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1、摘要研究生毕业论文中文摘要首页用纸毕业论文题目:渗透反应格栅技术处理铀矿山酸性废水室内试验研究环境工程 专业 2007 级硕士生姓名: 指导教师(姓名、职称): 摘要酸性低浓度含铀废水处理是我国铀矿山生产急需解决的难题,寻找经济高效的处理方法对铀矿山的环境保护和可持续发展具有重要的意义。渗透反应格栅 (permeable reaetive barriers,简称PRBs)是目前欧美发达国家普遍研究开始初步商业化应用的一项地下水污染修复技术。该项技术具有原位处理、处理时效长、同时可处理多种污染物、运行维护费用低等优点。本论文以721铀矿性废水为研究对象,分别用零价铁粉、膨润土、石灰石和石英砂4种



4、标准。因此认为铀矿山堆浸酸性废水的污染控制PRBs技术合理可行。关键词:渗透反应格栅;酸性含铀废水;石灰石;零价铁;膨润土iiiAbstract东华理工学院研究生毕业论文英文摘要首页用纸Thesis:Laboratory study of permeable reaetive barrier technology treatment for uranium mine acidic wastewater Speciality: Environmental EngineeringPostgraduate: Mentor: AbstractAcidic wastewater containing l

5、ow level uranium mine production in China has an urgent need to solve the problem, to find cost-effective approach to uranium mining on environmental protection and sustainable development is of great significance.The“Permeable reaetive barriers” (PRBs) teehnology,a popular method of in situ remedia

6、tion of contaminated groundwater widely used reeently in Europe and Ameriea,is a passive treatment teehnology that removes dissolved contaminants from polluted water.The approaeh,compared to the earlier method,is charaetered with in situ remediation,good long-term performanee, many remediable contam

7、inantsands and low costs. In this paper, with acidic wastewater containing low-level uranium from 721 as the research subject, five PRBs reactorswere designed with themixture of zero valent iron(ZVI),active carbon, zeolite as reaction media. The feasibility and effectiveness of treating acidic waste

8、water containing low-level uranium from 721 by PRBs weretested.The research results are as follows:1) PRBs reactor acid heap leaching of uranium mine waste water technology is feasible. Hybrid materials with different ratio of reaction column can make wastewater pollution components (U、Fe3+) to meet

9、 emission standards, after wastewater treatment incolumn D effluent concentration of U longest national emission standards, oncentration of Fe3+ after wastewater treatment concentration up to the national emission standards in column E.2) PRBs as well as neutralize the acid, pH after treatment were

10、6 to 9, in line with national emission standards.3) Different ratio of reaction materials reflect different water-rock handling mechanism in the treatment of pollutants of the Stage. ZVI in a stable period of time can restore the water UO22+ to UO2; Limestone and bentonite can neutralize acid, bento

11、nit with a larger surface area adsorbs the success of the Fe3+.When pH value increased to 4.38, UO22+ will be hydrolyzed to UO2(OH)2, Fe3+ conversion Fe (OH) 3 precipitation, and thus achieve the effect of pollution components.4) ZVI as the main reaction medium, limestone and bentonite for the auxil

12、iary reaction medium PRBs in the mixed materials of different proportion, Reaction conditions Eh260mV,5.2pH8.5,325h removal rate within the Fe3+ is 100%, the best treatment effect for the trial with 75h150h is the removal rate of between U is 99.4%. 5)D column reactor for the best PRBs,Reaction medi

13、um ratio of 1:2:4 of bentonite, limestone, ZVI treatment of mixed media within 74h of acid waste water, processing water 4795mL, every cubic centimeter of treated water 6.96mL, treated waste water pH, Fe3+, U concentrations in the national emission standards. So the acid leaching of uranium mine was

14、te water pollution control PRBs technology feasible.Keywords:PRBs;Acidic waste water containing uranium;Limestone;ZVI;Bentonite目录目 录摘要iAbstractii目 录iv插图和附表清单vii1 绪论11.1 研究目的及意义11.2 国内外研究现状及存在问题21.2. 国内外研究现状21.2.2存在问题41.3 研究内容、研究方法及研究技术路线41.3.1研究内容41.3.2研究方法51.3.3研究技术路线51.4论文特色与创新62 PRBs技术概论72.1PRBs技

15、术基本概念及结构类型72.1.1 PRBs技术基本概念72.1.2 PRBs的结构类型82.2 PRBs技术反应材料及反应原理82.2.1 PRBs技术反应材料82.2.2 PRBs技术反应机理92.3 前景展望103试验研究123.1 721矿概况123.1.1 721矿简介123.1.2 矿自然环境123.1.3 721矿生产工艺和废处理措物施143.2 试验材料及方法153.2.1 样品来源与处理153.2.2 主要材料及反应机理163.3 主要药品与试剂183.4 主要仪器设备193.5试验装置和试验条件193.5.1试验装置193.5.2试验条件203.6分析项目及方法223.6.1溶液中铁含量的测定223.6.2溶液中铀浓度的测定233.7 试验设计与方法243.8 结果与分析243.8.1 反应介质投加量对试验的影响243.8.2 反应A柱试验结果303.8.3 反应B柱试验结果323.8.4 反应C柱试验结果353.8.5 反应D柱试验结果393.8.6 反应E柱试验结果423.9小结454 PRBs技术试


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