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1、人教版2020年中考一模英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He went into the room quietly _ make himself _ by anyone.Ain order to not; noticedBin order not to; noticingCin order to not; noticingDin order not to; noticed2 . The 22nd winter Olympics _ in Sochi, Russia in February 2014.AholdsBis heldCwas heldDhave been h

2、eld3 . Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the Sunshine Hospital.Sorry, Im a , so I know little information about there.AstrangerBrelativeCpatientDteacher4 . You can surf the Internet_ you want to know about the 2020 World Middle School Games.AuntilBafterCif5 . In a text message, 88 means Bye-b

3、ye.And another example is F2F _ stands for face to face.AwhomBitCwhoDthat6 . Has Jane done the washing yet? You cannother to do such a thing.AwantBhopeCexpectDwish7 . Beijing is _ old and beautiful city. It is _capital of China.Aan; aBthe; aCthe; theDan; the8 . Plenty of foreign firms have _ factori

4、es here.Aset upBsets upCset offDsets off9 . From his voice, I have to say that he is .Asurprising; surprisedBsurprised; surprisingCsurprising; surprisingDsurprised; surprised10 . She is a(n)young woman with patience and imagination .AlivedBliveCaliveDlively二、完型填空完形填空As an NBA star, Dwight Howard is

5、busy. But he still_time to help others._July, 2009, Howard went to South Africa with some other players for a special trip. Howard and the other NBA_were very busy. But when they were_, they went to meet some poor children there and stayed with them the whole_They taught children how to play basketb

6、all in the morning_played with them in the afternoon.On the fourth day of the_, the players visited a small place near the city of Johannesburg (约翰内斯堡). The children were_when they saw the famous players. The players_the children about their basketball experiences. Howard also_the children to be goo

7、d players.The children in Africa liked Howard a lot and thought he was a real superman (超人).11 . AseesBlooksCfindsDwatches12 . AOnBInCAtDOf13 . AteachersBplayersCstudentsDballs14 . AtiredBfineCinterestedDfree15 . AdayBnightCeveningDmorning16 . AbutBorCandDwhen17 . AstudyBplaceCtripDcity18 . AtallBbo

8、redCsadDhappy19 . AspokeBtoldCtalkedDsaid20 . AencouragedBbelievedCcommunicatedDrealized三、阅读单选Most young boys like spending time on things like video games, superhero movies and sports, but Ken, a 9-year-old boy from the Philippines, is spending his free time trying to start an animal shelter(庇护所) f

9、or at-risk dogs.In February, photos of Ken feeding dogs on the street circled the Internet and immediately attracted many people who wanted to help. I feel sorry for the dogs with no owners while other dogs around the world are being pampered(宠养), Ken tells Pet360 in an email. It really wasnt fair.

10、And they are really thin.When Ken began feeding the dogs which had health problems, they would not let the boy come close. But after several feedings, the dogs warmed up to Ken and allowed the boy to help them. When animal lovers found out what Ken was doing, donations started to roll in, and Ken an

11、d his father were able to start a non-profit(非盈利的) animal shelter called Happy Animals Club. The donations helped three dogs, Blackie, Brownie and White Puppy, receive high-quality canned food and treatment. After two months with Ken at Happy Animals Club, the dogs look like completely different ani

12、mals and will be adopted(领养) soon.In May, Ken and his father hiring a 10,000-square-foot lot(车场), where Ken hopes to build a no-kill animal shelter to help more dogs in need. I want the dogs to have a home, where they can have shelter, eat and have fun, says Ken.Ken wants to save dogs from the city

13、pound (宠物收留所) where most animals are put down. Right now, Ken doesnt have enough money to start the shelter. If you also want to save homeless dogs, you can visit the Happy Animals Clubs website and offer some help.21 . What makes Ken different from other boys of his age?AThat he lives at a shelter.

14、BThat he wants to save homeless dogs.CThat he loves animals very much.DThat he loves watching superhero movies.22 . When animal lovers knew what Ken was doing, they _.Awere surprisedBfelt very excitedCsupported himDbrought dogs to him23 . Blackie, Brownie and White Puppy are given as examples to show thatAmany dogs are waiting to be adoptedBdogs can become very friendly in the endChigh-quality canned food is very importantDthe donations can improve some dogs lives24 . Whats the writers purpose in writing the last paragraph?ATo encourage us t


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