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1、六年级上英语各单元重点班级 学号 姓名Starter Unit A plan for the new school year 重点单词:on the farm 在农场、 plan 计划、 work harder 更努力学习do more listening and reading 做更多的听力和阅读 、tourist office 旅行社 park 公园、 police station 警察局、post office 由B局、phone box 电话亭museum博物馆、church教堂、bus stop公共汽车站、fruit shop 水果店、 train station 火车站、hospi

2、tal 医院、cinema 电影院、opposite 在对面、 beside 在 旁边重点句型:1. What are you going to do in Year 6 ?I am going to work harder at English. I will do more listening and reading(将P3的短语带入到对话中说熟)2. Whats the weather like ? How s the weather ?It s sunnyt s cloudylt s windy .It s raining.3. The tourist office is in the

3、 park. (P6的8个句子,要求能做到看地图正确说出句子) 4. Excuse me, where s the post office ?GO straight ahead. Then turn right.Thank you.That s OK.(P7对话熟读,并能看地图正确组织对话)Unit 1 School is great fun !重点单词:Chinese 语文、Maths 数学、English 英语、Science 科学、Music 音乐、 Art美术、History历史、PE体育、Drama戏剧、French法语、 Geography地理、ICT信息技术 重点句型:1. Ms

4、 Howard will teach us Drama.2. I have got French and History on Monday.(要求能看课表说出自己当天的课程)3. I love working with numbers. I love China. I like learning its language.(要求通过描述猜出他人最爱的学科)4. In English, I like singing songs.(读数 P13 句子)5. Practice makes perfectUnit 2 Big cities 重点单词:the Great Wall 长城、the Pal

5、ace Museum 故宫、Tower Bridge 塔桥、the London Eye 伦敦眼 Big Ben 大本钟、the White House 白宫、the Smithsonian Castle 史密森尼城堡、 Beijing 北京、London 伦敦、Washington DC 华盛顿特区、north 北方、capital 首都、 country 国家、the most popular 最受欢迎的 、history 历史、culture 文化、famous 著名的、 take the first ( second; third ) right ( left ) 在第一(二、三)个路

6、口右(左)转、 busy 繁忙的、 New York纽约、the biggest最大的、city 城市、west西方、east东方、lake湖泊、 the Changjiang River 长江、the Han River 汉江、the East Lake 东湖重点句型:1. Beijing is the capital of China.2. Beijing is in the north of China.3. The Great Wall and the Palace Museum are the most popular.4. The city is full of history a

7、nd culture.You can feel the history and culture of the country here.5. The British Museum, Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the London Eye are great fun to visit.6. New York City is one of the biggest cities in the world.重点篇章:要求能仿写介绍著名城市的短文。Unit 3 Festivals 重点单词:Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节、the Chinese lunar Aug

8、ust 中国农历八月、get together 聚在一起、moon cake 月饼、Thanksgiving 感恩节、turkey 火鸡、holiday 假期、Halloween 万圣节、 Britain 英国、dress up 打扮、witch 女巫、monster 怪物、ghost 幽灵、play a trick 恶作剧 trick or treat 不给糖就捣乱、knock on ( the door ) 敲 (门)重点句型:1. The 15th day of the Chinese lunar August is a very important festival in China

9、.It s Mid-Autumn Festival.2. People far from home look up at the moon and think about their families.3. The fourth Thursday in November is a holiday in the USA. It Thanksgiving.4. On 31st October, children in Britain and the USA dress up as witches, monsters or ghosts.重点篇章:要求学生能介绍中外重要节日。(主要是时间、习俗等)U

10、nit 4 Accidents重点单词:have an accident 发生意外、 break the leg 摔坏退、be in hospital 住院be on holiday 度彳贸、cut the foot 割破脚、put a bandage 包扎 、wear your helmet 带上安全帽、put on your pads 带上护具、rollerblade 滑旱冰、 put on your belt 系上安全带、cross the street 过马路、shoulder 肩膀look left and right in the street 在马路上左右看、keep to th

11、ese rules 遵守这些规则 stomach肚子胃、elbow肘、toe脚趾、P8082画出的不规则动词重点句型:1. When I was eight, I had an accident with my bike.2. When you ride your bike, wear your helmetA When you ride your bike, please remember to wear your helmetA When you ride your bike, don t forget to wear your helmet.(要求能看P34图片,每张图片仿照例句说出三种

12、表达)3. Your cut needs five or six stitches.4. What s the matter with you ?My keen hurts.(带入其他身体部位说熟) I cut my foot. I broke my leg.5. Li Ping played basketball last Saturday.Li Ping didn t play basketball last Saturday.Did Li Ping play basketball last Saturday ? Yes, he did. NO, he didn t(要求掌握一般过去时态的

13、肯定句、否定何、一般疑问句和回答)Unit 5 Animals in danger 重点单词:Arctic 北极、Africa 非洲、 Asia亚洲、than比、smaller更小、fur皮毛、 kingfisher 翠鸟、problem 问题,困难、nest 鸟巢、 hole 洞、riverbank 河岸、 quiet 安静的、snow leopard 雪豹、the South China Tiger 华南虎、 black rhino 黑犀牛、panda 大熊猫、bamboo 竹子、around the world 世界各地、save拯救、mud泥浆、kill杀害、horn角、polar b

14、ear北极熊 重点句型:1. It lives in Africa and Asia. It lives in the Arctic2. Its fur is white.3. It s smaller than a tiger.4. Is it smaller than a horse?5. The panda lives in China.6. It eats bamboo.7. People around the world love pandas. But they are in great danger. Let s join in to help them8. But people

15、 can only see them in the zoo today.9. Let s help to save China s tigers!重点篇章:模仿P42写一篇介绍濒危动物的短文,呼吁大家保护动物。Unit 6 Children of our world重点单词:Brazil巴西、feed喂养、precious珍贵的、Argentina阿根廷、enjoy享受、cute可爱的、 stamp 由B票、take photographs 拍照、make music 制作音乐、India ER度、western 西部的、 the nearest town 最近的城镇、signature 签名、grown-up 成年人、poverty 贫困、sorrow 悲伤 without 没有、war 战争、 peace和平 重点句型:1. Before I go to school, I feed my fish.2. My CD player is my most precious thing.3. My fish are very precious to me.4. I live in Brazil. I m from Brazil. I come from Brazil.5. Tom s precious things are his books.6. This old


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