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1、海口市2019年英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:补全答语D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选内容补全对话1 . 情景运用。选择正确的句子,补全下面对话,并将字母序号填在横线上AAre you all rightBWhere did you goCI fell off my bike last SaturdayDYes,we did.EDid you go to TurpanAmy:What happened?John:1._and hurt my fooot.Amy:Thats too bad! 2._?John:Im OK

2、 now.Come and look at my photos from the Childrens Day.Amy: 3._?John:Mt.Tianshan,Xinjiang.I rode a horse.Look,its very small!Amy:Oh,yes It looks like a mule! 4._?John: 5._.We saw lots of grapes there,but we couldnt eat them.They wont be ready till August.2 . 选择合适的单词或短语补全小诗,可以重复使用,注意大小写。warm, cold, s

3、o nice, put on, take off,Brrr, Its _. Its _ outside._ a hat. _, bye-bye!Mmm, Its _. Its _ inside._ your shoes. It feels _!3 . 口语交际,把正确选项的字母填在横线上。AWhat day is it today?BGood idea.CHow old is he?DAnd lets make a cakeA: Hello, Liu Tao.B: Hello, Yang Ling.A: 1._B: Its Friday.A: Oh! Tomorrow is Mikes bir

4、thday.B: Really? 2._A: Hes nine. Lets make a card for him. B: 3._A: 4. _ too.B: OK. See you tomorrow.A: See you.从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话,填序号。A. Do you brush your teeth before bedtime?B. I usually put them in order.C. No. Its clean and tidy.D. Do you have any good habits?E. Thank you.A: 4 . B: Yes. I am a goo

5、d boy. I get up early in the morning.A: 5 . B: Yes, and I also brush teeth in the morning.A: Is your bedroom messy?B: 6 . A: How do you put your things?B: 7 . A: Great! You really have good habits.B: 8 . 根据自己一天的规律将下列时间序号填入句中Aat twelve oclock in the morningBat half past five in the afternoonCat half

6、past seven in the morningDat nine oclock in the afternoonEat half past six in the morning.I get up 9 . . I go to school 10 . . I have lunch 11 . . I watch TV at five oclock in the afternoon. I do homework 12 . . I go to bed 13 . .14 . 根据提示,补全下列情景对话。AThats cool!BHow was your yesterday?CWhat did you d

7、o yesterday?DYes, I did.E. We played computer game.A: 1. _B: I stayed with my friend.A: 2. _B: It was great.A: What did you do there?B: 3._A: Did you eat good food there?B: 4. _ It was delicious.A: 5. _读一读,选择合适的句子,完成对话AHow much is it?BIll take it.CHow old is your son?DCan I help you?EDo you like thi

8、s one?Shop assistant: 15 . Mrs Black: I want a new T-shirt for my son.Shop assistant: 16 . Mrs Black: Hes ten years old.Shop assistant:17 . It s nicc and its on sale(打折).Mrs Black: 18 . Shop assistant: Its 40 yuan now.Mrs Black:19 . 选择正确的答案,补全对话。A.Talk quietly.B.Can we use your computer?C.What is yo

9、ur mother doing?D.Keep to the right.E.Keep your desk clean.Sarah:Hi.Dad.This is Sarah.What are you doing?Dad: I m walking on a bridge.Sarah: 20 . Dad :Thanks.What are you doing?Sarah: Im colouring at the desk with Sam.Dad:21 . Sarah.:OK, we will.22 . Dad:Sure.Take turns.23 . Sarah: Shes sleeping.She

10、 worked last night.Dad:Shh! 24 . Sarah: OK.补全对话。A. Great.B. He wanted to be a scientist and fly to the moon.C. What was his dream when he was twelve?Mary: What did he want to be when he was a child?Li Ming: 25 . Mary: 26 . Li Ming: He liked swimming and speaking.Mary: 27 . 28 . 补全对话。AThanks.BThey ar

11、e my birthday gifts.CNo, it isnt.DRed is my fayourite colour.EYes, they are.A: Look at my shoes. 1._B: They are nice.A: 2._B: Are they new?A: 3._ They are my favourite shoes.B: Is your red skirt new?A: 4._B: But I like your red skirt.A: Thanks. 5._选择正确的句子补全对话。A. How did you go there?B. What are thes

12、e?C. Did you have fun?D. Where did you go?E. What did you do?John:29 . Tim: They are some pictures from my trip.John:30 . Tim: I went to Sanya.John:31 . Tim: I went there by plane.John:32 . Tim: I swam in the water and played on the beach.John:33 . Tim: Yes, I did. I had a great time there.第 1 页 共 1 页参考答案一、选内容补全对话1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、



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