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1、福州市2019版五年级上册期末测试英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . New York is _ of America. ( )Ain the eastBin the westCon the north2 . What _ she _ for lunch?Adid, haveBhad, didCdid, had3 . The gloves are nice. _ ( ) Sure. Here you are.ACan I help you?BHow much are they?CCan I try

2、 them on?4 . How _ is your ruler? ( )Its 20 centimetres.AlongBlongerClongest5 . I wish to traveldifferent cities in the world. ( )AinBatCtoDfrom6 . What do you usually do Christmas? ( )AonBinCat7 . Is it a _ day? ( )No, its _.Asunny rainy.Bsunny. cloudCsunny.rainny8 . -Can Lingling go to school toda

3、y? ( )-.AYes, she cant.BNo, she can.CNo, she cant.9 . _one do you prefer?I prefer that green one.AHow muchBHow manyCWhich10 . Read and choose(选出在意义上不属于同一类的单词,圈在字母代号上)【小题1】AcanBcantCplay【小题2】AyesBthisCno【小题3】AheBbeeCshe【小题4】AswimBskipCsheep【小题5】AgoodbyeBhelloChi选出每组中不同类的一项。11 . ArainyBsunnyCsun12 . A

4、onBwithChouse13 . AdayBhotCcold14 . AhasBhaveClikes15 . AtreeBgrassCwant给句子选择相应的汉语意思。16 . You can see a town. ( )A你能看见一个城镇。B我能看见一些云。17 . I can see mountains. ( )A我能看见山。B我能看见星星。18 . The town is near the sea. ( )A城镇在湖的旁边。B城镇在大海的附近。19 . What can you see in the picture? ( )A图画在哪里?B在图画里你能看见什么?20 . Theres

5、 a lake near my school. ( )A在我的学校附近有一个湖。B在我的城镇附近有一条河。21 . Is that your_ car? ( )AfatherBfathersCfathers22 . 你来自哪里?( )AWhere are you from?BIm from Canada.23 . What do you do on Sunday ? ( )AI go to the park .BI goes to the park .24 . Daming has got_email_Lingling. ( )Aa; fromBan; fromCan; for二、任务型阅读阅

6、读对话,填一填。Waiter: Can I help you, sir?Mr. Clare: Yes, I like some chicken.Waiter: Do you like salad (色拉)? Our vegetable salad is very good.Mr. Clare: OK! A vegetable salad and a cola, too.Waiter: What fruit do you like, oranges or bananas?Mr. Clare: I dont like bananas or oranges. I like mangoes.Waite

7、r: Let me see. Yes, we have mangoes.Mr. Clare: And I like a chocolate ice cream for my dessert (餐后甜点).Waiter: OK, Ill bring them soon.Mr. Clares dinner1. food _2. drink _3. fruit _4. dessert _三、匹配题25 . 为下列句子或对话选择合适的图片。ABCDE(_) 1. Have you got any toy cars?Yes, I have.(_) 2. Collecting toy planes is

8、Sams hobby.(_) 3. I like taking pictures.(_) 4. Their hobby is drawing pictures.(_) 5. I have got three kites.四、连词成句连词成句。(注意首字母及标点符号)26 . in / a / We / house / lived / small (.) (我们住在一座小房子里。)27 . ate / hamburgers / Sam / four (.)(萨姆吃了四个汉堡包。)28 . they / What / yesterday / did / do (?)(昨天他们做了什么?)29 . you / help / Will / me (?)(你将会帮助我吗?)30 . kite / a / I / made (.)(我做了一只风筝。)第 1 页 共 1 页



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