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1、人教版九年级上学期期末质量抽测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The sick boy is getting _ day by day.AbadBbadlyCworseDworst2 . Next week, Janes new book _. I cant wait to read it.Awill publishBwill be publishedCwill be come outDcome out3 . Is your name Tina? _.AYes, I amBNo, Im not.CYes, it is.DNo, that isnt.4 . What was

2、 your father doing when you got home yesterday?Hedinner at that time.AcooksBwas cookingCis cookingDwill cook5 . Mr. Zhao is good at cooking and he decides his own restaurant.AopenBopeningCto open6 . I am looking after Tom today.Hes been in my house _ 8:00 this morning.AsinceBforCatDtill7 . Many fore

3、ign students come to study in China _ they are interested in Chinese culture.AsoBbutCthoughDbecause8 . have you learnt English? Since 2006.AHow farBHow longCHow oftenDHow soon9 . According to the law,traffickeep to the left in England.Amay B. must C. need D. can10 . Michael_ from his skateboard and

4、hurt his left leg.Afall downBfell downCfall illDfell ill11 . Little Charlie was born_a sunny morning _October, 2013.Ain;inBin; onCon; onDon;in12 . Eason loves winter, but it never _ in the city he lives in. Its usually sunny.AsnowyBsnowingCsnowDsnows二、完型填空Jack is one of my best friends. Now Ill tell

5、 you a story about him. One day he wanted to buy some new clothes, _ he went to a shop. First he _ for some trousers and put them _, but then he took them off and gave them _ to the shopkeeper, “Now, give me a coat instead of these. ” The man gave him a coat and said, “This one costs the same _ the

6、trousers. ” Jack took the coat and walked out of the shop with _. The shopkeeper ran after him and said, “You have not paid for that _!” “But I gave you the trousers for the coat, ” said Jack. “They cost the same as the coat, _they?” “Yes, ”said the shopkeeper. “But you didnt pay for the trousers _!

7、” “Of course, I didnt! ” answered Jack. “I didnt take them. _gives things back and then pays for them ! ”13 . AbutBorCsoDwhile14 . AwantedBaskedCboughtDgot15 . AawayBupCoffDon16 . AbackBthenCinDtowards17 . AlikeBsoCasDwith18 . AthisBitCthatDthe trousers19 . AthingBshopCtrousersDcoat20 . AdidntBwasnt

8、CwouldntDcouldnt21 . AtooBalsoCeitherDneither22 . ASomebodyBNobodyCAnybodyDEveryone三、阅读单选Working as a TeamAt Uppingham School, there is a program called the Duke of Edinburgh Awards. It encourages students to challenge themselves in a number of ways and helps them develop physical strength and perso

9、nal skills. The time that is required to be spent on each task varies according to the type of award one wants to win. For the gold award, either the “physical” or “skill” test should last for 12 months.The most challenging part of the program is the expedition(探险旅行). In the gold group,we have to sp

10、end four days and three nights outdoors. We chose to go canoeing(划独木舟)for our trip. It took months for us to prepare, as we had to learn some survival skills.Although we trained hard and learned all the skills beforehand, our practice expedition was much more difficult than we expected. We had to ca

11、noe for at least six hours a day, keeping rowing(划船)through the water. We also dealt with various difficulties, such as falling into the water and having to get out of the canoe and drug it over some rocks.Although physical strength is important, it was teamwork that really got us through the four d

12、ays. We learned to cooperate with our teammates to find the right way to paddle(划桨). When we were in trouble, we helped each other out, as well as shared our food and dry clothes. It was an unforgettable experience that turned me into a stronger and more tolerant(宽容的)person. I learned to work with b

13、oth other people and with nature. I am looking forward to receiving my gold award.23 . The Duke of Edinburgh Awards are intended to _.a. improve students personal skills b. develop students physical strengthc. give scholarships to students from poor families d. encourage students to challenge themse

14、lvesAabcBabdCacdDbcd24 . What do we know about the writers expedition group?AThey went camping by a lake.BThey prepared a lot before the trip.CThey failed because they didnt have any survival skills.DThey spent six hours swimming in the water.25 . What is the main idea of the last paragraph?APhysical strength is necessary for expeditions.BTeamwork is necessary to achieve success.CThe writer had a good rel



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