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1、新课标 PEP 小学英语六年级下册期末试题一 听力部分一 听对话,选出每组对话所谈论的话题1. A weather B clothes C homework2. A family B house C birthday3. A fruit B vegetable C drink二 听音排序A: went to Children S Park with parentsB; went ice-skatingC: saw animals in the zoomD went to XinjiangE ate some good food in the restaurantF visited my aun

2、tG got back to shanghaiH sang and danced with the people正确顺序:三 听录音,判断下列句子的正误1 Mr Smith work in a supermarkert2. A boy got lost and asked Mr Smith for help3. They found the boy s mother at last4. The boy came to the supermarket with his mother5 The boy saw his father四 听音,写出单词1. sing ( ) ( )2. jump (

3、) ( )3. big ( ) ( )4. tall ( ) ( )5 ( )( ) ( )笔试部分一、选出化线部分读音不同的单词。( ) 1 A. white B where C what D who( ) 2 A . clerk B. dinner. C runner D sweater( ) 3 A sweater B breakfast C great D deal( ) 4 A dollar B star C are D sharpener( ) 5 A in B bike C nice D kind一、 根据所提示的信息将句子补充完整。1 -What does Sarah usua

4、lly do on the weekend?-She usually _ (看电视 ) .2. -What did you do on your holiday?-I went to Beijing and _(拍照 ) there.What is Mike doing now?-He is _ (踢足球 ) on the playground.Are you going to _ (游泳 ) this afternoon?-No, we are going to have a picnic.John is taller than Zhang Peng. But Zhang Peng is _

5、(强壮 ) than John.3 Can you _this English song? (sing)4 The _day, we went to the palace museum.(one)5 Peter _chess with his father yesterday.(play)6 Mary always _her bedroom on Saturdays.(clean)7 -What is Jenny _? (do)-She is playing the piano.8 Let s go _.(shop)9 He is _ _ _football tomorrow.(play)10

6、 she likes _ Tv . ( watch )11 Bob always_( do ) homework in the evening.12 I like to_( swim).But now I am_(run)13 What _(be) your father _(do)?14 Can you teach me how_(skate)?15 _(be) everybody here today?二、按要求变换下列单词1 、swim(现在分词)_ 2、leaf (复数 )_3 、go (过去式)_ 4 funny(比较级 )_5 can not (缩写 )_ 6 twenty(序数词

7、 )_7 we( 物主代词 )_ 8 they(宾语 )_9 read(过去式 )_ 10 no(同音词 )_11.头疼 _ 12上周末 _四、选择正确答案( ) 1、 -_is the weather like today?-It s rainy.A What B How C When D Why( )2 Jenny _homework now.A do B does C is doing D did( ) 3 He is very old ,_he works like a young man .A so B or C but D and( )4 -Is this ruler _?-Yes

8、, it s _.A yours ; my B your; my C your; mine D yours; mine( ) 5 It s raining outside .Please give me _umbrella.A . a B. an C .two D .both( ) 6- Is there _tea in the cup?-Yes, there is_.( ) 7 When did you _to school yesterday?A go B want C went D going( )8. Last Saturday _went to the park.A. Danny a

9、nd my B Danny and I C I and Danny D my and Danny( ) 9 It s time _A play ping pong B .to go to bed C for have lunch D flying kites( )10 some birds _the tree.A is in B are on C is on D are in( )11 There is _“ h” in the word“ hand ”.A some women B some womans C some women D some womens ( )12 What did y

10、ou do yesterday? I _to the zoo.A go B going C am going D went( )13Tomorrow Wang Hong and I _fly kites in the park.A going to B are going to C am going to D is going to ( )14 I go to bed _ten _Saturday evenings. A at, in B. at, on C on, in D in, on( )15 I am_. You are _than my sister.A tall , taller

11、B taller ,tall五、连词成句1 、like My park walking grandparents in the。_2.borther,his,my, homework, ,does, school, at(.)_3.on,where,did, go, you holiday, your(?)_4Wu Yifan ,his, friends, with, played, football_六、按要求变换句子。1、Mike likes her bag.(变否定句)_2、They went to the gym yesterday.(变一般疑问句 )_3、His mother went to Japan by air。(对划线部分提问)_4、They are English girls (变单数句 )_


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