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1、风景园林专业本科培养计划Un dergraduate Program for Specialty in Lan dscape Architecture一、培养目标I . Education Objective本专业培养适应社会主义现代化建设需要,德智体美全面发展,具备良好的风景园林学理论素养、专业知识与技能,较强的实践能力和创新能力,具有国际视野,能从事风景园林领域规划 与设计、建设与管理、保护与研究的高级复合型人才和健康人居环境建设的领衔设计师。In order to meet the n eeds of modern con struct ion of socialism, this pr

2、ogram aims at cultivat ing highly skilled Ian dscape architects who are professi on als of Ian dscape architecture pla nning, desig n, con struct ion,man ageme nt, and research, and leaders of healthy huma n settleme nts con struct ion.They have a sound un dersta nding of related theories, sound pro

3、fessi onal kno wledge and skills, strong practical and innovative ability, and international vision, and are also of an all-round development of morality, in tellige nee, physique and aesthetic.二、基本规格要求n . Learning outcomes本专业的毕业生应具有以下几方面的素质、知识和能力:1. 具有良好的思想道德素质、文化素质、身心素质,具有国际视野和独立创新意识;2. 具备较坚实的自然科学

4、与人文科学基础;3. 具有扎实的风景园林学基础理论,熟练掌握风景园林规划与设计的知识和技能;熟悉风景园林遗产保护与管理、景观建筑设计、生态修复、植景规划与设计、风景园林工程与技术、景观 城市设计的基本原理和方法,熟悉风景园林相关政策法规和技术规范;了解本学科的理论前沿和 发展方向,了解建筑学、城乡规划学、生态学等相关学科的基础知识;4. 具有较强的风景园林规划与设计工作能力,并具备参与城市设计、区域规划、土地利用规划、旅游发展规划等相关规划设计的工作能力。5. 熟练掌握一门外语,能熟练阅读专业文献并具有基本的外语交流能力。The program provides stude nts with:

5、1. Good moral, cultural, physical and men tai qualities; and intern ati onal visi on and inno vative attitude.2. Substa ntial kno wledge in both n atural scie nces and huma nities & arts;3. Sound foundation of Iandscape architecture theories, and specialized knowledge and skills,including Iandscape

6、architecture heritage conservation and management, architectural design in Iandscape architecture, ecological restoration, uses of plants in Iandscape architecture, Iandscape architecture engin eeri ng and tech niq ues, related regulati ons and sta ndards. An soundun dersta ndingof the edge-cutt ing

7、 theories and the curre nt trends of Ian dscape architecture and basic kno wledge ofrelated fields;4. Capabilities to carry out Ian dscape architecture pla nning and desig n, and participate in urba n desig n, regi onal pla nnin g, la nd use pla nning, tourism pla nning, and so on.5. Proficiency in

8、a foreign Ianguage.三、培养特色川.Program highlights1. 本专业依据高等学校风景园林本科指导性专业规范(2013版)要求,坚持“宽口径、厚基础、强实践、倡创新”的培养模式,形成开放性、创新性、实践性的人才培养特色。2. 在建立完善课程体系的前提下,立足“以学生为中心”的教育理念,建立全过程、灵活、开放的教学体系,将专业理论、相关知识、课程设计、专业实践四个教学环节相互穿插,有机组合,由浅入深,逐渐推进。3. 面向社会经济发展和健康人居环境建设需要,结合专业实践与研究性实践环节强化实践教育,加强学生动手能力、社会适应能力与创新能力培养。1. A specia

9、lty educati on model of wide scope and solid foun dati on, and atale nt training featurewith ope nn ess, inno vati on, partia In ess, in accorda nee with requireme nts of Guida nee for Lan dscape Architecture Un dergraduate Program in Higher Educati on (The 2013 vers ion) requireme nts, and the trai

10、ning mode with wide caliber, thick foundation, intensive practice, advocating innovation.2. Whole process, flexible, ope n teach ing system in tegrati ng theories, professi onal kno wledge, course desig n, engin eeri ng practice in to, based on the educati on con cept of stude nt-ce ntered and on th

11、e premise to establish a sound, easy-to-digest, gradually adva ncing curriculum system.3. Comb in atio n of engin eeri ng projects and practici ng training to stre ngthe n the stude nts abilityin practice and their adaptability to further jobs and innovative attitude, in order to satisfy the require

12、me nts of the developme nt of society, economy and healthy huma n settleme nts.四、主干学科IV . Major Disciplines风景园林学Lan dscape Architecture五、学制与学位V Program length and degree学制:五年Duratio n: 5 years授予学位:工学学士Degrees Con ferred: Bachelor of Engin eeri ng (B E)六、学时与学分W . Credits hours and units完成学业需达到总学分220学

13、分。其中:课程体系学分需达到196学分、集中性实践教学环节学分需达到19学分、课外学分需达到5学分。专业基础课程、专业核心课程学分不允许用其他课程学分进行学分冲抵和替代。Minimum Credits of Curricular (compris ing course system, inten sified intern ship practical trainingand Extracurricular Credits ): 220 Credits1.课程体系学时与学分构成Course Credits Hours and Un its课程类别课程性质学时学分占课程体系学分比例 ()必修57

14、63216.3通识教育课程选修160105.1学科(大类)学科大类基础课程必修40825.513.0基础课程学科专业基础课程必修6243919.9续表课程类别课程性质学时学分占课程体系学分比例 ()专业课程专业核心课程必修124077.539.6专业选修课程选修192126.1合计3200196100Course typeRequired/ElectiveHrs.Crs.Percentage( % )General Education Core CurriculumRequired5763216.3Elective160105.1Discipline-relatedcourseDiscipli

15、ne-related General CoursesRequired40825.513.0Basic Sub-discipline CoursesRequired6243919.9Major-specificcoursesMajor-specific Core CoursesRequired124077.539.6Specialty- Elective CoursesElective192126.1Total32001961002.集中性实践教学环节周数与学分构成Practicum Credits实践教学环节名称课程性质周数学分占实践教学环节学分比例()军事训练必修215.3专业实习必修12631.6生产实习(社会实践)必修8421毕业实习与毕业设计(论文)必修16842.1合计3819100Course TitleCourse NatureWeeksCred



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