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1、本科论文目 录摘 要IAbstractII引 言11 商场暖通空调设计特殊性问题以及特点32 设计基础资料52.1 工程概况52.2 设计依据52.3 建筑基础资料53 冷负荷计算64 空调方案确定114.1 空调方案的对比114.2 空调方案的确定115 办公区空调风机盘管系统的设计135.1 送风量的确定135.2 新风量确定145.3 办公区风机盘管的选型146 购物区空调风系统设计166.1 送风状态点和送风量的确定166.2 送风口的选择176.3 气流组织的射流计算176.4 风管水力计算197 制冷机组设计217.1制冷机组选型及计算217.2 冷却塔选型218 空调系统管道保温

2、处理及设备减震设计238.1 管道保温措施238.2 空调系统噪声控制与减震控制238.3 系统消防23结 论24参考文献25附录1冷负荷计算表27附录2风管水力计算32致 谢34本科论文摘 要随着我国经济实力的显著提升,人民的生活质量也被大大改善。因为购买力的增强,商场类建筑不断递增。商场的节能问题也日益凸显。商场根据自身规模,采用专用型中央空调来调整一年四季的温度,环境湿度和提升空气清新。如今,因为商业企业市场竞争愈发猛烈,买东西自然环境与公司盈利有挺大的关系,商场具有人员密度高,人员流动性大,空调负荷大等特点,周末和节假日,这一特点更加凸显。商场内人流量的不对称性和偶然性促使中央空调负荷


4、具等)变质的可能性;并且能让员工在舒适的环境里进行工作。建筑冷负荷计算,管路的水力计算,根据空调系统的主要工作原理、设计原则、控制方法和系统适用性分析进行合理布置,按照需求选择离心式冷水机组,以上就是主要的设计内容。通过风机盘管加新风的方式,不断将冷量供给房间,用来调节和控制室内空气参数,以求提供一定舒适度要求的人工环境。关键词:空调系统; 舒适性; 稳定性; 负荷AbstractWith the significant improvement of Chinas economic strength, peoples quality of life has been greatly impro

5、ved. More and more people begin to walk into shopping malls. Therefore,the traffic volume of shopping malls increases, and it is necessary to install air conditioning systems in shopping malls. Special central air conditioners for large,medium and small shopping malls can adjust the temperature and

6、humidity of the environment throughout the year and improve the freshness of the air,thus creating a good consumer market. Nowadays,because the competition in the market of commercial enterprises is more and more fierce,the natural environment for shopping has a great relationship with the companys

7、profits,and the staff in the shopping malls are relatively dense,especially on national legal holidays,the central air conditioner has a large cooling load in summer,a large output of fresh air system,and a smaller heating load in winter. Asymmetry and contingency of peoples flow in the store make t

8、he central air-conditioning load unstable,which makes the central air-conditioning system software have good off-design performance and flexible adjustment. The store operates every day,and the climate problem is relatively serious in the four seasons. It is stipulated that the central air-condition

9、ing operating conditions of the store are consistent with it. It is necessary to consider the peak load of some extreme weather and have good economic development performance under low load conditions in most time periods. Office building is a public place with a very large population. Temperature,

10、environmental humidity, cleanliness and exhaust air volume are quite harmful to customers and workers in the production workshop. Long-term low-quality salesmen will endanger their physical and mental health and work efficiency. Although consumers have a short waiting time in shops,dirty and dusty g

11、as is very easy to spread some diseases. Therefore,the problem of gas environmental pollution in office buildings has attracted more and more attention from the business community. The key purpose of the air conditioning unit of the shopping mall construction project is to maintain the appropriate t

12、emperature and humidity in the room,create a comfortable,cold and warm natural environment that attracts consumers,and promote consumers shopping thoughts. Prevent the quality of products (clothing, furniture, etc.) in the room from deteriorating; At the same time to provide a comfortable working en

13、vironment for store employees. The main design contents include: calculation of building cooling load,hydraulic calculation of air duct and water pipe, reasonable arrangement according to the main working principle,design principl,control method and system applicability analysis of the air condition

14、ing system,and selection of centrifugal chillers according to requirements. By adding fresh air to the fan coil unit,cold energy is continuously supplied to the room to adjust and control indoor air parameters so as to provide an artificial environment with certain comfort requirements.Keywords:Air-

15、conditioning system;Comfort;Stability;Load引 言近年来,在同一城市的一些通风空调系统较好的商场,年营业额远远大于没有通风空调系统的商场。此外,购物中心的工作环境得到改善,工作效率得到提高,病人人数减少,出勤率提高。百货商店经营数十万种产品,它的经营规模非常大,来商场消费的人员也很多。通常来说,设计是多层的,每层的面积可达到上万平方米。然而规模小一点的商场经营的百货商店一般来说就只有一个网点,经营规模为几百平方米。除营业网点外,百货商店还建立了仓库,管理方法以及生产和处理室。这种工程建筑的特点是:室内空间大,木柜多,显示屏多,人员多,科学地安排了行人流线和进出线,以防止分离和混合。根据产品特点进行分销业务。通常将个人物品放在屋顶上,并将日用品放在最方便的区域。大多数重物放置在底部或底部。一些大型购物中心,商店和其他房屋建筑物被合并或附加到一些房屋建筑物。在这个阶段,许多旅馆,地铁站,机场和其他场所都开设了许多商店和大型购物中心,还有一些开设了餐馆和副食品商店。商业商店应宽敞,自然通风且照明设备出色。大中型和中型购物中心也应开辟自然通风和中央空调的新项目。银行柜台的合理布局应更加灵活,以考虑产品转型和开发的需求。由于人员集中,应注意安全和防火措施。大型购物中心与一般建筑有一些共同之处,但也有许多独特之处。例如,大型购物中心的人员和产品光强度很


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