简朴操练句型)板书:Module1 Unit1 I want a hot dog,please.Step3 Listen(10mins)1. listen and sayWhat is hot dog? Is it a real dog?(简朴辨别hot dog 和hamburger的区别)2. listen again and fillfood

4、drinkDamingSimonSimons dadWhat does Daming/Simon/Simons dad want to eat?(教读hot dog, hamburger)What do they want to drink?(教读cola)点拨:可数名词和不可数名词 液体属于不可数名词,一般不能加S,而课文中three colas 特指的是三杯可乐。Step4 practise(10mins)1.practise about price.How much is it? Its thirteen dollars and twenty five cents.教读dollar和ce

5、nt复习数字练习价钱 3.75 1.25 2.00 5.30 6.45Step4 Extension(10mins)1. read after the tape.2. role-up3. make up dialouge.A:What do you want? B:I want _, please.A:How much is it? B:Its _.板书设计:Unit 1 I want a hot dog ,please.词汇:hamburger cola What do you want ?dollar cent I want _ ,please.enjoy How much is it?I

6、ts 作业布置:1. 抄写单词4英1中2. 背诵重点句型3. 背诵每日必背的单词和句型。教学反思:第二学时一、教学准备与分析1.Teaching material: Students Book:Module1 Unit 1 Activity1, 2, 32.Teaching aim and demand a.Using Ability task :Using simple present tense: want.Knowing about food items, and cardinal numbers. b. Moral task: Students know that how to ord

7、er food and drink. ABasic Demands: Vocabulary: hamburger coladollarcentenjoywantfor Sentences: What do you want to eat? I want a hot dog, please. How much is it? Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. BFurther Demand: Students can make role play about ordering food in the restaurant. CRevision

8、The using way of“I want.” and “ How much is it/are they?”3.Key words:want and连接词too也How much 4.Teaching difficulties: The using way of “What do you want?” “ How much is it/are they?” cardinal numbers,以及cola的读音5.Teaching aidsTape recorder, photos, word cards, ppt.二、 课堂教学程序1、Warm up(1)Greetings: TSsSs

9、Ss(2)Free Talk:Topic: Winter holidayT: Did you have an enjoyable holiday?Where did you go ?What did you do on the holidays?Ss: I went/saw/did/played(3)Game: Simon says(T says Ss do action )T: Stand up,please. Jump! Run! Eat! Drink! Eat noodles! Drink water! Students do lots of action ,drink and eat

10、something.2、导入(Leading)(1)A.1 T: Im hungry, can you give me some suggestions: What to eat?Ss say out lots of foods or drink, and write them on the board. 2. Ask students to tell the plural form of the nouns. One colatwo colas 3.T: I want sausages, ( Write out the main structure on the board) I want

11、. 4.Teacher do dialogue with students. T: What do you want? S1: I want ice cream.S2:wantB. Game :Saying sentences without a break.(Who can say sentences without a break as more as possible, then who will get a star for his group)C. Lead in1)T: Show PPT : dollar cent A dollartwo dollars A cent two ce

12、nts1.5 dollars = one dollar and fifty cents23.35 dollars = twenty-three dollars and thirty-five cents2) T: 2.6 dollarSs: two dollars and sixty cents.Do four pairs of practices.3、呈现(Presentation)(1)S open their books(2)Listen to the tape, students pay attention where does the story happen,how to orde

13、r food in a restaurant.(3) Teacher teach the key points.a.The key points: dollarcentenjoywant forb. The main sentences structure: What do you want to eat? I want please.How much is it?Its (4) repeat after the tape.(5) students close the book.teacher call out information about the different people an

14、d the students have to tell whom teacher are talking about.T: He wants a hot dog.Ss: Is it Daming?T: Yes!4教师板书:“I want please. How much is it? Its A dollartwo dollars A centtwo cents”的语言构造.5.选择完毕运用任务a.小组编演情景剧:在餐厅里点餐。b.设计一种以食品为主体的调查表,调查家人或同窗想吃些什么食品。使用“What do you want?”和“I want”巨型进行问答,把获得的信息填入表格,进行记录分析,然后向全班报告。教学反思:第三学时知识点总结:一、词汇ham


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