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1、敦煌网分享婚纱礼服外贸出口询盘模板知识汇总目录一、婚纱行业卖家询盘回复基本技巧 赢得更多订单1二、买卖家询盘十大问题之一:是否有实拍图4三、买卖家询盘“是否有实拍图”问题标准模板分享5、 婚纱行业卖家询盘回复基本技巧 赢得更多订单今明两天,小编将给大家分享一个真实的订单询盘,在23天时间里,Buyer和Seller 一共沟通了 43次,Buyer共提出了两个需求:一件婚纱和一件西装。最后Buyer购买了 一件婚纱,但没有购买西服。无论是成功的婚纱购买经历,还是失败的西服购买经历,都 能帮助大家总结经验教训,赢得更 多订单!成功篇(一)、背景介绍:Sophie曾经在Nancy的店铺中购买过一件婚

2、纱,十分满意,这 次Sophie把Nancy的店铺介绍给了将要结婚的姐姐,希望姐姐的婚纱也能由Nancy提供。二)、询盘正文和点评:记录时间发起人内容小编点评第天BuyerHelloJ recently bought a wedding gown from you and it arrived early enough before the wedding. It was the best gown in town and I was really happy on how you treated me. You made cay dream come true and I want to s

3、ay thank you for treating me so special. To show appreciation, 1 have decided to buy my sisters gown from you. I gave her this site and asked her to make a choice of any gown and I will give you the sample so that you make iton time and ship. The link is http:/ new(please copy and paste on yourbrows

4、er to see). I just want you to assure me the clothe will be ready on or before the second week of December 2013, He wedding is on the 16th of December 2013. 1 will continue to recommend my girl friends to your site because you are the best. Thanks as am waiting to hear from you soon.Please find atta

5、ched some pictures for youand i Will also like to buy veil from you if you have it. Thanks in anticipation of your cooperation Regards, Sophie由于信任.Sophie很 直按的找到帖冋再次 购买齢给地的姐姐 优质的产品頂重、 抿前到货.让买家满 意度爆梱.维护好新客户,才 能赢得“回头客”,SellerDear Sophie, Nice to hear from you again! It is really our great pleasure that

6、 you love the wedding dress we made for you. We have made the above wedding dress before, we sold it to Migera is USD287.4 with shipping. We made with top quality embroidery lace And the lace pattern is not same as the originl design. But the outfit is still very beautiful. I will try to find the re

7、al dress images we made before. We could custom make the matching veil with the matching lace trimming, do you have the request about the length? Pls kindly advise, await your reply, thanks! Best Regards, NancyLxe的种类很多 Kancy及时回复说 Sophi 择的这款婚 纱養丝找不刮一横一 樺的.希望用娄似的 营丝替代.类佩的沟通确认能 够帮助遐免岀现货物 与描述不符.客户提 交纠纷或

8、者退款申请OBuyerPlease find below the measurement: The measurements bust: 106cm, waist:89cm, hip: 119cm, Iengthl25cm, height: 175cm, shoulder:44cm# hand:32cnn. Like I said earlier I will like you to also assure me the dress will be ready in time for the wedding. thanks soo muchSophie#供尺码并 强调姜及时收到婚纱洵盘第一大问

9、題 时间间題砲括制作 周期、货运时间) 卖家真在时闾问題上 及时给子买眾安抚. 朗拥殴.及时回 复,并且说到做到SellerDear Soph咯 Thanks for your measurement.If you order it today, and we will make sure the delivery. As per the veiL you have not replied us yet, pls advise the style and Ipnnth van arp intArpstAd in Await vnurNanuy用这样一句话其 实是制這緊迫感.督 促Sophie立

10、刻下订单If you order it today, and we will make sure theit记录时何发起人Mf小集点评第 二 天SellerAgain,dear Sapliief I just applied for some discount for you because that you are have bought dress from us. And we would offer the USD279,S with the veil and shipping to you. Below pls refer to the special link: http:/ pe

11、rthe measurement: bust:106cm.waist :89cmf hip: 119cm, length 125cm, height: 175cmf shoulder:44cm# hand :32cm.由于Sophie当天没有 回复 Nancy%了稳使 这个订单达成告诉 Sophie可以打折.这 是俺单的一个重要方 法.大家也要学会使 用。同时 Nancy直接 把做好折扣的产品琏 扌爻发给Sophie.让 Sophie方便下单,并 且确认了尺玛.是不 是很聪明呢.Buyer1 Would love The colour to be white, the measurements

12、 are. bust; 103cmr v/aist: 90cmr hip: 117cmr shoulder-shoulder 39 1/2, shoulder to nipple 26 l/2r total height with shoes on: 180cm, shoulder to floor: 16Scmr bicep: 32 l/2jwaist to mermaid:52cm, shoulder to lbow: 30cmf I hope this h helpful and please do not hesitate to contact me if need be. Sophi

13、eSophi e果然马上目复 了.并且再次强调了 对时效性的更求SellerDear Soph咯 Thanks for your update. As per shoulder to Nipple 26.5r it seems a little shorter than usuals wondering if you measure according to the guide Take the tape at top shoulder nearby the neck and then to the nipple As per the shoulder to floor 168cm, I gu

14、ess it is with heels height, right? Pls confirm BTW, pls advise the veil style she is interested In. Await your reply, thanks! Best Regards, NancyNancy不亏是专业的供 应商,WASophiei 供的尺寸中.发现了 一个异帘.马上进行 了确认。宾家只有B己清楚 尺寸、潴量方法.并 能翳正确指导买氣 才能有效避免尺寸不 符引起的纠纷.Buyerhttp:/ aboveis the picture of the veil. 1 will get bac

15、k to you with the other answers as soon as I cam Thanks.Sophi澀供头纱的样 式Seller0k3y,dear Sophie, Thank& for your link of the veil, will wait for your order and other info, th-anks again! Best Regards, Nancy略过Buyershoulder to nipple is 30.5cm. the length is with heels, the veil should be exactlly as in the picture Please do let me know if you notice anything else or confirm if its fine now.Sophie的尺寸果然羞 错了.她及时做了更 正.这样逝免了尺寸 错误。好惊殓呀。pls this is d complete and correct measurement, sorry for the inconveniances the length and height ar wt heels on. W



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