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1、人教版九年级第二次限时检测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . How long have you lived here?Since I _.AmarriedBgot marriedCmarried to my wifeDmarried with my wife2 . He has failed several times, but he wont _.Atake upBwake upCgive upDmake up3 . Suzhou is so beautiful. Its like a big garden.Yes. Many trees and flowers _in

2、our city every year.Aare plantingBare plantedCwere planted4 . People under 18 should _ to go to an Internet bar.Anot be allowedBbe allowCallowDbe not allowed5 . Its Toms dream to study in_university in Xiamen because he just wants to stay here.AaBanC/6 . you dont like the shoes, Ill show you another

3、 pair.AButBIfCSoDThough7 . -Geography is too difficult for me. I cant learn it well.-Dont give up. Nothing is difficult ifyou work hard.AseldomBalwaysCneverDsometimes8 . Maggie wanted an evening job that would allow her to _ her son during the day.Alook atBlook aroundClook afterDlook out9 . Do you k

4、now the movie Green Book(绿皮书)?.Yes, I_ it twice. The great friendship in the movie touched me a lot.Aam watchingBhave watchedCwill watchDwatched10 . Our team won the first prize in the basketball match.exciting news!AWhat anBHowCWhat二、完型填空On a visit to England, Wendy saw a car accident and the polic

5、e officer asked her some questions.The police officer asked her_she had seen the accident happen. She said “yes”. She was_to go across Green Street at that time. And the_asked her where she was standing. Wendy told him that she was_the south side of Green Street, near the corner. She wanted to_to th

6、e north side of Green Street. The police officer asked her what she_Wendy said that a white car with an “L” sign on it came along Green Street to City Road. It did not_at the traffic light. That surprised her very much. The driver was a man with a woman sitting beside_He drove straight out into City

7、 Road without_left and hit a yellow car which was going to the north. Then both_crossed the road and went into the street about 20 meters away. They finished up on the east side of City Road.The policeman said thanks to Wendy and asked her name and address.11 . AwhatBhowCthatDif12 . AwaitedBwaitingC

8、wantedDwant13 . AdriverBwomanCmanDpoliceman14 . AonBatCinDunder15 . AacrossBpassCcrossDpast16 . AsawBseeChas seenDhad seen17 . AstartBdriveCstopDbegin18 . AhimBherCheDshe19 . AturnBturnedCturnsDturning20 . ApeopleBpersonsCcarsDmen三、阅读单选Working people in Hong Kong are always busy in the daytime. They

9、 dont have enough time to enjoy themselves. If you are one of these people, come and join us! Well go on a night-time cruise(乘船游览) around the Victoria Harbour. You can enjoy fantastic city lights during the trip, and you can also enjoy a wonderful dinner on the boat if you like.Harbour Night CruiseT

10、ime: Monday-Friday: 6:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: 7:30 p.m.-12:00 p.m.Price : 12 & Over 12 years Under 12 years(With dinner) HK$300 HK$200(Without dinner) HK$220 HK$140Ticket office: Harbour Travel Service (No. 30 Lam Ming Street)Place to start: Star Company (No. 98 Cyberport Road) 21 . Wh

11、at transport(交通工具) will people use during the trip?AThe bus.BThe train.CThe boat.DThe plane.22 . The night-time cruise lasts for hours on Sunday.AthreeBthree and a halfCfourDfour and a half23 . What can people enjoy during the trip?ABeijing Opera.BCity lights.COld buildings.DHigh bridges.24 . If you

12、 are interested in the trip, where will you go to buy the ticket? AStar Company.BNo. 30 Cyberport Road.CHarbour Travel Service.DNo. 98 Lam Ming Street.25 . Mr. and Mrs. Green with their 9-year-old son want to take the trip.How much should they pay if they dont have dinner? AHK$220.BHK$440.CHK$500.DH

13、K$580.Volunteers NeededThe City of Miami needs your help on Clean-Up Day!If you like to work outdoors, you could help clean up our city parks or streets. These places have too much rubbish.If you like to work with children, you could babysit and play games with children while their parents help clea

14、n up the park or street.If you like to read stories, you could read to them, too.If you are artistic (有艺术才华的), you could volunteer to paint the libraries or the post offices.If you like to talk on the telephone, please call up ten people and ask them to come with you on Clean-Up Day!26 . People who like to work with children could _.Acoach them in footballBplay games with themCleach them EnglishDsing songs for them


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