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1、论乡村城镇化耕地资源法律制度的完善 论乡村城镇化耕地资源法律制度的完善 Law System Perfection of Cultivated Land Resource in the Process of Countrys Urbanization 【中文摘要】 乡镇经济的规模化发展、农村劳动力身份的转变和小城镇的综合建设构成了乡村城镇化的实质内容。表现为:农业人口减少,城镇人口增加;城镇地域扩大,农业用地转化为非农业用地;农民转变为城镇化居民,他们进一步脱离土地成为非农户;城乡居民经济收入和文化教育差别不断缩小,人们的生产、生活方式趋向一致化。然而,乡村城镇化在带来一定社会经济效益的同时,


3、性,强化法律制度对耕地的保护,以提供学理上的支持;第三部分揭示了乡村城镇化耕地资源法律制度的缺陷:土地所有权权能受限、流转制度尚未成熟、耕地占补制度不合理、耕地规划制度存在瑕疵等,问题的提出也就表明了完善制度的必要性;第四章系统论述了如何完善耕地资源法律制度以促进城镇化发展,为城镇化建设服务。为了保护失地农民的权益和维护社会稳定,完善耕地资源法律制度要与农民社会保障制度的建立同步进行,同时,设计现代农业的耕地资源法律制度,以适应现代农业经营模式【英文摘要】 Township enterprises in the scale of development, and changing the st

4、atus of the rural labor force and small towns in rural integrated building component of the substance of the cities and towns: to reduce the agricultural population and urbanization increase urban development, expansion of urban areas, agricultural land to non-agricultural land conversion; farmers b

5、y professional farmers into urban residents and further into non-farmers from the land; income of urban and rural residents continued to narrow differences and cultural and educational values, the same trend of production and lifestyle. At the same time, in the rural towns of a certain social and ec

6、onomic benefits, but it also can not help people too stressed because of the economic value of production and produce some negative issues.In recent years, Chinas rapid process of urbanization in rural development, integrated use of cultivated land for construction problems inevitable; non-agricultu

7、ral population to the transfer of tens of millions of people, and arable land resources is not idle farming million. How in the rural towns in the process of providing effective legal protection of farmland resources, we are facing a new and important topic. Chapter 1; Introduction This paper discus

8、ses significance and purpose of the status quo of arable land, rural urbanization influence on the future of farmland, put legal protection of farmland resources of the grim situation confronting the second chapter of the development of rural towns, farmland resources incomplete legal system individ

9、ual legal system seriously unsuitable farmland socio-economic development needs, and proceeded to put forward the relevant system to meet the needs of improving the process of urbanization; Chapter III brief analysis of rural urbanization of farmland legal system lags behind its development and urba

10、nization and outdated as a result of township Construction of farmland the main reason for incomplete legal system, the fourth chapter discusses how to improve the land-related legal system in order to promote the development of urbanization, urban construction services, as well as better adapt to t

11、he future development of modern agriculture. In this paper, in the final, put forward a four-point conclusion: the establishment of a wide range of arable land title system, the legal system must be improved land and the peasants of the social security system coordinated development of rural land to

12、 establish cooperative shareholding system, the transfer of land, planning, or fill system in the rural towns in the process of improving the proposals to promote urbanization and rapid, and healthy development, and socio-economic progress to provide the necessary legal protection.【中文关键词】 耕地; 乡村城镇化;

13、 制度 【英文关键词】 Tilth; Rural urbanization; System 【毕业论文目录】 论乡村城镇化耕地资源法律制度的完善摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 1 绪论 8-13 1.1 课题背景 8 1.2 国内外研究现状 8-11 1.2.1 国内研究现状 8-10 1.2.1 国外研究现状 10-11 1.3 研究目的和意义 11 1.3.1 研究目的 11 1.3.2 研究意义 11 1.4 研究思路和方法 11-13 1.4.1 研究思路 11-12 1.4.2 研究方法 12-13 2.乡村城镇化耕地资源法律制度完善的重要性 13-20 2.1 乡村城镇化需要法

14、律制度保障 13-14 2.1.1 非农业人口增加导致耕地减少 13 2.1.2 建设用地扩张导致耕地减少 13-14 2.2 乡村城镇化需要法律制度协调 14-19 2.2.1 调节行政干预的要求 15-16 2.2.2 法制自身建设的要求 16-17 2.2.3 经济模式转型的要求 17-18 2.2.4 保护弱势农民的要求 18-19 2.3 本章小结 19-20 3 乡村城镇化耕地资源法律制度残缺 20-30 3.1 现有耕地资源法律制度的缺陷 20-25 3.1.1 所有权权能受限 20-21 3.1.2 流转制度尚未成熟 21-23 3.1.3 土管登记制度不完备 23 3.1.4

15、 耕地占补制度不合理 23-25 3.2 耕地资源个别法律制度发展滞后 25-29 3.2.1 耕地规划制度存在瑕疵 25-26 3.2.2 农民失地保障制度缺失 26-27 3.2.3 耕地制度不适应现代农业 27-29 3.3 本章小结 29-30 4 乡村城镇化耕地资源法律制度的完善 30-44 4.1 健全耕地资源法律制度为城镇化服务 30-38 4.1.1 改革耕地所有权制度 30-32 4.1.2 清晰耕地资源流转制度 32-34 4.1.3 统一土管登记制度 34-35 4.1.4 改进耕地资源占补制度 35-38 4.2 完备耕地资源法律制度促进城镇化发展 38-42 4.2.1 严格土地规划制度 38-39 4.2.2 建立失地农民的保障制度 39-41 4.2.3 设计现代农业的耕地制度 41-42 4.3 本章小结 42-44 结论 44-45 参考文献 45-48 攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 48-49 致谢 49-50


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